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The Global South of the Anglican Communion

Secretariat: 37, St Paul Road, Vacoas, Mauritius . Email:

Telephone: +(230) 686-5158 . Facsimile: +(230) 697-1096

Statement in response to the House of Bishops of

The Episcopal Church resolution regarding same sex marriage
We are deeply grieved again by the Episcopal Church USA (TEC) Resolution to change the definition of marriage in
their church canons in their current ongoing General Convention.
By this action, TEC has chosen by its own will and actions in clear knowledge to depart from the Anglican Communions
standard teaching on human sexuality according to Lambeth Resolution 1:10. This TEC Resolution is another example of
such unilateral decisions that are taken without giving the least consideration to the possible consequences on other
provinces and the Anglican Communion as a whole, the ecumenical partnerships, the mission of the church worldwide,
and the interfaith relations. This Resolution clearly contradicts the Holy Scriptures and Gods plan for creation as He
created humankind as man and woman to complement each other physically and emotionally.

Indeed the church must provide pastoral care for all, whether heterosexuals or homosexuals. However the church should
not alter the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, that was interpreted by the majority churches globally, to provide such
pastoral care. The aim of pastoral care is to restore people to the bosom of God where they encounter His love and design
to live a life according to His plan. We are against any criminalization of homosexuals, they are like all of us, need
Gods mercy, grace and salvation. The church is intended by its Lord to be the holy leaven to shape society by its
spiritual and moral values in line with Gods design. But sadly, by this action of TEC, the church gives way to the society
to alter and shape its values. In other words the church is losing its distinctiveness as salt and light in this world.
do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what
is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2)

This statement is approved by:

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Anis, Archbishop, Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa and
Chairman of Global South.

The Most Rev. Ian Ernest, Primate of the Indian Ocean and General Secretary of Global South.
The Most Rev. Bolly Lapok, Primate of South East Asia and treasure of the Global South.
The Most Rev. Stephen Than Myint Oo, Primate of Myanmar.
The Most Rev. Hector Tito Zavala, Primate of the Anglican Church of South America.
The Rt. Rev. John Chew, member of the GS Global South steering committee, former GS chairman.
The above mentioned GS Primates are the ones who sent their approval and amendments before
posting this statement. We will add the names of those who will send their approval after.

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