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The they
efComputer Games
The And
fects They Can Cause
An action-adventure game can be dened as
a game with a mix of elements from an action
game and an adventure game, especially cru-cial
elements like puzzles. Action-adventures require many of the same physical skills as ac-tion
games, but also offer a storyline, numerous characters, an inventory system, dialogue, and other
features of adventure games.
Violent video games leave teens morally immature Thisis a headline
of news article aboput computer game violence . Playing violent video
games for long periods of time can hold back the moral maturity of
teenagers, according to a study in Canada.
In-depth research into the behaviour of about 100 13- and 14-year-olds
found over-exposure to violent games weakened empathy for others.
More than half were found to play video games every single day, with
violent games the most common.
Researchers warned of adolescents losing a sense of right and wrong.
Brock University academics studied the behaviour of pupils at seven
schools in Ontario, trying to understand the relationship between the
type of video games played, the length of time spent playing and how it
might affect their attitudes.

Grand Theft Auto V is an open world, action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. Grand
Theft Auto are typicaly know to be violent in all their games, the game
is played from either a third-person or first-person view and its world is
navigated on foot or by vehicle. Players control the three lead protagonists throughout the single-player mode, switching between them both
during and outside of missions.
The story is centred on the heist sequences, and many of the missions
involve shooting and driving gameplay. Players who commit crimes may
incite a response from law enforcement agencies, measured by a wanted system that governs the aggression of their response. Although every aspect to this game sounds violent, players play this game for a sense
of entertainment and escapism, to get away from the real world and real
life problems for a few hours a day.
Although in the new article it says that vioelnt video games leave teens
morally imature that is not alway the case as in my magazine focus
group video I interviewed two students who play this game and asked
them if the games has effected them in anyway. They said they play the
game to have fun with their friends and to entertain themselves and
become the character the game swnats you to be, to live their lifestyle.
Iasked my two interviewees if they think the game couses violent effects
on people and they responded saying that the game isnt always the main
factor of the violence caused but the differnt types of people who play
it and how they where brought up and the lifestyle they live. They also
said that alot of people atke their anger out on playing the game and that
most people can tell from rihgt and worng and they only play the game
becuase its fun be able to do what youre not aloud to do in the real world
in the real world.

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