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Series editors: ben goldstein & ceri jones


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A2 ELEMENTARY Teacher's Book

147084 _ 0001-0005.indd



Unit 1
1 2a China b Chinese
3a France b French
4a Argentina b Argentinean
5a India b Indian
6a Brazil b Brazilian
7a Egypt b Egyptian
8a Japan b Japanese
2 2 Mexico 3 Poland 4 Thai

5 Argentina 6 American
7 Japan 8 Kenya
3 a

Functional language
1 2 G 3 G 4 H 5 H
2 a 2 How are you? 3 Take care.
4 Pleased to meet you.
5 Have a good weekend!
3 b 4 c 1 d 3

1 a 4, 1, 2, 5, 3
1 b Possible answers
2 train 3 bus 4 room 5 road
2 a 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b
b 2 two 3 bag 4 tired 5 London


b 2 c 4 d 1
2 Australian 3 Melbourne
4 for a holiday 5 doctor
6 Royal Bath Hotel 7 01276 385478
8 AA 8705

Unit 2

b Students own answers

4 2 happy 3 early 4 big 5 beautiful
6 tired 7 good 8 small 9 bored
5 2 happy 3 early 4 tired
5 late 6 bored
6 2 coast 3 continent 4 river
5 country 6 capital
7 2 island 3 coast 4 country
5 capital 6 continents
8 a 1 capital 2 beautiful 3 British
4 coast 5 river 6 iPod 7 happy
8 country
b Students own answers

1 a 1 m, m, re, arent
2 arent, are, re, s, s
2 2 Where are you from?
3 Are they French?
4 Wheres Sang Hwa from?
5 Is Maurice from Canada?
6 Is it an Italian car?
3 b 3 c 4 d 1 e 5 f 6
4 2 That 3 These 4 those
5 This 6 this
5 2 Mmm, this is really good coffee.
3 Its 2 a.m. Im really tired!
4 Tomas is late for class every day.
5 Its a very small bag.
6 Theyre really happy. Theyre in love.
6 1 my, our 2 my, her 3 his, your
4 their, our
7 2 is 3 Her 4 are 5 Theyre 6 our

1 Across
8 cousin
9 wife
10 mother
11 grandmother
13 grandson
16 son
17 uncle
1 granddaughter
2 grandfather
3 brother
5 daughter
6 aunt
7 children
12 niece
14 nephew
15 sister
2 Students own answers
3 a 2 work 3 study 4 like
5 want 6 live
b Students own answers
4 2 go to the cinema 3 listen to music
4 watch television 5 go for a walk
6 spend time with friends 7 go dancing
5 b My familys quite big. I have two brothers
and a sister.
c Yes, my brother Paul has two sons so I
have two nephews.
d Yes, I do! I have a lot of uncles and aunts
and they all have children.
e I spend time with my friends. We go to
the cinema or go dancing together.
6 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c


2 has 3 has 4 has 5 doesnt

have 6 has
7 has 8 have 9 has 10 doesnt have

Answer Key


Gabrielle one son:



Brothers Cousins,
and sisters aunts and

no children one sister:

no brothers
one son:
David, one or sisters

one aunt:
Mary, one
uncle: Paul

one aunt:
one uncle:
Phillip, two
Donna and

3 2 Do you have any cousins?

3 Do you have any children?
4 How many aunts and uncles do you
4 Gabrielle
1 I have two brothers, Nicholas and
2 No, I dont (have any cousins).
3 Yes, I do. I have a son, Eduardo.
4 I have an aunt, Mary, and an uncle, Paul.
1 I have one sister, Sandra.
2 No, I dont (have any cousins).
3 No, I don t (have any children).
4 I have one aunt, Jeanette.
1 I dont have any brothers or sisters.
2 Yes, I do. I have two cousins, Donna and
3 Yes, I do. I have a son, David and a
daughter, Louisa.
4 I have one uncle, Phillip.
5 2 Whats Tims address?
3 These are Sams brothers.
4 My best friends family is very big.
5 This is Toms parents car.
6 What are your cousins names?
7 Tinas dogs are called Sally and Bonnie.
8 How many of your friends live with their
9 Theyre my uncles friends.
10 This is Petes sister, Rachel.
6 2 live 3 leave 4 dont live 5 share
6 arent 7 have 8 doesnt have
9 are 10 love
7 2 Do you do a lot of sport?
3 Are you a student?
4 Do they go to the cinema at weekends?
5 Do you live with your parents?
8 b Yes, we do. 2 c Yes, they do. 4
d Yes, I do. 1 e No, Im not. 3
9 2 How many 3 Who
4 How old 5 Where
10 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 1
11 2 want 3 live 4 go 5 have
6 s 7 has 8 like


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12 a 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c
b 2 12
3 China, Brazil, Russia, France and Egypt
4 Ace Student
5 Rob / Top Teacher

Functional language
1 a 2 do you work for?
3 where do you work?
4 What do you study?
5 What university do you go to?
6 What year are you in?

1 a 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F
b 3 They talk about Krystynas family.
4 Krystyna lives in the UK.
5 Krystynas family live in Poland and Italy.
2 2 Felicja 3 Lech 4 Damian
5 Ilaria 6 Anelie
3 a family members, verbs, cities, occupations,
nationalities, peoples names
b 2 Krakw 3 aunt 4 designer
5 grandfathers 6 good

1 2 hospital 3 age 4 friends
5 married 6 job
2 a 2 Im / I am, I dont / I do not
b Possible answers
Theyre They are, Luizas Luiza is, Joos
Joo is, were we are, hes he is, shes
she is
3 2 I love New York. Its a great city.
3 My aunt doesnt have any children.
4 This is Almas. Shes from Turkey.
5 I dont have any brothers or sisters.
6 Im Paul and this is Marie. Were from
4 Students own answers

Unit 3

2 2 five to eleven/ten fifty-five

3 ten past five/five ten
4 twenty to five/four forty
5 twenty-five past three/three twenty-five
6 half past nine/nine thirty
3 a 2 f 3 e 4 b 5 c 6 h 7 a 8 g
b 3 have breakfast 4 8.15 5 8.40
6 go to work 7 11.30 8 have a coffee
9 1.30 10 have lunch 11 take a break
12 4.00 13 get home 14 6.45
15 go to bed 16 11.15
4 Students own answers
5 go: dancing, for a run, shopping
get: a bus, dressed, up early
have: breakfast, a coffee, a shower
6 2 goes 3 have 4 goes
5 have 6 have
7 a Free-time activities: do sports, listen to
music, play football, play video games,
watch TV
Daily tasks: cook dinner, wash the dishes
b Students own answers
8 2 happy 3 beautiful 4 small
5 sunny 6 great
9 2 get up 3 go for a run 4 sunny
5 have dinner 6 favourite
7 cook dinner 8 great

1 a 2 never go 3 sometimes go
4 hardly ever go 5 always watch
6 dont go, very often
b Students own answers
2 2 T
3 T
4 F They sometimes watch a DVD.
5 F They usually get up early.
6 F They never go to the gym.
3 Students own answers
4 3 gets 4 has 5 doesnt go
6 doesnt listen 7 watches 8 does
9 cleans 10 doesnt start
5 a b I hate getting up early at the weekend.
c I really like cooking for my friends.
d I quite like pasta but I prefer pizza.
e I like going for walks in the countryside.
f I really love playing football.
g I dont like going shopping.
b 1 f 2 c 3 e 4 d 5 g 6 b 7 a
6 Students own answers
7 a A What does she do?
B What does she do in her free time?
C How often do you see her?
b 2 works 3 does 4 goes 5 plays
6 doesnt go 7 listening 8 gets
9 watches 10 playing

Functional language

1 a a 4 b 5 c 2 d 3 e 1
b 30 March, 16 August, 1 September,
9 November
2 a 2 Congratulations! 3 Well done!
4 Merry Christmas!


1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 1
2 a 2 H 3 H 4 B
b 2 love 3 quite like 4 dont really like
3 b He prefers the countryside to the city.
c The girl / She goes to the gym in her free
d They are in the mountains.
e They usually spend time in the city on a
day off.

1 a 3 b 2 c 1
2 Students own answers
3 a Students own answers
b 2 M, C 3 M 4 T 5 C, T

Progress test 1
Grammar & Vocabulary
1 1 are 2 my 3 His 4 isnt 5 from
6 usually 7 like 8 to 9 That 10 He
11 have 12 their
2 a 1 Is Lupitas mother from Mexico?
2 What language do they speak at home?
3 What does Lupitas mother do?
4 How old is Gustavo?
b 1 No, she isnt. (Shes from Canada. / Shes
2 They (usually) speak English at home.
3 Lupitas mother is a photographer.
4 Gustavo is 19.
3 1 nephew 2 sport 3 really
4 a 1 d 2 a 3 f 4 e 5 b
b 1 share a flat 2 study Medicine
3 have a shower 4 go swimming
5 finish work

1 Three
2 b, e, g, h
3 1 F Piotr studies English at a language
2 T
3 F Piotrs girlfriend is Argentinean.
4 F Piotrs girlfriend studies in the UK
every year.
5 F Piotr goes to the gym once a week.
6 T
7 T
8 F Piotr wants to be a designer.









Lirias interests, Megans job, Piotrs

interests, Lirias boyfriend
2 1 job 2 teacher 3 really
4 interesting 5 likes 6 different
7 Piotr 8 doesnt want



1 1 P 2 J 3 P 4 P 5 J
2 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 J 5 P
3 Students own answers

Unit 4

2 kitchen 3 garage 4 dining room

5 garden 6 study 7 balcony
8 bathroom 9 hall 10 living room


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2 2 sofa, television, bookshelves living
3 shower, toilet, sink bathroom
4 wardrobe, bed, mirror bedroom
5 table, chair, cupboard dining room
3 2 bed 3 bookshelves 4 wardrobe
5 kitchen 6 cooker 7 chair 8 balcony
4 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 h 6 g 7 c 8 f
5 Shopping: local shop, shopping centre
Free time: swimming pool, art gallery
Travel: bus stop, car park
Local services: police station, post office
6 1 sports centre, park 2 train station
3 cinema 4 supermarket
5 caf, news-stand
7 2 cooker 3 fridge 4 train station
5 news-stand 6 bathroom 7 shower
8 toilet 9 cinema 10 sports centre









2 There is 3 There are 4 There are

5 There is 6 There is 7 There is
8 There are
2 T
3 T
4 F There arent any trees in the garden.
5 F There isnt a television in the kitchen.
6 T
7 F There isnt a dining room.
8 F There arent any chairs in the
living room.
2 Is there a man in the garden?
3 Is there a mirror in the hall?
4 Are there any sofas in the living room?
5 Is there a fridge in the kitchen?
6 Are there any people in the bedrooms?
2 No, there isnt. 3 Yes, there is.
4 Yes, there are. 5 Yes, there is.
6 No, there arent.
2 under 3 left 4 opposite
5 in 6 next to
1 near, on, opposite 2 at, on, behind
3 near, in front, between
4 on, in, near, next
2 some 3 opposite 4 are 5 any
6 isnt 7 is 8 end
(Picture A shows Rebekas street.)
Students own answers

Functional language
1 a c
b 2 straight 3 right 4 take
5 left 6 next to



1 i c ii a iii b
2 Students own answers
a 2 b 3 c 1
2 F There are four bathrooms in the
plane house.
3 T
4 F Simons house has a garden.
5 T
6 F The bedroom in Olles house is above
the water.
7 F The boat house is very quiet.
8 F Carlas favourite place is the
boat house.



1 2 B 3 D 4 P 5 B
2 b Use capital letters for: the beginning of a
sentence, peoples names, languages, place
names, days of the week, nationalities.
3 Jindra, Prague, Prague, winter, Charles
Bridge, Prague Castle, Monday, Sunday,
Czech, English
4 Students own answers

1 a 2
b 1
2 a 2 3 4 5

1 a Students own answers
b b 4 c 1 d 2
3 2 d 3 b 4 d 5 a, b, d 6 a, c

Unit 6

Unit 5

Outdoors: chess, climbing, jogging,

skateboarding, swimming
At home: chess, crossword, Pilates, sudoku
At a sports centre: climbing, judo, Pilates,
2 2 go 3 play 4 goes
5 play 6 play 7 do 8 do
3 Students own answers
4 a 2 drive 3 read 4 play
5 ride 6 sing
5 Students own answers
6 2 mouth h 3 nose b 4 hair e
5 arm c 6 eyes f 7 head j
8 ear g 9 lips a 10 hand i
7 2 mouth, lips 3 eyes 4 mouth, nose
5 arms, legs, feet 6 ears
8 2 hands 3 feet 4 play 5 stretch
6 do 7 go 8 jogging




2 They can cook.

3 He can play the piano.
4 They cant speak Chinese.
5 He cant drive a car. 6 They can dance.
2 Can you cook? 3 Can you drive a car?
4 Can you ski? 5 Can you play the piano?
6 Can you speak Chinese?
2 Can I pay in euros? 3 Can I swim here?
4 Can I eat this sandwich? 5 Can I use my
mobile phone? 6 Can I watch this DVD?
4 b cant 6 c can 4 d can 5
e cant 1 f cant 3
5 2 Open your eyes. 3 Touch your toes.
4 Dont eat that!
6 2 happily 3 sadly 4 well 5 quietly
6 badly 7 loudly 8 quickly
7 a a 3 b 4 c 2 d 1
b 2 slowly 3 badly 4 loudly
5 quietly 6 well
8 2 e 3 g 4 b 5 a 6 f 7 d 8 c
9 2 F You cant eat food in the classroom.
3 F You can come in quietly if you
are late.
4 F You cant use the computers before
1 p.m.
5 T
6 F You cant talk loudly in the classroom.

Functional language

2 d 3 f 4 e 5 c 6 a
2 Can you tell Tina? 3 Is Tina there?
4 Can I take a message?
5 Can you tell her its about the cinema
6 can you ask her to call me?

1 2 cinema 3 music store 4 caf
5 sports shop 6 sports centre
7 bookshop 8 supermarket
9 restaurant 10 computer store
2 a 1 market 2 convenience 3 department
b Students own answers
3 a 2 jeans 3 boots 4 skirt
b 2 trousers 3 trainers 4 dress
4 Suggested answers
5 Shes wearing a T-shirt, jeans and
6 Hes wearing a shirt, a jacket, trousers
and shoes.
5 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 a 6 c
6 Students own answers
7 a Clothes: outfit, spotty, denim, sandals,
Face: freckles
Hair: curly, ponytail
8 2 green 3 tattoos 4 denim 5 T-shirt
6 stall 7 centre 8 music






Picture 1
2 is talking 3 are waiting
4 s going 5 s wearing
Picture 2
1 arent drinking 2 is helping
3 are waiting 4 s coming
5 isnt wearing
b Im just buying some clothes.
c Were looking at clothes.
d Were waiting near the door.
e Im leaving the changing rooms.
2 Are, buying 3 m not 4 are, doing
5 are, coming 6 am
2 Mei (usually) drives to work.
3 Mei (usually) wears a uniform.
4 Mei (usually) has lunch in the canteen.
5 Meis working in the kitchen department.
6 Meis getting the bus to work.
7 Meis wearing sunglasses.
8 Meis having lunch with friends.
2 s 3 get up 4 have 5 visit 6 go
7 re sitting 8 re writing 9 re having
10 re

Functional language


2 Im looking for a pair of boots.

3 Where are the changing rooms please?
4 Excuse me, how much are these?
5 Do you have this in a bigger size?
6 Can I pay by card?
7 Can I try this on?
8 Do you have these in other colours?
b 8 c 5 d 7 e 3 f 1 g 2 h 6


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Functional language

1 Conversation 2 a, iv Conversation 3 - b, i
Conversation 4 d, iii
2 a 2 doesnt want 3 sorry
4 doesnt understand
3 2 949 3 work 4 jacket 5 late
6 children 7 classes 8 lunch

1 1 P 2 P 3 N
2 a 2 because 3 but
b Possible answers
Text 1
It means everyone at work is equal because
we all wear... , I also like it because I dont
need to choose...
Text 2
I love going to a match and seeing... , Its
good because you can see... , Its easy to talk
to people and make... , The team have a new
shirt every year but I cant...
Text 3
Theyre uncomfortable and theyre... , I
dont really follow fashion but I like...
3 2 I want to go to London because there are
more shops there.
3 At weekends I go to the city centre and I
go shopping with friends.
4 2 I always wear trainers because theyre
really comfortable.
3 Hes wearing jeans and (hes wearing) a
4 I like shopping online but I prefer going
to the shopping centre.
5 This is my favourite dress and these are
my favourite shoes.
6 I work in an office but I dont wear formal
clothes to work.
5 Students own answers

Progress test 2
Grammar & Vocabulary


1 Im looking 2 do you want 3 behind

4 Can I 5 Theres 6 these
7 Do you have 8 Try 9 Can I
10 cant 11 Is there
12 dont take 13 in front
Parts of the body: eyes, feet, mouth
Sports and pastimes: climbing,
horse-riding, jogging, Pilates
Clothes: jeans, skirt, trainers
Urban places: car park, museum,
supermarket, train station
3 1 shop at the market 2 take a message
3 the nearest 4 go for a run
5 on the left

1 2
2 1 N 2 Y 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 N
7 Y 8 Y 9 Y 10 Y

1 a Marco 2 Shop 1 David no call
Dad 3
b Marco c Shop a Dad b
2 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 c


2 Hi, this ticket machine is out of order. Is

there another one? e
3 Can I have a receipt, please? d
4 Excuse me, how long does it take to get to
the city centre? a
5 Hi, can you take me to the station,
please? b
2 a g 3 h 5 i 1 j 2

1 a


rooms and spaces, places to eat, sports and

2 1 Q 2 A 3 A 4 E 5 S 6 Q
7 Q 8 E 9 S
3 Students own answers

Unit 7

1 a California b Kerala c Iceland

2 Students own answers
3 b 1 a 2 b 3 b

1 1 b 2 c 3 a
2 1 c 2 b, c 3 a, b 4 a, b
3 a verb: explored
adjective: handmade, unusual, cosy
noun: souks, fares
b 1 cosy 2 unusual 3 souk
4 explored 5 fare

Unit 8
b Winter weather: freezing, cloudy, cool,
cold, snowy, wet, foggy, windy, icy, rainy
Summer weather: hot, warm, dry, humid,
2 2 snowy 3 rainy/wet 4 hot/sunny
5 icy 6 foggy 7 humid 8 cloudy
3 2 train 3 bike 4 boat
5 plane 6 ferry 7 car 8 taxi
9 motorbike 10 tram 11 subway
Extra word: scooter
4 2 ferry 3 bikes 4 car 5 tram
5 a 1 taxi 2 subway 3 car
4 plane 5 train
6 2 taxi 3 ferries 4 tram 5 cloudy
6 sunny 7 rainy 8 windy

1 2 was 3 werent 4 wasnt 5 were
6 was 7 were 8 was
2 2 Were 3 was 4 Was 5 was
6 wasnt 7 was 8 Were 9 werent
10 was 11 Was
12 was
3 2 had 3 went, needed
4 wanted, rained
5 walked 6 did 7 worked 8 started
4 Regular: need, want, rain, walk, work, start
Irregular: have, go, do
5 2 stayed 3 watched 4 didnt go
5 was 6 went 7 had 8 worked
9 went 10 didnt like 11 was
12 decided 13 did 14 played
6 Flora: a 3 b 1 c 2
Sara: a 2 b 3 c 1 d 4
7 a 2 Did, go 3 Did, work 4 Did, do
5 Did, watch
b 2 No, she didnt. 3 Yes, she did.
4 Yes, she did. 5 No, she didnt.
8 1 did, were 2 go 3 was 4 Did, were
9 2 S 3 S 4 H
10 was were, missd missed, doed did,
raind rained, didnt went didnt go,
haved had, werent wasnt

1 2 television 3 podcasts 4 newspaper

5 local news 6 internet 7 business
8 sport
2 2 sport 3 business 4 radio
5 local news 6 internet
7 podcasts 8 television
3 a 2 presenter 3 photographer
4 reporter 5 journalist
6 cameraman/camerawoman
4 2 journalist 3 presenter 4 reporter
5 music: concert, festival, tickets
football: goal, league, score, victory
illness: doctors, hospitals, pandemic, virus
6 2 festival 3 bands 4 concert
5 Doctors 6 virus 7 pandemic
8 hospitals 9 score 10 goal
11 victory 12 league
7 a 2 b 3 c 1
8 get: the flu
go to: a concert, a music festival, a show
watch: a film, a match on TV, the news
win: a game of cards, the league
9 1 go to a show, watch a film 2 got the flu
3 went to a music festival
4 won the league
10 2 a football match 3 internet
4 presenter 5 news 6 a concert
7 podcasts 8 camerawoman
9 local 10 watch







2 left
4 spoke
6 met
7 gave
1 wrote
3 thought
4 sat
5 read
6 made


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2 b sent c spoke d met, were
e was, sat f said g left, went
h made, read
2 g 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 b 7 e 8 f
3 at: the age of 35, 18 years old
in: 2001, April 1979
on: 14 September, my birthday
during: her life
4 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 b
5 2 to live abroad 3 to get a job
4 to watch a film 5 to study French
6 Students own answers
7 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
8 a 2 First 3 Then 4 Later 5 finally
9 a A Finally B At first C In the end
b 2 met 3 had 4 to start
5 to help 6 said 7 to sell 8 gave

Functional language
1 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c
2 a g 1 h 3 i 4 j 2
3 Possible answers
1 Really? Thats great news!
2 Oh, what a shame!
3 Oh no! Im really sorry to hear that.
4 Did he? Thats good!
5 Thats great news! Congratulations!

1 a a 4 b 1 c 3 d 2
b a football match: score
a weather report: cold
a news report: travelling
an interview: won
2 a a football match: match
a weather report: temperatures
a news report: trains
an interview: prize
3 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a



b 69 days c two weeks

d one billion people e 33 miners
f 31 degrees
2 The engineers spoke to the miners with
special video technology.
3 The engineers sent the miners food and
4 The miners families stayed in tents near
the mines.
5 The engineers rescued the first miner on
12 October 2010.
3 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 d 6 c
4 Students own answers

Unit 9
1 a eggs, oranges, fruit juice, bread, rice,
tomatoes, fish, yoghurt, olives, cheese,
carrots, beans
(In picture: tomatoes, eggs, olives, bread,
b milk, biscuits, pasta, coffee, bananas





3 frozen
4 burger
5 eat
8 waste
9 buy
1 make
2 convenience
3 fresh
6 throw away
7 fast
Students own answers
2 spicy 3 healthy 4 sweet
5 disgusting 6 creamy 7 filling
8 delicious
2 sweets 3 lettuce 4 pasta 5 milk
2 slices 3 cups 4 sugar 5 sweet
6 ready 7 bowl 8 buy
2 banana 3 juice 4 filling 5 piece
6 fresh 7 bread 8 healthy







Countable: banana, carrot, orange, potato

Uncountable: bread, fish, milk, rice, sugar,
2 some 3 an 4 some 5 a 6 some
2 a 3 some 4 some 5 a
6 some 7 some 8 a 9 a 10 some
2 an 3 some 4 some 5 a 6 a
7 some 8 some 9 an 10 some
Students own answers
2 a lot of olives 3 a few eggs
4 not much fruit 5 too many eggs
6 not much milk 7 a few olives
8 a lot of fruit
2 many 3 much 4 much 5 many
b too many 1 c a lot of 3
d some 4 e many 2
2 How many 3 not many 4 How much
5 some 6 a 7 a lot of 8 an

Functional language
1 2 Can we have a table for two, please?
3 Can I pay by card?
4 Can I have the antipasti, please?
5 Would you like to see the dessert menu?
6 Can I get you something to drink?
7 Can we have the bill, please?
8 Are you ready to order?
9 Id like the tomato salad, please.
10 Can I have the steak, please?
2 a 6, 1, 8, 9, 4, 10, 5, 7, 3

1 a Students own answers
b 1, 2, 4, 5, 8
2 a Students own answers
b a 2 b 1 c 6 d 5 e 4 f 2
3 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F

Progress test 3
Grammar & Vocabulary


1 left 2 missed 3 waited 4 sat

5 were 6 didnt speak 7 read 8 went
9 didnt arrive 10 was 11 werent
12 saw
1 did he miss The plane from Madrid to
London was late.
2 did he wait five hours
3 did he arrive 3 oclock in the morning
4 Were there No, there werent.
3 Possible answers
weather: cloudy, icy, hot
food: bread, cheese, fruit
transport: car, motorbike, plane
4 1 congratulations 2 convenience food
3 celebrity gossip 4 dessert
5 tourist information 6 national news



1 9 2 October 3 Sri Lanka 4 Colombo

5 4,000 litres 6 September 7 2009
8 USA 9 3,000 litres
1 The tea-makers started at 3 a.m.
2 They needed five hours.
3 They used 4,500 litres of water.
4 They used 160 kilograms of sugar.
5 They put the tea in an enormous red cup.
6 They made 32,000 normal cups of tea in
7 They gave the tea to local people in
8 Alison Ozanne decided that it was a new



1 speaker 5 2 speaker 2
3 4 speaker 1
5 6 speaker 4 7 speaker 3
1 tomato 2 juice 3 Egypt 4 yoghurt
5 cheese 6 children 7 noisy 8 5.30
9 airport 10 tea 11 weekend

1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 1
2 1 c 2 d 3 d 4 b 5 a 6 d
3 Students own answers

Unit 10




2 MP3 player 3 satnav 4 digital camera

5 computer game 6 laptop
Akiko: digital camera Jenny: MP3 player
Karim: computer game Will: laptop
Hanna: flatscreen TV
2 difficult easy 3 cheap expensive
4 fast slow 5 big small
6 heavy light

1 2
2 a 2 b 1 c 3 d 4
3 2 FoodCycle makes healthy meals with the
3 The charity helps young children, the
homeless and the elderly.
4 FoodCycle gives its volunteers new skills.


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5 2 phone 3 call back 4 answer
5 text 6 ring
6 Students own answers
7 a 2 turn on 3 unplug 4 switch off
8 2 switch on 3 upload
4 plug in 5 turn off
9 b
10 2 satnav 3 screen 4 keyboard 5 text
6 Wi-Fi 7 download 8 laptop
9 MP3 player 10 easy









8 worse
9 healthier
11 safer
12 bigger
13 more comfortable
1 lighter
2 more expensive
4 faster
5 happier
6 more difficult
7 better
10 cheaper
easyer easier, biger bigger,
expensiver more expensive,
gooder better,
more fashionabler more fashionable
2 more difficult 3 happier
4 more comfortable 5 smaller 6 faster
7 more relaxing 8 better
2 isnt going to 3 arent going to
4 is going to 5 are going to
2 Are you going to see Claire this weekend?
3 Im not going to buy a new laptop.
4 Vicki isnt going to come to the cinema.
5 Are you going to phone Paolo later?
6 Were going to work in France this
2 m going to learn
3 m not going to make
4 s going to come 5 Are, going to cook
6 Are, going to go 7 arent going to buy
8 re going to travel
2 me 3 her 4 you 5 it 6 me
7 them 8 me 9 us
2 cheaper 3 m going to make
4 m going to upload 5 s going to be
6 happier 7 us 8 re going to meet
9 isnt going to take 10 me

Functional language
1 a 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c
2 2 select video 3 press the red button
4 key in a name 5 send a text message

1 a a 3 b 2
b a 2 b 3
2 a 1 b 2 c
b 1 satnav
3 2

c 1
c 1
3 a
2 satnav 3 cinema

4 a A: Hello?
B: Hi, its me. We just finished, so I wanted
to call you quickly.
A: How was it, then?
B: Uh, dont ask me about it! I dont want to
talk about it!
A: Oh no, was it that bad? After all that
studying that you did!
B: I know, but I studied all the wrong things!
There were a lot of questions I didnt
know the answer to and there was a
question from that ONE class I didnt go
A: That was bad luck it sounds awful! Did
you answer any of the questions?
B: I answered some of them, but not
enough. It was a disaster!
A: Im sure you did better than you think!
b 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F

1 1 mother and son
2 a digital camera, its his birthday
3 Jamie likes dangerous sports
2 a Is this important?, Does a more expensive
camera take better pictures?, Are there any
special, strong cameras?
b Yes
3 b 3 travel, bigger c 1 d 2 better
4 Students own answers

4 a 2 Will, start 3 Will, wear

4 Will, meet 5 Will, earn
b 2 No, he wont. 3 No, he wont.
4 Yes, he will. 5 Yes, he will.
5 a 2 ll 3 will 4 might not 5 wont
6 Will 7 might 8 wont
6 2 c wont 3 f will 4 a might
5 b will 6 d might not
7 a Kris is applying for a job as a chef.
b 2 wont 3 might not 4 might 5 Will
6 wont 7 will 8 ll
8 2 the youngest 3 the most important
4 the most creative 5 the best

Functional language
1 a 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 d 6 b
2 h 2 i 3 j 6 k 1 l 5

1 1 cleaning 2 boring
3 some things 4 brother
2 Annas job: cleaning, part-time
Tims job: long hours, museum, satisfying
Neither: easy, well paid
3 a 2 part-time 3 boring 4 museum
5 satisfying 6 long hours




1 a journalist, builder, hairdresser, lawyer,

sports instructor, chef, computer specialist,
company director, waiter, accountant,
factory worker, architect
b job satisfaction
2 b sports instructor c waiter d chef
e company director f factory worker
g computer specialist h architect
3 a 2 stressful 3 well paid 4 active
5 badly paid 6 dangerous 7 creative
8 boring
b Positive: satisfying, well paid, active,
Negative: stressful, badly paid, dangerous,
4 Adjectives: part-time, permanent,
temporary, unemployed
Verbs: retire, run (a business), work (for
Nouns: education, position, qualifications,
salary, skills, training
5 2 temporary 3 part-time 4 salary
5 skills 6 education 7 qualifications
8 training
6 2 satisfying 3 run 4 unemployed
5 temporary 6 stressful 7 well
8 instructor 9 active 10 part-time

1 2 be 3 do 4 make 5 run 6 have

2 2 be my own boss
3 make a fortune
4 do a parachute jump
5 go on a round-the-world trip
6 have a big family
3 2 a good time 3 a message 4 a rest
5 children 6 a phone call
7 any housework 8 some shopping
9 notes 10 a great job
4 lunch 2 some cooking 4
a holiday 5 a list 3 a taxi 1
5 a 2 having 3 made 4 doing 5 have
6 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 c 6 b
7 2 top-quality hotels
3 cosmopolitan culture
4 state-of-the-art airport
5 fresh air
6 relaxed atmosphere
8 2 cultural life 3 architecture
4 tourist attractions 5 cost of living
6 transport system 7 green hills
8 location
9 2 a good time 3 tourist attractions
4 have 5 cosmopolitan 6 atmosphere
7 take 8 location


1 a 2 flown 3 visited 4 been 5 read

6 seen 7 won 8 worked
b b 7 c 1 d 5 e 4 f 3 g 6 h 2
2 b I havent 1 c I have 8 d I have 7
e I havent 5
3 2 Did you go 3 went 4 Have you met
5 have never been



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1 2 F 3 F 4 F
2 a 2 them 3 24 hours a day
b 4 b 6 a 8 a

Unit 12

2 the most responsible 3 the best paid

4 the most difficult 5 the most important
6 the friendliest 7 the most creative
8 the happiest
Students own answers
2 wont 3 will 4 will 5 ll 6 ll

Unit 11






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Workbook Answer key

4 2 visited 3 ve, been 4 lived
5 Did, go
6 Have, done 7 had 8 Did, like
5 2 are looking 3 cant 4 visited 5 was
6 wont be 7 are going to see 8 ll be
6 2 b 3 g 4 f 5 a 6 d 7 h 8 e
7 a 1 L 2 A 3 A

Functional language
1 2 Where do you recommend?
3 Everyone says the food is amazing.
4 Have you ever eaten there?
5 Youll love it!
6 Can you recommend a good place to eat?
2 a 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 e

1 1 a 2 b 3 c
2 b 1 Scotland
2 194 days and 17 hours
3 his blog and his video diary
4 illness and bad weather
5 climbed two mountains

1 positive
2 a 2
b Last month I read Yes Man by Danny
Wallace. Danny is the main character of
this book. At the start of the book his life is
quite boring. He hardly ever sees his friends
because he prefers to stay at home. One day
a strange man tells Danny to say yes more.
So for one year, Danny says yes to every
question and invitation he has some very
interesting experiences! This book is funny
and interesting. It changed the way I think
about my life. Im going to buy it for all my
friends and Im going to say yes more! I
think youll love this book!
3 a Students own answers
b Students own answers

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question
(favourite (how many (favourite 4
gadget?) countries?) place?)


Maggie iPod






York, run

1 Theyre from Chicago.

2 Theyve been married for 10 years.
3 No, Jim is unemployed.
4 Maggie is an accountant.
5 Maggie has visited Mexico, Brazil, France,
Egypt and Thailand.
6 It is the most beautiful city she has
7 Maggie is going to run a marathon.
8 No, Jim and Maggie dont win.


He cant remember the new words he

learned last year and he speaks really
2 Has you ever Have you ever, I can
to remember them I can remember
them, doing mistakes making
mistakes, The more important thing
The most important thing, you wont
speak you will speak, take lunch have
lunch, both of we both of us, a lot
gooder a lot better
3 Students own answers

Progress test 4
Grammar & Vocabulary



1 more expensive 2 might use

3 the lightest 4 going to 5 ve been
6 Let me
1 good pay 2 a phone call 3 a salary
4 a mistake 5 a list
1 slow 2 culture 3 opportunities
4 TV 5 atmosphere 6 banker
7 webcam 8 contract


1 d 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 c
1 careers 2 16 3 shop assistant
4 doesnt 5 boring 6 didnt like
7 weather 8 working 9 a lot of
10 interesting 11 wont 12 like 13 sure


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