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LESSON PLAN (3 days)

Topic, class, and level _ _Chinese New Year, Level 2 &Level 3

Enduring Understanding: Traditions are influenced by culture, economy, and society.
Essential Question(s):
What do Chinese people do during Chinese New Year?
Standards: 5Cs-- 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1
Knowledge: Students will know
New vocabulary:

Sentence structure: -----------------

Skills: Students will be able to
Understand what people say in a short conversation about Chinese New Year.
Ask and answer questions about activities Chinese people do during Chinese New
Make a red envelope and decorate it by writing new vocabulary from this lesson.
Research information about Chinese New Year from the Internet and select the
information they need.
Red envelope making
Individual presentation
Discussion participation

Class presentation
Materials and/or on-line resources to be used
Video handouts, PPT

Day 1
1. Tap their prior knowledge about Chinese New Year. (3 mins)
What do you know about Chinese New Year? Have students, who are native
Chinese speakers to share their experience about Chinese New Year.
2. Show the questions and have students to read over. (2mins)
3. Play the video about Chinese New Year, ask students to think about
questions on the handout and take notes while watching the video.

4. Discuss in your assigned group what did you learn from the video, and
try to answer the questions. (3mins)
5. Share your answer in class(2mins)
6. Teach new vocabulary (22 mins)
1) Introduce vocabulary with vivid pictures to students. (note taking)
2) Tap their prior knowledge about these words.
3) Tech new vocabulary (TPR)
4) Repetition (I read, you read go table by table)
5) Word Structure: to list together the words with the same radical in
order to help students distinguish similar words.
For example: meal(dumplings) have the same radical food
6) Repetition (Have some students to lead the class to read the new
Wrap-up/ Exit ticket (3 mins)

Write down the vocabulary you remember from todays lesson. Native
speakers- need to write three things that surprised you from the video by using
complete sentences.
Make a red envelope and decorate it by writing the vocabulary words you
learned today.

Day 2
1. Review ( 10 mins)
2. Use Direct Method to practice each word in an appropriate sentence
(context). (12mins)
For example: Teacher: what will we do on Chinese New
Year? What do you want to do during Chinese New Year?
Student: . We will eat dumplings. /
light firecrackers. I want to eat dumplings. / light

3. Interview and Share (10mins)-differentiation

Interview 3- 5 of your classmates to find out what they would be doing or like to
do during Chinese New Year. Use new sentence pattern in your interview. (Write

Chinese characters)
Share the answer you have.
4. Vocabulary Contest (5mins) learn from each other!
5. Vocabulary game of guessing words (8mins) 20 seconds for each team,
whichever get more words right, they win the game.

Each group can appoint two students to represent the team to compete with another team.
When I give them a word, one student can use gestures or say characteristics about

the word to imply the actual word, another student has to guess the word. If they get
the word right, they win one point for their team.
Exit ticket: (3mins)
Self-reflection: What did you learn from this lesson? Response to it verbally.
Individual presentation: A short individual presentation / poster on Chinese New
Year. (PowerPoint slides)
1. Give a little bit background about CNY.
2. Use the new vocabulary and /or sentence pattern in your presentation. Native
Chinese speakers are required to make a longer presentation.
3. Introduce at least 3 traditions or activities Chinese people have during CNY.
4. Minimum length is 2mins, no longer than 5 mins.

Day 3 (Presentation Day)

1. Review
2. Reinforce the rules of the presentation class
Be attentive. No side conversation. Do not disturb others. Hold your
question until question time. Be an active participant. Suggestions should be
3. Introduce the rubrics to students
4. Presentation
5. Give back their red envelope (with Chinese candy in it)
Modify your PowerPoint slides if necessary.
I group them because I want my students to help and learn from their peers, they are
heterogeneously grouped. I group them by keeping them where they sit.
Sponge activity (to soak up extra time)

Have students to discuss if there are any gestures or ways to help them to
remember these words.
Potential Pitfalls and Reflection:

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