The Religious Reformation

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The Renaissance -> general features

-as a Pan-European movement
-social and political circumstances in northern Italy (secularization of power)
-multiple aspects: social, political, cultural, religious
-the religious reformation
2. The new monarchy of the Tudors
-introduction: general considerations, Renaissance
- explain the concept: new monarchy comparative approach (Middle Ages
vs. the new monarchy)
- Henry III, Henry VIII
3. Local institutions in Tudor England
-general context + the new relevant classes: gentry & yeomanry
-the institutions
-considerations about the local administration and national administration
+ mentality
4. Henry VIII and the religious reform
-obsession with dynastic succession
-comparison between Henrys reform and Martin Luthers: the nature, the dogmatic
reflection, intentions
-transubstantiation vs. consubstantiation
5. Elizabeth I Queen of Renaissance biography
-personality, nature of the rule, archetype Renaissance Princess
6. Elizabeth I and the conflict with Spain
-causes behind the conflict: Spains colonial possessions, Marys execution
-development: the Great Armada 1588
-consequences: Englands rise

7. Elizabethan culture
-differences between the English Renaissance and the European Renaissance
-general consumption vs. elitist
-translations, poetry, prose, drama, Shakespeare, Lyly
8. Civil War, Cromwell success and failure
-causes: mutual lack of understanding, the inflexibility of the early Stuarts: the king
is the law
-development: common wealth and protectorate periods, bishops war
-zero outcome, the restoration
- Cromwells dilemma
9. The Enlightenment
-general features
-development of science
-Descartes method: Cartesian reduction
- Newton
-literature: Swift, Defoe
-political philosophy: Hobbes, Locke
10. The lost of Britains American colonies
-causes: the 7 years war, taxation dispute
-development: the Boston Tea Party, the War of Independence (with French help)
-consequences: USA, increase in commercial exchanges, collapse of the French
11. Revolutions in agriculture and industry
-temporal framework: mid 18th century
-agricultural revolution: enclosures, crop rotation, social consequences, cheap

-industrial revolution: developments in science

12. Political reforms in Victorian England
-the right to vote
-19th century transition without revolution
-the 3 reform acts

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