My Project Introduction

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You've never probably heard the name Benjaman Kyler, well, it's a mystery,
who is this person?, where he comes from?, what is your real name. Its
history dates back to 2004 when an employee of a Burger King in Richmond
Hill (Georgia), was found him unconscious behind a dumpster. The man had
many hits, and was completely naked, without documents, with various
burns from sun exposure and He could not see nothing due to cataracts that
he suffered. He had three depressions in his skull that have been caused by
blunt force trauma and he also had bites on his body. He was inmediatly
,taken to hospital due to his condition of anonymity, he adopted the name
Benjaman Kyle, using the initials of the fast food restaurant where he was
found. The doctors of the hospital asked to Benjaman about his medical
history, he could not answer, because Benjaman couldnt remember who he
was and how he have appeared in those conditions. Finally specialists
diagnosed post-traumatic amnesia, he does not exist for the database of
people in the United States.
The trouble was, authorities couldnt identify him either. He does not exist in
the records of US citizens, and Without a social security number, Benjaman
cant get hired and / or receive any state aid.
In 2010, a student of the film school at Florida State University, John
Wikstrom, discovered the story of Benjaman, John Wikstrom made a short
documentary, Finding Benjaman. Wikstrom tracked Kyle down in
Jacksonville, Florida where he was sleeping in a park with no hope for the
future. .
In 2011, his story reached senators and representatives in the US Congress and
Now He was issued a Florida Legacy ID. Kyle's story appeared in a report
on News4Jax, which caught the attention of a local business owner who
currently employs Kyle as a dishwasher and pays him out of pocket. As of
January 2015 he lives in Jacksonville Beach, Florida in a 5 by 8 foot airconditioned shack provided by a good Samaritan.
Benjaman life has completely changed because John Wikstrom and his
documentary, but he still need a social security number.
Many theories exist about the life of Benjaman, many people think
Kyle could have been a person who lived in the forest, away from
people, but unlikely, others say that he may have been captured by
aliens, but it's not possible, because according to her memories, he
told have been in different states of US manay year ago .And now,
nobody, including the FBI, know the true identity.

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