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It didnt start as you would believe!

With the sky turning coal black, balls of fire

destroying everything, streets cracking, buildings crumbling, demons and
monstrous beings killing left and right, a godly evil rising from the lowest circle of
Hell and dragging all the poor souls in it.
Ohh no, there was nothing like that, thats Hollywood.
I once heard this saying, I cant quite remember where but I think explains perfectly
the end times:
A dawn will come,
To overcome
Nights fear of coming light.
The day will fail,
And nights prevail
An endless dark to come.

I was living in a city, in the south-western part of England called Penzance on Lidden
Road to the left side, as you walk from the main road near the sea, I had a nice
house, open view to the Celtic Sea, brown roof, old greenish chimney, stone walls,
and brick coverage for the first floor, simple yet a beautiful house.

It was a gloomy morning around 8 oclock, a fog so thick that you could cut it with a
knife. A storm was coming and thunders sang their songs from time to time. In the
distance, the sky would illuminate by crimson red lightnings delivering their godly

It was a stunning view and got me mesmerized, sitting on my rocking chair on the
balcony, empty headed and eyes lost, looking to nothing until, something, caught
my eye. The storm covered almost the entire visible horizon and it was approaching
fast, but in the lightning riddled cloud that was like a smoldering piece of cotton, I
could see it:
A dark shadow, it was distinguishable only because of its color, the purest black I
have ever seen.

I was astonished; Ive never seen anything like that! It was just a spherical black
shadow, a star that the more I looked at it, a feeling of dread sparked in me, a
unknown fear consumed me but at the same time, my curiosity just skyrocketed, I
needed to know what that thing was but, as I was thinking about it, that object just
started moving at an incredible speed, and landed in a park, near the main road,
100 meters from my home, on a long forgotten piece of land that was either a
crowning or execution place.

I just got out of my house, ran near the main road, and was looking to see that black
shape through the shattered land. Dust was clearing up, I was thinking about how
this thing didnt made any sound as its destruction power was clearly immense, and
then nothing, there was nothing only the hole, a perfectly round hole, nothing
more, I was bewildered.
I was walking slow, jumped the little fence of the park and approached the hole, it
was empty! I couldnt get my mind around it, how could there be nothing there, I
saw it, it made a hole, and then I remembered that meteorites tend to shatter on
impact so the hole its there but no obvious object that made it.

But why it was black?! That was the thought that kept creeping in my mind. As I was
leaving, because I didnt want to give explanations to the police when it would
come, the feeling of dread returned, that dark shape kept coming in my mind, its
blackness, and right when I jumped the fence my eyes and head felt heavy and in
an instant I was down. I had passed out!
I opened my eyes, dizzy as I was and saw it. A shadow, a shallow figure without a
face or clear shape.
It wasnt saying anything; it wasnt moving, just standing there in oblivion.
I looked around me, nothing, I couldnt comprehend this place as it was made of
nothing. There was no sound, no movement, no light there was only HE that was
distinguishable only by his blackness which was darker than the surroundings.
I was shocked, I couldnt move or talk or even think but then, a thought came into
my mind, and it was of death. That Im going to die in that God forsaken place. But I
couldnt even finish my thought as I heard him:
You cant die! You must prevail, for the rising of one world brings destruction to the

I was confused, it didnt have a mouth, it was in my mind and I heard it clearly. The
sweetest voice Ive ever heard, like a mother talking to a child.
And then it started, it made me feel comfortable until it started to show me:
Humanities crimes, all the killings, rapes, burnings, guttings, and tortures in
extreme detail. All of them, from the beginning of mankind up until present times.
Then he came back and we just changed locations. We were now in a barren land,
behind me nothing only in front of me a path leading to a mountain.
I couldnt go back, and I just walked, and walked, and walked, until the landscape
started changing. It grew dark, and I started to hear whispers and see shapes with
from the corner of my eye that would vanish as I would turn my head. And I walked,
and walked being assaulted by whispers only of death and desire, of murder and
torture; horrible scenes came back in my mind and almost puked.
But the shadow pushed me to walk forward, as I walked for weeks I noticed that I
wasnt thirsty nor hungry, fatigued or sleepy, I just walked and walked until the
landscape changed again in an instant.
This time, I could see them, and realized where I was. Millions upon millions of poor
souls subjected to awful torture.
Fingernails forcibly extracted only to grow again and be extracted again for ever,
bone smashed, eyes gouged out, rats and maggots and crows and eagles feeding of
their skin and muscle only to start over again.
They will never die; they will suffer until the end of time. Its not only physical
torture; they are subjected to their worst fears.
And I walked, and walked, for months as it seems in this realm. The never-ending
road ended abruptly, in a second I was in a totally different place, beautiful women
promised of sex, wealth and all that I would ever wanted, all there is would be mine.
But I walked forward, not listening to those all too sweet promises and walked, and
walked until it changed again. This time, there was nothing and walked and walked
until I started to feel hungry, thirsty, fatigued that I would just drop dead right there.
On the sides of my path there were the best beverages, the best food. I looked at
my hands and saw as I was turning to bone but I walked and walked until the
landscape changed again and I suddenly didnt felt hungry, thirsty nor fatigued but I
could see all that I wanted, all that I ever wanted in my life, money, all my most
desired thing that money could buy and then my dead parents, my dead wife
with my unborn child now grown up, the things that I couldnt possibly buy with
money but I wept and walked crying and resisted the temptation until it changed
again I felt tired, sleepy, I thought that I should just stop there and walk no more,
there wasnt anything more to it, I just didnt worth the effort but those werent my
thoughts and I walked and walked until a uncontrollable rage got hold of me and on

the side saw scenes of my parents and wife and unborn child but with other men,
not me, saw all my memories but with a different person in my place, watched him
got successful saw him sleep with my wife and play with my child and grow old to
watch his grandchildren but I knew they were only meant to stop me and walked
and walked until I saw it a great throne, empty. At its feet millions of rotting
skulls. I walked what seemed like years before I could see that it had no end in
height and it was about a football field in length and I got in front of it and waited
and waited until it moved:
The chair was not empty; it was only that I could see him. I guess he was the Devil,
a dark figure but not your usual horns, red eyes, goat feet, red skin devil oh no,
he was looking a lot like the god Loki from the Norse mythology, like Hades from the
Greek one, he wasnt looking like a monster but kind scared if I would say and then
he spoke:
I would grant you one wishes, what those will be? he said in a commanding voice.
I just thought about going home, nothing more I couldnt think of anything else, I
just wanted for this nightmare to be ended.

And then my dark companion spoke again:

A dawn will come,
To overcome
Nights fear of coming light.
The day will fail,
And nights prevail
An endless dark to come.

I woke up to powerful white light; I was on a hard hospital bed, in a hospital it would
seem, as two nurses come towards me I ask them if I passed out? They told me that
I was found at the entrance of my house, which was quite odd, because the last
thing I remember was the main street after I jumped the fence of the park. Telling
them about this left a puzzled look on their faces but one of them told me to rest
assured for it was probably just partial amnesia and it would pass pretty soon so I
can leave and call the hospital, after giving me a card, and ask for a Martha
Stewart, the medic that took care of me, if I get other symptoms.

And then I remembered what I have seen, what I have heard and almost puked. I
remembered him, but I only thought it was a dream. I must have been a dream, I
couldnt be real.

I left the hospital, called a cab, and went home. I could remember the reason and
the path to the park but I could remember the road back, I couldnt remember that I
walked to my house only that I jumped the fence, it troubled me, I never
experienced something like that.

I finally got home, I got in, and take from the fridge a little sandwich, as I was
starving, and went upstairs on the balcony only to be left in shock!! As I was trying
to comprehend what happened, I heard a creek but turned around to nothing, I
looked, pinched myself and nothing, rubbed my eyes one thousand times but it
wasnt there, the hole made by that thing wasnt there.

I called a neighbor and asked him if authorities covered the hole only to be
presented with a puzzled voice and an even more baffled answer: What hole?
As I stood there, befuddled, hands cold, palms sweating, head hurting I heard
As if it was right behind me, whispering in my ear, leaving its cold breathe down my
neck, a voice in the dark, sending a chill down my spine but so familiar.
It was sweet as honey, a devilish tone this time, the kind of voice that you imagine,
he who speaks it, has an evil smile on its face but the words that I heard that
moment will be carved in my soul for eternity, for I am cursed:
You will be the dawn!
I turned around and saw him. The dark figure from my dream, only that wasnt a
dream. It was all real, and I felt sick, laid down on my rocking chair and just
As it came close, a grin on his face as he was amused by my reaction:
To bring HELL to its rightful place!

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