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30 June 2015

Office of the Chief of Police

The Honorable Bruce Rauner, Governor
206 Statehouse
Springfield, IL 62706

Veto HB218

Dear Governor Rauner:

I am writing to ask you to veto HB218, which fast tracks marijuana use and may have unintended
consequences that would be difficult and costly to walk back.
HB218 disregards highway safety by establishing a per se limit 300% higher than the next highest
The per se limit of 15 nanograms is too high. Per se limits in other states: Colorado, 5ng/ml; Nevada, 2
ng/ml; Ohio, 2 ng/ml; Pennsylvania, 1 ng/ml. Most states have a zero per se limit. Even so, driving under
the influence of marijuana is not as easy to measure as reliably as driving under the influence of alcohol.
HB218 also would make it more difficult for businesses to maintain drug-free policies, and it would give
a 12-year-old child the same protection that an adult has. Under this law, a child could possess 15 grams
of marijuana (37 joints) and if caught, only pay a minimal fine far less stringent than a minor being
caught with alcohol. That just doesnt make sense.
If you choose not to veto the bill entirely, I asks you to consider an amendatory veto of the possession
limit from 15 grams to 5 grams and the 15-25 nanograms be reduced to 5 nanograms in line with other
states. I also recommend that a minimum age limit be established to 18 or 21 to be in line with other
Thank you for your support of law enforcement and for your consideration on this potentially devastating

Thomas Weitzel
Chief of Police
Village Manager Jessica Frances
President Ben Sells and Board of Trustees
State Representative Michael Zalewski, Riverside

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