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A-B-C Observation Form

Student: Ashley

Date: 5/28/15

Time: 3:20 PM

Setting/Subject/Activity: ELA - direct instruction - alphabet

Observer: Ms. S
Target Behaviors
On task: Sitting quietly at desk, actively engaged, hand raising for teacher assistance
Off-task: Talking to peers, calling out, out of seat, being disruptive to others
Ms. S was utilizing direct
instruction to teach the
alphabet. She displayed the
letters on the board using a
Power Point.
Ashley was sitting near Ms. S
facing her peers. She was
holding a star pen as she
listened to the teacher.

As the lesson began, Ashley
immediately became
disengaged. She was
fidgeting in her seat and
looking for attention from her
peers. Ashley touched her
peer with her star pen.

Natural Consequence
Paola constantly encouraged
Ashley to get back on task.
"Shhh... be quiet".
Ashley ignored Paola and Ms.
S had to redirect her. Since
Ashley threw paper at the
teacher, she was sent to the

Ashley threw paper at Ms. S.

Ashley's peers began to
comment on her behavior.
"You're so annoying".
Then Ms. S had to remove
Ashley from the classroom
and sent her outside. Her
peers responded,
"She always does weird
tappy things".
She can't help it".

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