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12 February 2010

Today’s Tabbloid

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS strong food stamp program.” …The program has commercial allies, in
farmers and grocery stores, and it got an unexpected boost from
The Federal Government Is President George W. Bush, whose food stamp administrator, Eric Bost,
proved an ardent supporter. “I assure you, food stamps is not welfare,”
Bribing States to Create More Mr. Bost said in a recent interview. Still, some critics see it as welfare in
disguise and advocate more restraints. …The federal government now
Welfare Dependency?!? [Cato at gives bonuses to states that enroll the most eligible people. …In 2008,
the program got an upbeat new name: the Supplemental Nutrition
Liberty] Assistance Program — SNAP. …Since Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg took
FEB 11, 2010 09:04P.M. office eight years ago, the rolls have doubled, to 1.6 million people…
Albany made a parallel push to enroll the working poor, setting an
By Daniel J. Mitchell explicit goal for caseload growth. “This is all federal money — it drives
dollars to local economies,” said Russell Sykes, a senior program official.
If you want to get depressed or angry, the New York Times has an article But Mr. Turner, now a consultant in Milwaukee, warns that the aid
celebrating the effort by politicians at all levels of government to lure encourages the poor to work less and therefore remain in need. “It’s
more people into the food stamp program. New York City is running ads going to be very difficult with large swaths of the lower middle class
in foreign languagues asking people to stick their snouts in the public tasting the fruits of dependency to be weaned from this,” he said.
trough. The City is even signing up prisoners when they get out of jail.
The state of New York, meanwhile, actually set up quotas for enrolling
new recipients. And on the federal level, there apparently is a program
that gives states “bonuses” for putting more people on the dole. No FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
wonder one out of every eight Americans is receiving food stamps. By the
way, this is not just the fault of Democrats. The ranking Republican on President Palin? [Cato at
the Agriculture Committee is a big defender of the program, in part
because of the sordid pact among urban and rural politicians to support Liberty]
each other’s handouts. And President George W. Bush’s food stamp FEB 11, 2010 05:39P.M.
administrator actually had the gall to assert “food stamps is not welfare.”
No wonder the burden of federal spending skyrocketed during the reign By David Boaz
of so-called compassionate conservatism. The correct policy, of course, is
to get the federal government out of the welfare business. If Mayor “Take Sarah Palin seriously,” David Broder writes in the Washington
Bloomberg thinks it is a “civic duty” to expand food stamps, he should Post. ”In the present mood of the country, Palin is by all odds a threat to
see whether New York City voters agree with him – and want to foot the the more uptight Republican aspirants such as Mitt Romney and Tim
bill. Pawlenty — and potentially, to Obama as well.” Palin’s own Captain
Ahab, Andrew Sullivan, wrings his hands that she’s the “leader of the
A decade ago, New York City officials were so reluctant to give out food opposition” and a real threat to be president. Time’s Joe Klein goes even
stamps, they made people register one day and return the next just to get further: “Is Sarah Palin the favorite to win the Republican nomination
an application. The welfare commissioner said the program caused and therefore someone to be taken absolutely seriously? You betcha.”
dependency and the poor were “better off” without it. Now the city urges
the needy to seek aid (in languages from Albanian to Yiddish). Yes, well, I’m old enough to remember that Newsweek prepared six
Neighborhood groups recruit clients at churches and grocery stores, with covers for the week of the 1968 election (I was very precocious), and one
materials that all but proclaim a civic duty to apply — to “help New York of them proclaimed “President-elect George Wallace.” Wasn’t gonna
farmers, grocers, and businesses.” There is even a program on Rikers happen. Nor is this. As for those who compare Palin to Ronald Reagan,
Island to enroll inmates leaving the jail. “Applying for food stamps is yes, there are some similarities. They both lived in the West, they’re both
easier than ever,” city posters say. …These changes, combined with “conservative” in some sense, and they were both dismissed by effete
soaring unemployment, have pushed enrollment to record highs, with East Coast intellectuals. But I see just a few differences:
one in eight Americans now getting aid. “I’ve seen a remarkable shift,”
said Senator Richard G. Lugar, an Indiana Republican and prominent 1. Reagan served eight years as governor of a very large state; he didn’t
food stamp supporter. “People now see that it’s necessary to have a quit after half a term.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 12 February 2010

2. Reagan had spent a long time developing a real political philosophy, population of each state shall be made in order to allocate members of
one that had changed a great deal during his adult life. In his time as the House of Representatives.
president of the actors’ union, 1947-52, he was known as a liberal, anti-
communist Democrat. A long life of watching the world, paying taxes, Unfortunately, the census has been loaded down with intrusive questions
and reading moved him to the libertarian right. Palin couldn’t name any not authorized in the Constitution and bearing no relation to the
newspapers she reads. Reagan told Rowland Evans in an interview, “I’ve constitutional necessity of reapportionment. This year the Census
always been a voracious reader — I have read the economic views of von Bureau is boasting of “one of the shortest forms in history,” which is all
Mises and Hayek, and … Bastiat…. I know about Cobden and Bright in to the good. Still, it does ask respondents to list their race, which really
England — and the elimination of the corn laws and so forth, the great should be irrelevant to government. And to tell whether they own their
burst of economy or prosperity for England that followed.” Reagan home or have a mortgage, in order “to administer housing programs and
thought a lot about what he believed, and his deep understanding of a set to inform planning decisions.” (That’s worked out well!) And of course
of political principles was perhaps his most notable characteristic when they need age and sex data, in order to facilitate various government
he emerged on the political stage. programs and mandates and to assist “sociologists, economists, and
other researchers who analyze social and economic trends.”
3. Reagan was smart and could articulate his views on public policy. One
of the standard defenses of Palin is “liberals said Reagan was dumb.” Through the American Community Survey, the Census Bureau continues
Yes, they did, even after he out-debated Bobby Kennedy in an to ask Americans many more questions, from whether you’re on food
internationally televised debate just months after he became governor. stamps to how many bathrooms you have. All very interesting to
Democratic mandarin Clark Clifford, who didn’t realize that the bank he sociologists and planners, of course, but hardly what Madison
chaired was run by actual criminals, famously called Reagan an “amiable anticipated when he and his colleagues provided for an “actual
dunce.” But now that Reagan’s hand-written radio commentary scripts enumeration” of the constituents of Congress.
have been published, no one really makes this claim any more. Read
Reagan in His Own Hand, read the commentaries he wrote on yellow Writing in Slate back in 2000, Tom Palmer complained that the Census
pads while being driven from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara, and ask Bureau was selling the census as a kind of Super Lotto: You can’t win if
yourself: Could Sarah Palin do that? you don’t play! “The numbers are used to help determine the
distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal and state funds.
Sarah Palin can be a dazzling performer. But she’s still capable of saying We’re talking hospitals, highways, stadiums and school lunch programs.”
that Obama could improve his chances for reelection if he ”played the Come on! Get your piece of other people’s tax dollars!
war card … decided to declare war on Iran.” Her articulation of political
ideas remains remarkably thin. The Republican bench may be weak, but In 1990 David Kopel reviewed the Census Bureau’s promise of
I don’t think it’s that weak. confidentiality.


The Census and the Quick Analysis of Tax

Constitution [Cato at Liberty] Provisions in So-Called “Jobs”
FEB 11, 2010 04:45P.M.
Bill [Americans for Tax Reform]
By David Boaz FEB 11, 2010 04:20P.M.

The Washington Post profiles Daniel Weinberg, assistant director of the Language (though not yet a score) is out for the Senate “jobs bill” which
Census, who says: will be considered after the President’s Day recess. The cheesy DC
acronym is the “HIRE Act” (w...
“Since the decennial census is in our Constitution, it is the
most important task a government statistician can undertake.
The census is key to our democratic society by making sure
that our congressional districts are equal in size so that we
have representative democracy. To be involved in something
that is central to our democracy is pretty exciting.”

Good point. The census is indeed in the Constitution, Article I, Section 2.

The Constitution provides that every ten years an enumeration of the

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 12 February 2010


Obama Budget’s Tax Hikes on Levey runs through a long list of issues that will be litigated in the courts
— but he overlooked that there would be First Amendment litigation,
Families Making Less Than too.

$250,000 [Americans for Tax

FEB 11, 2010 03:44P.M.
The Government Can Monitor
On the day that President Obama announced his “agnosticism” about
raising taxes on middle-income families, it seems prudent to go through Your Location All Day Every
his latest budget with a fine-toothed comb. Af...
Day Without Implicating Your
Fourth Amendment Rights
[Cato at Liberty]
ObamaCare = Litigation FEB 11, 2010 02:50P.M.

Bonanza [Cato at Liberty] By Jim Harper

FEB 11, 2010 02:52P.M.
If you have a mobile phone, that’s the upshot of an argument being put
By Michael F. Cannon forward by the government in a case being argued before the Third
Circuit Court of Appeals tomorrow. The case is called In the Matter of
At a recent conference, former Sen. Phil Gramm (R-TX) remarked, “The the Application of the United States of America For An Order Directing
Democrats don’t have a health care bill. They have an empty shell.” At A Provider of Electronic Communication Service To Disclose Records to
the time, I thought the shell would be filled through regulation. But in the Government.
today’s Wall Street Journal, the Committee for Justice’s Curt Levey
reminds us it would also be filled through litigation: Declan McCullagh reports:

By creating new federally enforceable rights and obligations, In that case, the Obama administration has argued that
layers of complex federal regulations, and dozens of new Americans enjoy no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in
programs and agencies—not to mention 50 newfangled their—or at least their cell phones’—whereabouts. U.S.
“exchanges”—ObamaCare would guarantee a flood of Department of Justice lawyers say that “a customer’s Fourth
litigation. That means more money wasted on attorney fees, Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company
physicians focused on legal rather than medical reveals to the government its own records” that show where a
considerations, and growing delays in our already- mobile device placed and received calls.
overburdened courts…
The government can maintain this position because of the retrograde
Lawsuits claiming equal protection violations will be limited “third party doctrine.” That doctrine arose from a pair of cases in the
only by the human capacity to feel discriminated against… early 1970s in which the Supreme Court found no Fourth Amendment
problems when the government required service providers to maintain
Liberals who complained about the interference of federal records about their customers, and later required those service providers
courts in the Terri Schiavo case may wind up regretting their to hand the records over to the government.
push to federalize health care…
I wrote about these cases, and the courts’ misunderstanding of privacy
Supporters of the legislation favored by the president and since 1967’s Katz decision, in an American University Law Review
most of his party point to socialized medicine in Europe as article titled “Reforming Fourth Amendment Privacy Doctrine“:
evidence that federalizing health care won’t be the disaster
that many predict. But European nations are not nearly as These holdings were never right, but they grow more wrong
litigious as our own. The uniquely American combination of with each step forward in modern, connected living.
bureaucrats, trial lawyers, and judges running our health- Incredibly deep reservoirs of information are constantly
care system will prove more costly and deadly than anyone collected by third-party service providers today. Cellular

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 12 February 2010

telephone networks pinpoint customers’ locations throughout employees…” Nyet, comrades. That’s not the government’s job.
the day through the movement of their phones. Internet Government should stop encouraging anyone to do anything in
service providers maintain copies of huge swaths of the health care, unless it’s encouraging people to keep their promises
information that crosses their networks, tied to customer (read: enforcing contracts) or encouraging producers not to hurt
identifiers. Search engines maintain logs of searches that can consumers (read: tort liability).
be correlated to specific computers and usually the
individuals that use them. Payment systems record each • “A good model for self-management is the Cash and
instance of commerce, and the time and place it occurred. Counseling program for the homebound disabled under
The totality of these records are very, very revealing of Medicaid.” Sure it is — if you want to increase dependence on
people’s lives. They are a window onto each individual’s government.
spiritual nature, feelings, and intellect. They reflect each
American’s beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and sensations. They • “We should also encourage health plans to
ought to be protected, as they are the modern iteration of our specialize…For example, special-needs plans in Medicare
“papers and effects.” Advantage actively compete to enroll and cover the
sickest Medicare beneficiaries.” Re encouragement, I refer
This is a case to watch, as it will help determine whether or not your my right honourable friends to the answer I gave some moments
digital life is an open book to government investigators. ago. And do we really want to hold up Medicare Advantage —
which is even more government-heavy than the Democrats’ health
insurance exchanges — as a model for reform?

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS • “Don’t cut Medicare.” Really? And you’d prefer dealing with
Medicare’s $80 trillion unfunded liability…how?
Fisking Gingrich & Goodman on
• “A viable bridge to Medicare can be built by allowing
Health Care Reform [Cato at employers to obtain individually owned insurance for
their retirees at group rates.” A Bridge To Medicare. Please
Liberty] let that be the slogan for Gingrich’s presidential primary campaign.
FEB 11, 2010 01:42P.M. Of course, that bridge would require more regulation.

By Michael F. Cannon • “Eliminate junk lawsuits. Last year the president pledged
to consider civil justice reform. We do not need to study
I much prefer the ideas of Newt Gingrich and John Goodman to those of or test medical malpractice any longer.” For all their talk
President Obama. But their recent oped in the Wall Street Journal about limited government and the rule of law, conservatives and
shows why conservatives and Republicans still have a ways to go if they Republicans just can’t seem to stop advocating unconstitutional
want to stop getting their clocks cleaned on health care. Here’s a fisk of federal limits on med mal liability. Maybe they’ve convinced
the objectionable passages: themselves that all doctors are angels and all trial lawyers are
• “The current taxation of health insurance…giv[es] lavish
subsidies…” There ain’t no such thing as a “tax subsidy.” Or a • “We can help prevent [health care fraud] by using
“tax expenditure.” If that’s what you call it when a tax break responsible approaches such as enhanced coordination of
reduces federal revenue, don’t be surprised when politicians try to benefits, third-party liability verification, and electronic
“reclaim” that “expenditure” (read: increase taxes) and spend it payment.” We will prevent health care fraud when we get the
someplace else. government out of health care — not before. For a good take on the
silliness of government fraud-prevention efforts, see David
• “Many health economists conclude that tax relief for Hyman’s Medicare Meets Mephistopheles.
health insurance should be a fixed-dollar amount…” Many
economists also conclude that Medicare’s administrative costs are Whew, this list is longer than I thought it would be. Just two more:
low, but that doesn’t make it true, nor does it mean Medicare is a
good idea. If conservatives actually believe in limited government • “Make medical breakthroughs accessible to patients…by
and they want to improve health care, they should advocate cutting red tape before and during review by the Food
policies that will help eliminate tax breaks for health care. Targeted and Drug Administration.” The FDA is constitutionally
tax “breaks” are merely another example of destructive government incapable of striking the right balance between speed and safety. It
meddling. must be eliminated. Getting other reforms right first — reforming
the tax code, reforming Medicare, allowing people to purchase
• “Employers should be encouraged to provide insurance across state lines — will make eliminating the FDA

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 12 February 2010


• “The solutions presented here can be the foundation for a A Time for Less Government?
patient-centered system.” The authors must have in mind a
different oped than the one I read. [Cato at Liberty]
FEB 11, 2010 10:11A.M.
To emphasize, there’s a lot that Gingrich & Goodman get right. But if
conservatives and Republicans wonder why government already controls By Doug Bandow
so much of America’s health care sector, and why the Left is so close to
having government takeover the rest, they might consider some of their The public is unhappy with government. How could it be otherwise,
own misguided ideas about health care reform. given the mess our governors have made? Reports the Washington Post:

Two-thirds of Americans are “dissatisfied” or downright

“angry” about the way the federal government is working,
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. On
average, the public estimates that 53 cents of every tax dollar
Bernanke’s Testimony [Larry they send to Washington is “wasted.”

Kudlow’s Money Politic$] Despite the disapproval of government, few Americans say
FEB 11, 2010 10:26A.M. they know much about the “tea party” movement, which
emerged last year and attracted voters angry at a government
I’d like to take a brief moment to discuss Fed head Ben Bernanke’s they thought was spending recklessly and overstepping its
recently released monetary-exit testimony. constitutional powers. And the new poll shows that the
political standing of former Republican vice presidential
Here’s an initial question: How in the world is Bernanke going to reduce nominee Sarah Palin, who was the keynote speaker last week
the Fed’s swollen balance sheet and ultra-easy zero-interest-rate at the first National Tea Party Convention, has deteriorated
monetary explosion? How is he going to do it? significantly.

And here are some questions with big ramifications: Have financial The opening is clear: Public dissatisfaction with how
markets, including stocks, become totally addicted to the Federal Washington operates is at its highest level in Post-ABC
Reserve’s zero interest rate and huge money build-up? And when the polling in more than a decade — since the months after the
time finally arrives to implement an exit strategy — whenever that is — is Republican-led government shutdown in 1996 — and
there going to be a total stock market train wreck as the money stimulus negative ratings of the two major parties hover near record
is reeled in? highs.

Stocks got the jitters as soon as the Bernanke testimony was released. Surely this is a moment for a true political entrepreneur, someone who
That may very well be a harbinger of future financial market problems. believes in liberty–across the board–willing to challenge Washington’s
This is one of those ominous storm clouds out there that we’ve got to bipartisan consensus that government should grow ever bigger and more
keep our eyes on. We must consider this potential threat. expensive. Someone who opposes expensive, and often deadly, social
engineering at home and abroad. Someone willing to simply leave the
The price of gold has jumped nearly 40 percent since late 2008 when the American people alone, rather than determined to conscript them into
central bank started pumping up money to the tune of around $1.5 yet another annoying, intrusive, and expensive national crusade.
trillion. So far, stock and bond markets have cheered. But what happens Someone willing to back up his or her rhetoric about individual liberty
once all that cash is drained from the system? It could be a major market with action.
problem. It may very well be a major economic-recovery problem.

Further complicating matters, if the Fed doesn’t drain the excess cash,
there could be a major inflation problem as well.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 12 February 2010


Shocking Quote of the Day [The

Club for Growth]
FEB 11, 2010 09:27A.M.

From Bloomberg News [emphasis mine]: President Barack Obama said

he and his administration have pursued a for the free market, rejecting
corporate criticism of his policies.

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