Townsend Police Information Request On Gregory Floyd

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15 Beasom Street
Nashua , New Hampshire 03064

4 September 2007:

Re: Public Records Request on Gregory W. Floyd.

VIA FAX TO 978.597.1718

Dear Townsend Police Chief Marshall:

I am a citizen who is greatly interested in effective and safe policing. I have worked in the Employment and
Civil Rights sections of the AG’s office for 4 years where I routinely dealt with dangerous or threatening
characters (See Watling v. Kroger, Ohio Ct. App. 94 APE- 05-718), and a run a First Amendment blawg
now so I have been actively engaged in sorting out the tragic events of 5/11 in Franconia, and recognize
that there is quite a history that precedes those events.

According to Easton Police Chief Robert Every’s Affidavit -- contained in NH AG Kelly Ayotte’s
Investigative Files – part of that history is the complaint and investigation of Gregory W. Floyd for some
extremely heinous comments and actions over at Lafayette Elementary School. Chief Every wrote:

Gregory Floyd moved into Easton around the first of this year but first came to my attention in
mid to late April when the New Hampshire State Police came to my house and asked what I knew
of him. His son was attending Lafayette Elementary School and there was a problem in which Mr.
Floyd became irrationally abusive -- to the point the administration was concerned he might
return and do something. Because of the administration's concern they contacted the State Police.

The Townsend police chief [where Floyd once lived] did indicate Mr. Floyd was capable of
irrational behavior and to be careful on making any approach.....
As such, can you please make available your files for review regarding any other situations involving Mr.
Floyd? If it is a short file please email me to advise of the cost and I will retrieve it. If there is an ongoing
investigation of any kind that precludes providing any documents, please just let me know the date on
which such investigation commenced and if possible an approximate timeframe for its completion.

Thank you in advance for your time, consideration and timely response.
Christopher King, J.D.
On behalf of
On behalf of Franconia Collective.

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