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Tracy F.


BC 26-D

Jan Crystille T Macalaguing


2, 2015
Using APA system, write a proper reference for each of the following
sets of information. Arrange the list alphabetically.
Descola, J. (1962). A history of spain (E. Halperin, Trans.). New York, NY:
Alfred Knopf.
Four weeks on, US ready for srikes in Afghanistan. (2001, October 7) .
Philippine Star, p.2.
Gas conditioning fact book. (1989). Midland, Michigan: Dow Chemical
Juan, T. A. (1994, August). Yoga that works. Metro Magazine, 90-91.
Justice restrict action. (1982, April 5). Court in Nuclear Cases, 2.
Long, M. (1998). The role of grammar in communicative teaching.
Retrieved froma .
Ming, T., Tohen, M. & Zahner, M. (Eds.). (1995). Textbook in psychiatric
epidemiology. New York, NY: Wiley-Liss.
Pearson, T. (1992). Enreinov and pirandello: Two theatricalists in search of
the chief thing. Theater Survey, 32, 130-136.
Reulmann, W., & Scholl, S. (1977). Stalking the feature story. Ohio, OH:
Writers Digest.
Roberts, N. (1997). Analyzing sentence: Introduction to english syntax (2nd
ed.). New York, NY: Longman.

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