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KERAJAAN MALAYSIA JABATAN KERJA RAYA MALAYSIA STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD WORKS _—__CANANGAWKEJUAUTERAAN JALAN DAN GEOTEKNK, _KETUA PENGARAH KEUIA RAYA, PTH) 'SUPCINGAT IABATAN KETUA RAYA, SIRDATAN KERIA RAYA MALAYA, TINGKAT 22, MENA TUN RAZAK, INUAN SULTAN SALAD J AUN RAR LAUT, see KUALA LUMPUR FOREWORD As practices in rnd consneton changeover tins, itis imperative for Jab Kero Raya (JKR) te cominuouy update atl inprove thie standard speifetons, Thess new speifntions ere to only ine at heeping abreast ith cet ecologies tut aso to help i proving the ‘quality of consctedpreduct. Th isn, these new speiieations have a significant postive Impact on the censtton industry especially with Ie incorporation of new produ and ecologies Standard Speifiion far Road Work isan eset conponect in the oud infos ‘onsrctos danty. This specication provides a nproved widance inthe mater slostion and the production of goed quality werkmansbip and pods, based on cet beat pracics. The parpose ofthis nerd speciReaon isto etslish wifi in road works to be used by rood designers road autorties manufatrers and spplers of road rte pdt “This document Section 9: Covert” is a pu ofa stes of improved specications in the Standard Speciation Tor Read Weeks. Th eomplason ofthis document was cased cit Through many discussions by the tezal commas member. Aditonally se reed "rough by 8 roup of inependen constants tnd presanel at various workshops, Feedbacks tnd comments retived were ctf consdeed ahd Incorporated the speeeaion where propriate ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “This Standard Specificaton For Road Works Section 9: Concrete has boo prepared by a techie commite cosizing of engieus fom ataas Kaj Rah. The commit seid ‘by Poo Deal bi lee Ta ‘The Commitee would abo like to thank other IKR personals and individuals who have conte tthe scl completion ofthis weston, ot 9a 93 oa oxtses00%.s9) SECTION 9- CONCRETE COBNERAL MATERIALS. 92.1 Ce 9214 Certificates of Test 9212 Tnsporation and Stonge 9.22 Aggesies oa Coarse Agaregstes 9222 Fine Axgrepter 9223 Grading 9224 Sumpling ant Testing of Aggregates 9225 somgeof Agaregaes 923° Water 924 Adminures 925 Addiicoal Mateils CLASSIFICATION OF CONCRETE MIXES 93.1 Prosrted Mix 932 Designed Mix 5334 Target Mean Steagth 9322 Sitabilty of Proposed Mix Propeions 9323 ‘ia Mites 9324 Canto Sengthof Designed Mixes 933 Requirement for Cansete 9331 Workbiliy 9332 Concrete Grade 8333 Cemex Content 9334 Tal Chloride Content 9333 Maximum Sulpalte Content CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS AND COMPLIANCE 981 Genera Bg11 Pescribed Mix 9412 Cesigned Mix 942° Samplig and Testing D3 Rateof Sampling for Testing 944 Cube Seengih 7 Daye BAS Cube Scena at 28 Days and Compliance Requiemens 9431” Prnerived Mix 9432 Designed Mix 948 Test fox Conistncy 947 Aaton obo taken nthe Bye! of Non Compliance 948 Others “iltres 949. Addie Cubes 94.10 Recording of Test Results SAL Statitial Analyse si sot so sot Sol $92 92 $92 $92 $9.2 $92 $9.3 993 393 393 S94 $0.4 sos $9.5 $9.5 $96 $955 $98 $95 so sor sor 97 97 $0.1 $92 so $98 S98 S98 sos $99 $9.9 $99) 99 9.10 os 96 97 os PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE 95.1 Supervision 9132 Batching and Mixing 933 RealyMixed Concrete Sisal Trasptation 935 Pacing 935.1 Pacing of Concrete in Dry Contin 9332 Pacing of Coneeteunder Water 9156 Placement Temperate 9157 Compestion 958 Coringand Proteston 9581 Nontal Curing and Protection 9582 Aeceersed Curing (CONSTRUCTICN WITH CONCRETE, 9.61 Constston Joints 9.62 Fixing Blocks, Brackets, uit in Bots, Hoes, Chass ete 9.63, Pret Coote Consrcion 9.63.1 Manufacturer off Sc 9632 Storage 9.633 Haaling and Transporation 9634 asembly and Beton 9.635 Forming Srustral Conestions 963 rteston STEEL REINFORCEMENT 9.71 General 972 Merits 9.73 Constiition Methods 9.734 Cuting and Bening of Reinforcement 9732 isingof Reinvestment 9733 Spins 9734 Suppoding and Spacer Blocks 9733 Weldingor Reinforcement FORMWORK AND SURFACE FINISH FOR STRUCTURE 981 Designand Construction B81 Description 5at2 Term ining 9813. Fajestng Reinforcement, Fixing Devices 98.2. suwtae Finishes for Concrete 5821 Control of Colour 5822 Formed Surfaces 5823 Unformed Surtees 9.824 Tra Pants for Exposed Form Finished Surfaces 983° Prepantionof Forns befor Coneteting 984 Remove of Foams 9.85 Inspectonand Making Good 995 (oxsP12008.59) so.iT soit sls s9.20 s9.20 $9.20 sol so.20 9.22 20 022 $023 $9.28 S024 S924 $0.25 99 910 ou ‘exrseya00 59) MASS AND LEAN CONCRETE BUILDING AccURACY (OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE WORK ‘TABLE ‘TableS.1 Testing of Aguregates ‘Table 9:2 Grading for Conse Aggregate Tahle9’s —— Geading for Fine Agerewte ‘Tabie9'4 —_Admiatoe Acceptance Test Rqulremets ‘Tabie9'S reseed Mixes for General Use per Cbie Meter of| Concrete ty Weight etching ‘Table9.5A —_Fropoions and Siregth Requirements for Prescribed Mites by Volume Batching TableS46 Minima Cement Content and Maximum Free Water aint Ratio for Designed Mig Table 9.7 Maximum Total Chloride Table Compressive Strength Requirement or Preseried Mix ‘Table98A 28 Days Strength Compliance Requires for Designed Mix Tables9 Characteristic Strength of Stel Renforeoment Table 9.10 Minimum Pevods between Concreting and Removal sf Forms APPENDIX AML 10 Abus and Pilecaps 20 ProsastConerete Members 30 Deck Sabe 31 Halsvith Construction 40 ips 5.0 Openins 69 Shop Prawings 70 Geamary Comet mM Detestion andl Camber Dat n ‘Geometey Control 50 Dinvensionsl Deviations st Tala Conrete 82 Fresst Conroe mombers 33 ‘Control of Aecumney Dering Constsion saa Dissension contol 832 Recording 833 Coneetve ation S34 Preventive sion sei PAGE S925 sas ss $9.25 so27 soar S928 $929 $929 soa0 $0.31 931 sat soa som seas soa soa soa S038 S034 935 $925 S938 S025 $9.5 $9.36 $9.36 $9.36 soar 937 soar S37 on oKRISPs2008 59) SECTION 9- CONCRETE ‘Thi scl sll apple the eonectin ofall secre pts of sete to be compel of ener iso wit tet snc. The Work al Be ad at leech hs ‘pestisnon ad the ling, vel, nde, enone nl erases oh athe eg dos surely te S0- 921 Cone “The comet be wed thowghoat the Work sal be Pond cet ebuied fom a0 Approved matfacturee Te seme sal deed under te loin dig: Crd Ported Cement comely th MS $22 Rip arden Pots Cnet cmp with MS 822 Subtest olan Comet comply ite MS 1037 Pond Paver Pcl A Cone comply wa MS 1227 Pate Sag Comet cpl with NS 199. 921 Cenistes of Tet Magus ceifitesof tet skin geal be ace spoof of euoess ‘Anal ests sal bs cried outon sy comeing Ine pred eel, (ick appe eo bvedterortedioaghage, dangers, ope ste ‘ray fe reson The esl be cred ow a ny approved rmry a ‘hone ofthe Contato, Any th of covet ht haber sed ad tested ad ‘anc ota cng with herent tal be eee onl enone ote Sie ‘The 0.1 wt tering de, oder at ny bg of ene a prion of the onats of whch biden er which ppt tbe dete nay way be ‘snore fom the Sit 9212 Trmporttion and Sage “The semen sl be wasted othe Site in covered vei adequtly protected ‘swat sl esol Ina weatherproof cement tore tote appeal he ‘ioe stored in bg oct In ey onthe po, sb ken fo tithe Workin the oder oder ihe sve Cee dered inbal hal ested soso on approved desig 922° Assepnes Aste al be natal curing se, o limestone, cose or anced een tothe ss an wal comply with IS 29. They al be otied oat a sour proved ye 5.0. Main ages sl tbe ed nk tere pied in the rags 9221 Conse Agree Core ageeptes sal comply wih MS 29, For wor eo ground veo eis ‘pant sl Be id nls ote spose inthe Drawings, es sal Became ‘vt coring to MS 30. The papers msl Be speed in Table 8.1 The oxesra2008.s9) ‘meioum nosis of sepa al 9222 Fine gwen be aspen the Drawings, ine egepts al comply ith MS 29 nthe cine 0 MS 29, the em sa ‘sed o mea ie aggre Ci fu necessary be foe agree sal Be rsh od sens the approval f te SO Uns ore spel tte Bangs estaba boca oti acorn wih MS, The propery in shal ‘oss pcid in Table 9223 Geatng (2) Comm Agere ‘he galing of couse agereyes lb alse as esc MS 30 ad sal be whine ets specie Tale 9.2 (©) Fine Augreynes “The ping of He aggre sl be mle as deere ia MS 30 ad ‘ale vitin te ent speied in Table 93 Howe for premio ‘Gang Lint al oly ee 9224 Sain and Tsing of Azretee ‘Wher sie mining sed, sale of al cons agsreptes proved bythe 8.0. halle eon ite. These saps ge a ato fh peer tail {te ager fe compan oi th aggegstes dled dog the couse of ‘tein th Work, Tests cred on on np ofte ter ake ater ‘Sreonredbythe Sor mre te ica change ofan, Te pope ried ‘tenga et sal be nacre wt tesa a spa abe Sis fay thot gasp sed byte SO shal be removed fob Site 9225 Sty of Agueptes Sepnt orage lies wih ast provision dana sal be provid fo coin ivf agree wed scope dln torso sto iin egrgaion contain Wer Wa shal canply wih he eens oF MS 2, cl ie rm terials {eles concen th pt ad ard nem sale oa soc gpOvEE BF the $0. The SO. may itt the Contactor fo cary tcl West at ay apres labor te expen the Contr The Conan all ke adequate angen > ‘ply nt sulin ter the Site fr ein mig ad ing o bn Adis Sue adatrsiay be in conse mie ith he or apposl ofardresey tbe 80. ‘hadi the sampling ab teing af te airs te information ob provided sth he amt pled shal ey wth MS 92, Allaire shal Bees in certo ith sates sets oKRsP12008-80) Before iin te dito bein the Work elves bso a eal be ari ot A eonol mix sl be made seg acento ra mi two wing the intr, to tenn hes ntrcenent no sd wk proponton soe to gre he ‘pei Sng with th requted samp Using he soe mx propetion th cntol mic Bw» modes warmest ao over ncesey a etal bcd ot wing the ‘eeomended oop ofthe adie Thee of eee eae fo te ca) Insane lb compre. The 0. may aloe se of th ere ay when he ‘ulnar od lo be itor and omar th fs a cd by he mae. ‘Theadinixnce ssceplecs es sal omply withthe eqitement spied Tle) ‘Tews fades tat reco aged ate pei be aed or saan ‘enaining rifoeeeat rests enn or ater embedded meta The Caracol Submit cumentary evidnce onthe content of be adn 0 Be wed \Whentke Constr proposes tbs suprise con ssa cai oat ‘itera oft. Th tel bare out nsdn wi fe a ad {hd the utter ecomneans If tvo or esi re propel abe sess ne se ont he Cones fash 8.0 th sppoing dats tr nutty nd compa 925 Adon Mails Conde sit Sunes (CSF) coupling wih ASTM C120 — 93 o¢ ay eer quent Std ay be ed proved tte conte sompcs th be sane ae sot be tehcve bythe Porn’ coment conse enplying wiht 322 and pb appeevalt be 8.0 Bobi (CLASSIFICATION OF CONCRETE MINES ‘Unless rherie stated the Drawings th cnet ml be sige i Howere, pec may news provid (2) Theworkisofminer mire or involving a sal quai of cnet, (0) Paraprvalothe 8.0 ghen, ond (©) Thestengih ofthe conse sil he spony of the Constr. ‘When Pot PubezaFeet Ash Cmte Hon lg Cement ices tobe ed he ore nisl be desi mx ely. 93 Pes is ‘Prose sal be ase in Table 95. The mit preside able does tee the we of ste ors volun ocreting wor, vate ching i pete provided pir spon of he ‘$0 iroblamed. The proportion bl bens spcid Table 9.3, 932 Destast is Desig sal ony wit he resumendons of MSII9S, Te min ee comet nd mia ee watered shal be shown Table 63 is hal sipenece TL 14 91S $308, ‘The Courts comply with he allowing eget 4 Notify ie S.0. wheter ie designed mito pode oy sie torn mi ihe Conc: chooses to use ey mi cnet, he sal oly he 0. i mae of he ‘ppt rat of then lat joey Une nen pot te sore athe 93 URIS 2008-59) ‘Site and potion cpa ofthe pa, . Stit mcd top covering al comet mies he 0. fo approval. The lied sal onpy wi erage peri ie Table 95 4. ‘TheCactrsal este at be 0. be peed vs oc stin septate tat sa eer odo, - Tesamping aking crag sd tug ofthe cubes ald eae uty the Conmete in esrdce with MS 3 ora dicted by aid inthe prtens ofthe 8.0. or hit repeats Tet cies be tre bythe $0. mae: The Cnt sl ‘rove all eis in conection teeth When Pot Pltrne- Fuel Ash Cement complying wih MS 1227 or oti Sag Cee complying wits 1389s used depending nthe perceazge ambition sos llowed by MS 226 or M8 1387 respetvely, may be necessary inerease he otal eet conten ‘seheveconerte af gal sng developtnt wet compared wih covoete sing Patan ‘nt somprig wth MS 23. Tous on ri ie shall be eared ot acorsnce ih Si Sesion 9223 andthe sen sl be approved byte $0. Inall its the spony ofthe Cntr oes tat the desig ne sal be dnb wera, comply uh besten deal oregon ue DW 93211 Targamean stent ‘The suerte ix shal be designe to havea atthe eed minim cement reouied pade of conta est the eurent ai. “The eat arin fo each prc type of eoterete ll be denied by the ‘Cnet dale ken te leer 1.164 dies the stand deviation of ene tet on test 100 ste ‘tees of concrete oni sin roprtion of sine meri and proce overa psd ot excedig 12 moat Uy he sae pat wd "lr wpe, bt not na 2.5 Nd frontend 1S. $575 Nin oc concrete of rade 20 or abo, 1b, 164 ames the stad vito of cue ts oa est 4 separate {nerf conset of ominlly st propos arated prodaced oerageriad exceeding Say ba a exceeding Gents by Oe me plant under sir supersion, tot lees tan $ Nin? Fo ‘miele of ge 15 078 Nena far onerete of prade 2001 ahve ‘Wher tere ar sicie dosti) an (i) above the myn heii tn sign sl be aen 7 Wr conse of ade 18 ad 2 Ni for ence rade 20 above. This mg shal be sed the cutent magnon Ui cet dn re vale wo sai ()o i) above. However, sje the approval fhe 50. when the specie careers sength apace the die argetnean sength of corte made wt patel agen, salle ‘tong ot estan 3 Nima fr conceit ead Sor 3 Nima er coertest rae 20 oe above ay Be sed fo he tal i ein, 9.322 Saat of Proposed Ml Proprtins ie Come sal submit or the arora of he S., pie wt py any despite te loving ats Themes souce fsck mtr, 5. Appropriate ening datas evidence of scepble revo emma ‘yt mean eng care mag, wrk a werent as 4 exes20n8-9) fal dist oni ies ai ot in ssn wih So>-Stin S335,an 6. The pepe aunties by weigh fetch mal par abe mt fly segues Une otherwise sel al approved by he 8.0 in writing that the Coats ss emp ied withthe skein spied fa Seb Seton 9°22, ial mit sal fe ‘eit ot ‘Tho Conse sl pv aly otis, easble the 5.0. be preset at the making frites av peininry testing othe ube. The Contato sal reat tial ‘tes ing sips apposed mater pel of hse he propos oe ‘Work oral gad othe approve. prior to sonmenconet of sei. Sump and sing pocedues sale in ecordaes wih MS 26. Thre sepaae baie covert sabe mde The wockbity a excl of he he lates sktemined by means of the simp testo compact factor test or Vebe onsite a pitied cordance wil NS 26 sal be ppp o the preposd we ad moods of psig abd compaction ofthe mis dsl be ppt byte 8.0. Scuba be mae omental. Thre from ech et fans be ested aa geo 7 as and dee a a geo 28d. Te average ‘ent ofthe nine cake ened 28 age hl nsed the see Shaner ‘tenth bythe acct un ants 3.5 Nit Te aprove lies Sal hen be designed asthe “designed mix” al i comespooding Worablty & Be Send weal uring proacsin te S0. nay requ ations tial ices to bere before ‘stat emg ade ithe mater i the propoton ofthe materia abe ‘ed Tiles oeed ot be etd oat when just ge ade oth mi ropa aseardance eh Su Seton 9.3.24 9.324 Conte Suength of Designed Mies 2. Alsen to Bt Propoions _Ajsuent tom proprio sl be made the approval ofthe. in ‘eri mine th nly ote nd ott t aget nea Strength The specie lint of minim ceent cen ni ee ‘eter! eto sal be Waited Changer st come! Inve to be “lr. A acca orton of amen coset by gente ha 2h o af {ine gaevnte by gree han or ay hangs te pe dee iste, of any changer iw tbe ype of cen, Soneny Ht onside a change indesign. 1% Chayela current arin ‘change in erent moro wsed for jing compliance wih pied ‘harass stent Dsomes sppoprite when ress sulin Inge muer of tests sbow that te prevsly exblised agin Reset ofthe marin shal esr ot acordnoe with Sb- ‘Sci 93:21 Along oe margin sos cet iter neal fom he revies va, the option of he eaclred value ‘ila erly ete ithe ovale derby san 199 hen (exsPs2008-8) oscdon est on 40 separate batches oss thn 11% wen based on ets 0 sept bcs res sha 3% wh bed on es on SO sep Bites ‘onthe adoption of recalled margin. sal come he caren agin forthe pen of eompintce ithe specied erate sent onrte pode segue the hans 933 Retnenls o Coerte oaaa ana gaa Wodaity “The vorably ofthe es once sale jaded ysl ore onion ‘tasting psn that ter open, tsuoat alleen, ends til dts compel i ek Worabity ofthe cnsrite sal be wii one fhe allowing ints any 125mm orton thi of he “desi worabliy” whisheer ic peter 1b Competing Fat {00 woe ie "esined woabiiy” 0.9 or mow 2200 whore hedged wort” teen 0. 09. £005 whorethe "denied wera” 08 os. Vee 2 condor one thot deg worabliy= whee er, Conese Grade “The rade conc te wd inte work sal be stein wg mals ‘hesitates (Conse sal be designed as GRADE XY where ithe cel aloe of he horses senha 25 yn Nisa and "Y" she ome main se of ‘erent nu or resebl us osu Paull be ned afer XC). ett Cott Cent sate thi pecan sal fr othe quite of came ab Soper in SubSeaton 921, or te ta quis of fevenitins mails ‘ning Ptl ete and pace 9393.1 Minis Cenent Cent ‘he inna come cote shal ei acealce wi Table 96, wes ‘hee dv ne age 9.35.2 Maina Cet Contest he in cret cote inl a ace 80 kn! wes tee sown the rings or ss appoted bythe 8. Foti cheide Comer he a eho covet oe ont i aris ow the agregar ay ter source slot any ccmstanes excrete Is Table expres ak 8 Presse nh bec lie ne i weight fea in te ae 96 ‘oxwese12008 35) ‘Whensecessry te sald cane oun acadance with BS 188 Pat 124 eee dco sonora, dentate il hes int ant exceded 92135. Maximum Suite Content ‘he wal esti supa conte of anys ean hat pest in he cme Shia cxcend 33 by meet of cement thes Weve moe. es Sl be el out in accordance wih US TB: Pat T24 foreach ga of come fo ‘donate tat in a xed 94 CONCRETE COMPRESSIVESTRENGTICTESTS AND COMPLIANCE, nash lta, crng al ein fant, shor reeds cada in seonnce ‘sith MS 2 ale eleva Pus of BS 188, The coaprsie sng faucet sal De ere byenshing esos emia 1S cber ss epeciedin MS 26, Testa bcd sa engi abctery approved by the 0 BALL. Presb Mix privet sl be ao te as ofthese ni proportion {detache stration Tem propecion shal be wihin i of eles pied sue wor sab cesen osu e enstocon euienent as ceseted ia ‘able 9A12 Desig Mix ‘Tecate steno designed nix comer te compesive steal ‘wocetor than 5% oe est ess ry bene fil Cmplinc wih he ‘Specie characters srengh fal be ged by ests made on ues ata ag 28 Seton 9.4 snd 93, ore arsing fmm the eal tei) ‘abs cad ot mn Sub Soin 94.1, he. al deen the action tbe ake 1 he ay stg ee tan he pif sng ements ome conc stale paced on he pet cosa no emova a rppegon he ase res al Be ald nthe 25-day complanesrauable oe ore appved by hein wg For somcomplnice of 2-ycompresive seth, hess of wrk pes by the ssrpes whi fl te tt carded uti scaedate wih Sab-Secon 64S shal be etn Homers, nth even of oncompliane arn om teres fhe satis ayia tina fr th designed ous le wokepeeseted ye samples edi eas ‘alte emove The work sl be paced conse resting with pectin Frthe tc of dsine ni the Corso hl rfp ts i aon ate te em Seg _Aleatey hS.O myc oer esse oe ae onthe wok ss, The .0 ‘ylation ests be cael ot o te hardened cone dein tai ‘te saps sonerete. The ext my ede ron-dstve ed (M820, aking ord ‘pes (S25 fad el camino seer mths. he rel sal essed ot ‘ard BS S09. The ols of my sete sl not ate fon onplance mit Sab Seton los intl der ties Stale gated rch er beatte Contactor sexpnseantmeneioac ine PAB OMe irs Alleeciv coc wes had costed couse meer poor aligmnestand pn, banshee aces, fare dr contin shoe sng ot {eas a stars be etsved an ude pod or thre resid a acadncewth he ‘Osis at te Cnet sexe 49 Addon Cbse Adios cb may be equieé fe warous prpset ‘Those al tie ad et in ‘corde ih S26 but he ethos of sampling nth conics unde te ae ‘ore al be red according ths pupae fe wich hey wee For detoinng he cube stengh of peste cone bare was af opr in 8 ‘trserteoresks emer, sanping sabe athe point flange sabes be ore wd he some condos the one in the meas ‘Teor cabessalbe ntfedt thts of aking sl ote wtf al eaity ett or conpane proses, 94.10 Reconig of Tt Reus Allcosee cube ests a sunnary sal ecru apport msn aes tc Frat pened bythe 8.0. The ay a 2d areata hl he eared ‘tpt wits coeaponing cnet conten obtains fom te bathing rod bt Sairing eter ready acon sd) of fe cont The caresaing serait ‘nagesto sures oF ates, onset sup, cae arg, hrgetmem eg cement v9 gant ‘ox RISPs2008-59) ‘one or syather nich clang ote prams ofthe oeret isl abo be eso separately. Allen sled eign betwen O ori pesca he Canto “Thercndsshllbeanysed ome the lowing compe eqaements asst nse Seen ‘The aval tet en athe average lbs ote these aig he Sali vale comply wheat of Tale A, The romp tessea nd ae he mea aes comply with ohne of Tale 98n Sa Ais ‘Suan snsis hlbcara oats onthe et el ecordedinSubSoion 8410. The Contmte hl submit he $, te flown mali Rain nals of rip es eta he men veld frm ttn {op Sonar deviion (8D thn clad The te of SD ened, when ‘alpina 64 (aati corso compan wh NS 1195) pvt ale ‘ttn! a 1 Thocyent marin ale souk a i low he designed cure gia eid ‘ier pening th esr il IU the eet ar ils bow he designe ‘ato he $0 my tet he plat sping th con, ste the Conte 0 Ted head ake ppopine ston sn SbSexton 9.7 9s PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE 951 Session “The Conrac sal et the eqired standard ofcore| remand yonstp The 50, sal cafe al eczonsble oppress to spect the continent Inmerls ante poco ofeoprte arb ke samples resin Bathing sii The quits of een fine sae vrs ie ofcourse aggreznt sl mess {ywei unsctterworapjroved byte SOA seperate weighing nein sale provided Ternelghing he cre ern thcencat yb eased single mer of {apricot ic Te gusty of we stale mena by lune oy eight Ary sd ‘ire tab ne al be measured by weg gd or pst admits salt meme Ty vole evel. ‘heb fuente sale ads allow othe ois content of he azereee tring used tl neering ein! shal eee cn sie oF Met eas ss ‘Sb by ceribees fom ascredtedaborsren “The ie sal omply wit he seme oF AS 105 were spa. The mixing ine Stabe es tn tons and not more han ive mites or any tine eormened bythe ser anufctrcr feral he ede hve ee placed iste mits Miesthut hve Best we forme thn 0 outs sale orophyleane bere my Fresh conse mies Url ofertie are the SO, the fiat bate eon oh thet cient to ofthe onal quay of contse agp. Thema be though ceed before changing fom oc pe of eet anatier so-10 ‘okRsP120085) “Tae wate cote of exch atch of onrete maybe ase so pode concrete ofthe rr ree, However care al be taken 1 ee the Bee eee! a Inne Te ol mot wae dd thal be ead 953° Rendy ised Conese Ready mix ncn covert pradcedy thin psy pli for very Contr ‘aplasstt Theatr of theconcrete ar btebed iter owe. conto pad ‘eampred in supse-na agers operating cominosy or ack mies othe Site, Realy ised sce sl comply we requiem of designed mit as it SibSeton 533 ond NS 53 All costal, ning water adits ale mic nthe Pint aad dered to Sef purpose ade tack xe No extn Wat O ues fe lbw toe ded arth coors eee pli. Renly mixed cone dled 10 th Steal be aconpanid by delivery ke a ‘intact aching rsd iting te tn of mix proportion y weigh the grade af overt, pe and size of agsee te ad tine of oan pla, ype and dose af tema nearest ote rev preston das in sable ors ang hh he SOorkseepesstatve, sal mei eet eal land of concee. The O,or is ‘peste ane ovat al esse neain poised thle ks nd ‘termes bathing esd comps hth details ole ppore sgl ms ad ‘ corespog desig Worse Su Suton 9.329 bare cag the Rejected conse sll be senaved tm the Sie. The delivery ska sal be ark REJECTED" 954 Tampering Cont sal be pried fom the mie othe mn ply praeble by ‘nea, esl prereatsegegono sso ny consti oie reg mer “tla sin heguced atity abal be deposed rear practicable ita oatioeo avs handing or mang th concrete rao vibration, Tons sal {convey by ces cnet pps oly with eamson Fem th $0, 95S plang 955.1 Plcng of Conran Dey Contin Foralconrte whet mina on ff teste ofthe Work atte sabe laced {leptin two (2) hots fang the creo the dy gare td thing mints or yee perod tebe tel i pe Seen 5.4' nl prove by the Sn amir seo ing aero he ces nd agree Cort sal mt be plas it a part ofthestete e he ‘real ofthe Ss Bn ebinine. ooeeing i stard wthn 24 hoes rca es, ppovl al aga be laid fr the 0. All msc sence cine i sal be leas nd ee ding ‘ttt inedinny ere the pacing of corel. Contig shal be aid at “nol been and pede cosine one soqere of ‘yrs sal be thraaSy sonpate by ear hed arpa eta ‘vaion rth an sl be hough worked i he comers Ae api io pct ont al othe atl to dicbace teranachae 9 conpaton by sation tn the event of wnaveble siopaae potions aot edaeried te contetng Stall be temo a hil pine ao rast ei sre the ne of sop Botte The loess for emia lal be sajened ioe wprralofiieS0. son okR/sP/2008-59) rshcocret lt be places apn conrete which ns ben pos or meetin 4 nse or ny athe period of tie bel onthe ial a pet Sub Sesion 924, 9.521 snd approved By the SO if an somitre wed) se ensteton ji ifomned nace with sub seta 9.61, When scores bar bee apace for er houn, no fro concrete sl be placed gat For ‘er 20 Hous. Where earding admire has been sed, Be S.. say apwove Except wer terse approve the. conc sl be deposited in sional Isjento wcnrpct depth a exe 40 mma ner ite 1 a val ter uc. Te tac of he orcs be a asocay ice ing aig. Conc sal ot doped ino ple oma ei excesing | Sie Hoeven, Ip drope sy be allowed the a en wel eins a prepcone. ‘Whew ung oes eed ty Sl beet se ated nc eer ‘eave segeeation "he Ceataco stall mina an expres ae thet ofc core vero ing he plaig of conte to epoaton any retarent whish nye tipo 955.2 Pig of Concrete Ue Water No comeete tll be plced ia Mowing wate. Underwater cont if dened anes sal be ned spin by rem pe om heer Corte we picel unde aterabl bof appoted ix withthe aur econ ney 2%. During and ae oteling under was, pumpin devaig options inte ‘romain sal be peed wt ae 0, penton ete We ences spaced ba ue pips, allowing requrerets sal be apa 1. The hopper and wemiepipe sal baad sem Tetouan ofthe enie ‘pe il be kata far as practesbleSenenth te me of ie plac 1b, Thewemipipe sal ge enough thd regan the se of ara. sam and ge agrees, aber dane epg approved he $0 allied © Unksotersise edt he. ecard ‘of conere a ws, ‘ung guise iva de pipe surged tiecoerate ©The sorte il e deposed wo by Hone pipe ante tad of epost sta ee caged pat ay up pve ents ei ‘tapped widin te sre Alte ppe sal be propery cleed er 956 loement Tempers Pacem engeraire tal compty to MS 195 to prevent pena sting a ost of water Shing placa each nvr ade lion precios al hen sen ‘o«RSP1200898) 1 Auten of picing opr oft conte rave atenpene exceeding 36°C. This tiny Beaclieveby soln th er abd sarge ro to ming 1 Cone sa wot be piced in fons oc ond eactmeat whose temper exces $i Thi an be ace by peviing ing ee neato pol om et sang Frese cnc stallbe prot fm resulta os os fete by coven, aig ote nears, 4. Noconceeshllbe paced whoa ii epaticat th pole deeson neds 3. However high teperatres my bellowed povided itean be poven at all notes in ny desl ee to the cone wok 882 Commaton Unstone approved bythe 0, cascet sals thorouphly compacted by won aed ‘toothy weed aeound he ronoysuen endonsor dot tomes, wounded tes ‘din comer the frmworkt orn dense honpnar ue es ram wos nd hich ‘nether ufc isk when onset oad Vite sal apd ousocosy ding the pling ofeach buch of const lhe expulsion ois prctealy eased and name Mich does ot ronotesegregaton he grees "The cone alates bayer te v0 wall of omawork shal be compacted bynes or steal iat Conese in bn oem oe rapper sata al canted ‘Sterbyvibaes of hepa pe ryan eee, The ital wnt: sal be eid sd wide slowly sea aif pce of oprexntly10 ra er secon. Compaction sul be deemed ote compe whe east sno pens an sha arend he eo Over ain ening esas oe mi ‘ut be svedal The al wos shal be sed a poe judged bye ae eta ‘owing ater sompton, wth cera allowance made for veriapping ad they ll Be Siow are it contac i ef o fence! sal bert 98 ‘dstice of atl han 95 the ek ‘Thepas viata be placed onthe fice ofthe concrete, whch sal ve previously boos taped sade avg aowanceia heat compaction hecenent uta pets thee pon. The wr salen he ed a ple the ji sac sod tht ‘pean sale eee ite le sacs haben competed, lems. ‘ren sping hel wi he src ny ala Be se. Whenever vba bas 1 be spd extemal, he design of Foor ad dgsin of ‘ation il iv pei eeeeraon stare effet compaction no en sri ‘nine The oration sl be a dhe il be ener teow the op a ‘peo faction Extra vas shal be Hm secued oe Hrs eh mas beste eg a ie ieton and tog enh tobe dma by oer ira stall be eapsble of operating at wot estan 1000 eck per int and steal ats at ao es than 3.000 yee er mie Scie vbr in sevice onion sabe on Site otha spareuipmet aa ovale th eet below, Viton alle operated by wero lia he Concrete shall besbjected ay disubnce witha 2 usar compaction Nostadiag fe fing water eal allowed coe ia conte with expe cone ices tt frst ew (2) hor ar placing negation cone gon ‘ox st12008 88) 1 th vet oes indegne or ipropercorpason spose, the 0, hs th ih © ines melo cary out te ter Ths fests yd on dette aed este ‘nei Allespenes sures eanyig ou camping testing snd etl wok sabe Some bythe Cantmetor inept of wht he tess prove the satire to be sound ‘cing ana esion Alconeret rsa be cs rte al pra coring which saat sth fe (8) (days, Fs 3 and Ff, bat nest ee (3) foc PI, 12,13, 4 and Fists Cerng a praeton sl sta ines er compaction ofthe concrete to petit from 1. taps daniage sick aoc, oreo o ling cath which may dap the ort nd trie wis bond to elorcaen bree ying ot ome susigh and wid Leen ot by in a Rowing ates, 4. Highnote tions 95K Nonel Caring ad Protection ‘Cone, rit is pled od i expo fhe ering tions at be ‘lows io dy ot Provo sal eae fer aden prcion seis Uet nh and wnt alow be rset cigs comple win he specified period urns peteion shale nccompliid by eovering he exposed cone sce ‘whan impeneae mater st ojeine sheet hich sl be wel ele {inl toned ad eich stor canbe connec rouge he ‘hole prod o cui ‘hex conrt has atained its als one ofthe olloning cing mets be pes ©) Yaar ing sal be aso by sein he sure of he ence oo wet y ponding with, ©) Caring my te accompli by ening i te water a specified above by ‘rceringwthanspproved sterol cig oper opt sting id ‘nh jon tam be scarey position epee dpcenent ‘ind nd protected fom ering er te ey ‘The we of oer methods of ering nay be dened neces when he once is ‘aise fo gh tel heal Biot or i ge exposed sure es. The orator sl sits tid stent ole approval of he S10. The sit fepatire in any period of 30 aes all not exceed 10" Cand xine ‘enpateatand sal ot xed 7 nls it an Be proven ay vite {Gos provision sal ert any deena let oe octet nr Inthe ovet whee the Conor doe ot prope aig th SO, haste io ‘tsp al Yo cany ot fer tests which tay inci dative mths. ‘rps neutering ut such apn, sing and eed woes al Be Sorby the Contnetorinegetveo steer ie est proteus sound rote sou ( 9582. Accel Cxing leet emperae caring ay bowed nl wih Onda Potan Cae Aer otgiion th pacing of one fr (hurl ep bere terete ‘Stamnes te Contacor sabe prove ht cring ean teat yfarastleg sltheovntaapoting sa the S10. The ei empties of Santer sal pc exeost 10°C ad nln tepert and shal 0 exceed 5 nln itcanbe proven hat ony deviation oni roving ry ‘tinea fect ote conc wor Thea beeen coking sal ot ered thera ofheaing Te se of rcelenel ering metus for coneret consi ther ‘ope afeonet ranradmitr ran seer materiale sl et he appeal of tesa, 96 CONSTRUCTION W>TH CONCRETE 961 ‘The posto andi of ay constctin jot nt dsr ia be ravings shal Be othe pro of he 0 sal be o sang at to mate epost fhe oecamene af sage ces. 1 forany reno the Centar inert pnd por er mee than 4S mites (oay lege oftine based nthe wl mix pe Sub Secon 24,932 ad approved y he $0. ifamadicaeis ued aol cose oil be poten consraed at The mse of option joint sal be kp te posible consent wih rencble pecans agit sake. Coocetng sal be cred at eons pf conscton Joins The joel be trig ange oh general deton of themenber a eal ak de esoant of sear of seen Covert sal te ame orto fhe ge an ete jon ale oan agit op bowrd Te top surice of hye of coer all be level no ft une ign enieatians uke hs ues oa ie sl te So amanda ey eo wit eae ofthese wor, whew: posse Attorza enero is, aug sp abot 25m wih shal be plac sie eons ‘hag al expel sfc ents tit en hoes ‘Wheres ike, aster stb) sud rhe consti walandolans isl et ‘eu 30 nn hip be conse nocolibely wh the a concrete, ‘vere sertzalcontasion inte nese in ae cone sts, rinsing asl te placed arn the json tone the wane onli al he pyar ef he 8. Prieto esnmenceent of concreting aj he ace of te concen hic ee rs wl eet sal be fe fon alae adsl be roughened texte! hat he ews ogrg expand tot bedi shall keno on dang he ies of ‘Heo Coes sup be an atthe os sure clean ad dap bat ote ad he “xped ajoing maces of comet col, nme before he sh ores ‘ced gin hj sherman (12) sal be api oe expose sai Whe the $0. comers that sei! prepantion ness fo an inst tt farang within spy fies wearing wih tlhe ‘orem thee motrin on expos the larger ngpepves att string es, Whee ‘histenman sprocket, sad sng oracle guns bese eve ie scace ‘sind lat: Hardened srtaes al be hipped maul omen 9 e fe om Ttence a opry roughed othe extent ht ecu ares ae eg ese sos ‘okes2008-9) 962 Ene Blok asks. Bula Hols Hols chases Be, Abin blocks rch bin oll, chaser, shall bac co teats rete cones ving poe steepest the Contactor © ‘Sean all ah infornon fr se hee wk aed bs he prison th 50, ble Incorporating ch wrk rior teense being placed Bots oes toe cette cont sale tery Fied othe forma such 1 ony th th ar not laced ding te contig operations od tha theo oss a | tra tome wet come iseugh oles a he ono Unless shown ters inh ding ois byte 8.0, reife sale oaly ‘notes atte nininut peel cnr innate oatn ofa ees cnn {ln eve where he minum cover cnn be mite, he Cats ke the sccory pocnoa to prt he eines nga! cen By app 38 AON Coating tele ences lhe ence cover ‘Tenmpoy pig stl be eave nde reds fit in boll be lee ‘efor handingover any pr the Wark 963 seston Crsttin greed Aer he sth of manatee proved, ages shal Bema without Uteageotl othe SO. The Cosetr shal afr he 0. i ans of he te of comment of malted ctingo ach ype of pest atte omponent ‘Whenthe 0. eget toe care ou, ne ofthe eae corte component ‘ohh theese sal bitched he ae ni ets ve been coveted neces proved by thes. Alpen compoocts al be indlbly me tosh the etiiton ‘nukng an spect e dees the prston Bach on whith ey were ‘tumitired sed de on whi the sorte wares I the componente Seale fehl be peat wen the menber sin is eee pion ‘owes te cle emi, 9632 Ste Whente precast cont compones ested hey salle ly sapped eat the pans oped the ewig: No aecalton raped water ad leo tral beallvedinte compen Creal benno avo it iy a ‘foracee ‘he pecastcooer conponens ale ck insu ape a emer ener of ges tind 94622 Hang an Trspon ators proved ye Oa shal bedded pact without pst The hit ie peo equiped anspor ebb andthe na age ‘thsconponnis tobe an sale tothe approval 0. m6 oes 2008'5) 9634 Asenblyand treton ‘he mah ofasenbty and rcton pied inthe rong sab ey aed Inmeintaly a it of rest cntte cempoe in pst, an ete he ing seeps ck ep sp ent in eine seyeable 963.8. Fermity Socal Connections oc sect purposes censors eames of on (1) pt of cen one {Up ofsand (1), mised us ter sot he ee Watered. mot excel 0by welt id event gow salhiavea aterm’ ao bec O ad serach ober poparins ar lb deed by the SO. No ste cnoeton sale dei apr ase given y the 0. Unles tive approve byte 8.0,the compton nthe ie ween io bth siu onet orton anemone pking etal te icrodaace wih the seb iatutions {even doves hl oly breed remove "Non Beavis betnen pees cone comport and adjoining sts ‘tlie witb sppeprate ot normale opty salad ekg re Tey sl be wneroa. adage an coanesion sal be grad, mortar packed or coneeed. The ‘eaperive mix degh sl be fie of line ond chide hey sill be doable, ‘stron on siviksnd posts strenght hat pect once, Ca [ovat nt thee) dye sal be provided, Desig nis al be sited oe S10 rappel The etd ofsanplag nd tetng of goutand nora sale caida aceig MS2h The compres steal Senne by eing eon OD mance, Foren ting day an foetch pdf rot a oro ire spe stl en frome (3) septs aces To (2c sal be cst omeach sal Festi tse (T} and dys. The appropriate stengh ore sal eerie be ‘ted the average sueagin ret than he pele chute ena 9.636 Preston Alallsagesofconsmction, prcastcone components ate cnet ascied ‘teeth sal be prope roles fo reer Jags fo perme expel sees, espeilly re nd ther deca ees. ‘The Work sl cnt of fren al plc reinforcing tel in scrdece ith hs pesiton ain confit deeuings os det bythe $0. (ok5P1200885) 992° Mae Hoss wil tela igh i as al cnpiy i regents of MS {46 Cold ‘worked se! sal copy ih te equenent of BS 446 Hrd dawn mil se! wire ‘ht comply al he equenents of SU ‘Stel ac einem al comply wit eqs of MS LSet bedtneedio the Stein she, nls thene pied. ‘Bowel bares be pla, ov bas conforming the eqiement oF MS 146, They sal be fice fom buh oer detorsatons retin gpa in th cae Dowe a lecves ted fr detontg shale of proved state Theos end seve dl be Usd 2s nhc comple fom lesan ler sl overt eth of thebar be donde elas ny oreo el brought a Sith Conceal aris il eticates oft anh e subd fracas byte .0. nadion he Conta sai oo “suet fr te. with atest fom approve orton or ny bh bs, ag tictenitsof scot themes et nr cena coopostin aaiiequd one he asin Sirdar ey eqs trated heSO. Te spied ‘horace enh of sel enforcement shal eae ive Table. Dasng he one of the wr, ay eos being foun be not ascrdace with he Nolan Stes or Bs Snr ay be wjested bythe 8.0. nasi a Previoweaonyane nie enh eat cine, THe 0 ay al for aoa es fo bee the Conor expe a somples tke from the fateh he defective Fern ft sarge a ots she Maia Sandals o Bish Sand, then he. ay tthe le ac ste seve om he i Stel etree sil beste icles dry codons, When pled he wok shall beck and fe io ose sll se respi dtr anything wick ny relace Msbond wiooene Iieteythe.0, tesla all be bused oe Canad Sere tte Contactar epee Binding wie sl 1 ames ancaledste wie complying wth ie outs 973 Conseton Nets 973.1 Conia and Bending of Rincement al bf tlcovet ents a bet othe xt shapes eit ble being Fred the werk hr sale to et call bythe aplicatn f slow, stay peat o ia at ‘proved trending mcsine Bening temperate exces 100 Cry ly Sse at whe SOs appro and er his sperm. Except where ‘Sirs indented in fhe rng bral esa aed inane ah suai Cold sous oneness nt estagbenedr bet spines ang een bet Wher its aecsay ob he een of wi ste enced cst ‘beans, amore thee al not be ees ee ean of their Speci car slalbe tke athe ctrl Kg fbr ih ipl eds iaesute ‘sha ater ening sa ig i posto the bas rain place who wap © KRIS 2008-9) 973.2 Fag of Reece “The nbs, length ape and poston fal enforcing as inks per ‘sander prs the sel rane sabe nascar wih he Savings ‘eifccmens sl be curd gins dle. Unless specifi teri he ‘cut conete covet sal be ke the dane betwen fice of coer ml he ‘eect since Assign salle dost wa big wean he ‘sf he we sal be tuned int the may af cnet, eifvcement enor elt rojeing fe the covets a comtrcion a ter seins sal ot be be oat of psiton dig the pets wich concteing pended xcept she spall he SO. ‘The Graco sal ks partir cae tht he eine i Id ot corey a cry mest nd eporany uopendel By anes we ppd ot once ‘Seslor fer appoved spices ihe omato preven dispscne dita pln Sod empscting of cnece Link sli embrace he anti enfant {och ny ale seely edo pt Weld. The fp tlre! a ts ‘ately vppotedon stesso eae pln enh rehome Nocoers sl be placed ail ereinfrcementhaben imped an apposed 9733 Slice Joint reinfeneat ass be atectby ppng of bs atpostons shown inde Arie Whee ber per foi ae to eure pir appeal fh hl be ‘ed anise sal be scl inaccoedanee with matte’ statin a {he pesion proved the SO. Allemecis ul ons ips 9 fom oder gh aves an ad be aggre appropiate. 8734 Soppeting and Space Blocks Sopp an spe book eure fr esi he rere i conety Poteet sal ap poe, coniet wth he pupa, of = shape ppc by the 0 and design oat thy wl not oer bea he concrete ies! “Tu nai ie aggregate wed tle nm. The once pce shall ft Ten ame tenth and ter’ eurce at sacra be pare. Wis en tee sek forthe purpose of gt oe Feta! sal bea deere a ‘SiS .72 ‘Sp in sw stl ig desired apna o ay fhe rece ‘coming spaling st seg orallowing te psage of mite ‘rer pes of spss maybe wed oly wit ce approval th 0. 9335. Wel of Kaarcement ence inscribe weed ace! were dein thedaingso pert nie peiieton Weld sl be cared ot in accordasce with 135 and HS 63, Bat wel hal ‘of dbl Ve ano tt wel ond ess sal beara cat on aspen ‘epwed t repreent ech fom of the Ball welded jt wed In sedge ‘neal and for postion lng The metho of aking bt wel tt sep (ok RSPs2008-59) salle a aid ove ia BS 708 he piensa pass tet othe ppv te ‘SlO-ttre ing th Joi, themes represent Weld joint tal tbe ade at beds enforcenet. Ulett proved bythe $0, jin in pall bare ofthe pritepl lene reinfreesal e agg tte lngudaldeoon adage lesan he end echoes Ten fo the b Al welding sl be pefonmed by a omptent welder approved the .0. “The So lb nomen advan of when wsfig 0 be cad ou a Int seve and apes te work Welding sal te pafomed inthe eld ing rnin rather ase sions, 98 PORMWORK AND SURFACE FINISH FOR STRUCTURE 981 Dasion mnt Coutnston Dessinion or ail inde all engoay or permanent fs requied fr Fomine “The Coat is deemed w have nde a stay ofthe Dravings a tad stage a is area a asf eensteton equ hey hel pecially deed pewne Pov the spot an the necessary tang ore stabliy of a proppie ‘The sgn an contin of emer al be cased uty a compete pesos “The Coto shales aller Frwek eg dr th weg nd

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