Physics Challenge #1

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(1) 2 balls of mass 5 kg and 3 kg are kept on a plane ground at a separation of 80 m.

They are
thrown towards each other at a speed of 50 m/s at an angle of 37. They both collide in midair. The collision is partially elastic (e = 0.4). Find the distance between them when they come
back to the ground after collision.
(2) If the motion of a body of mass m is represented by F = kx, then find x(t).
(3) A hollow ball of radius r and mass m rolls down a roller coaster track from rest from a height h
as shown in the figure. The end of the track is in the form of a loop of radius R. Find the normal
force exerted by the track on the ball when it is at an angle above the horizontal from the

centre of the loop.

(4) Three identical cylinders are arranged in a triangle (one lying on top of the other two and
all 3 are in contact), with the bottom two lying on the ground. The ground and the cylinders
are frictionless. You apply a constant horizontal force (directed to the right) on the left cylinder.
Let a be the acceleration you give to the system. For what range of a will all three cylinders
remain in contact with each other?

(5) A ball is dropped from a height h on an inclined plane of slope = 1 as shown in the figure
(assume that the distance of the ball from the point where it hits the plane is h). At the same
time the 2 blocks start oscillating with an amplitude of 0.2 m. A drag force equal to v where
v is the velocity of the object acts on the blocks and the ball. After hitting the plane the ball
goes towards the left block. This collision is partially elastics (e = 0.2). After this collision the
ball goes and hits the block on the right and sticks to it. Find the final amplitudes of the blocks.
NOTE Assume that there is no gravity after the ball hits the inclined plane and the plane is
removed after the ball collides with the first block.
If u find it difficult to do this question with constants, assign any values of your choice and then
solve it.

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