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Running Head: PROPOSAL

Research Proposal in Counselling Psychology

[Name of Writer]
[Name of Institute]



This research proposal aims at undertaking the vital domain of counselling psychology, and its
imperative facets, with respect of the perception of the addicts, regarding the effectiveness of
counselling on the treatment and its objectives. Moreover, the proposal discusses the relevant
theories in this regard and the proposed methods for the research, as well the possible limitations
the research may entail.


Research Proposal in Counselling Psychology

Over time, science has progressed in numerous domains, other than the main arena of
technological advancements. Science has spread over a vast field, encompassing both the
technological aspect, as well as numerous other quantitative domains. Similarly, psychology falls
under the vast umbrella of the modern eras scientific studies. Mainly encompassed with the
behavioural factors of mankind, psychology over the time has played a pivotal role in
enlightening the world with respect to the core revelations regarding the human personality and

Problem Statement
In order to evade the substantial chunk of our population from the ever increasing curse
of the substance abuse and its sheer psychological addiction, it is highly imperative that the
minds of the subjects (addicts) are vulnerable and open to welcome the appropriate sense
inculcated in them regarding the hazards, these substances cause to their health and
psychological condition. However, in numerous instances, the rigidness of their minds regarding
the adherence to the substance, and disregard the evil side it entails, act as an imperative
impediment and the road block, between their addiction, and the sound gateway out of it, via
psychological counselling. However, if astute counselling psychological techniques and
procedures are employed, for diminishing the rigidness, and increasing the vulnerability of their
minds, regarding paying heed to the detriments of the addictions, and entailing positive and


favourable perceptions regarding the positive effects of the counselling on this pressing matter of
their lives.
Thesis Statement
Clients' perceptions have an influence on preventive and treatment activities of addictive
behaviours through Psychological Counseling

Purpose of the Study

This endeavour and study will first and foremost be a descriptive, as well as an
exploratory study. The primary focus of the study will revolve around the perceptions of the
client (addict) regarding the preventive and treatment activities of addictive behaviours through
Psychological Counselling, and the favourable or ineffective results it entails (with respect to
clients perception).

Aims and Objectives

The primary aim of the study is to astutely understand the perception of the client
regarding the effectiveness of the counselling psychology in the vital domain of the

Moreover, the study will strive to understand, as though what factors cause the minds of
the addicts to be either rigid or receptive towards the treatment or the counselling that the
respective figures carry out, for the diminution of their addiction level.

Most importantly, not only will the study strive to understand the causes of the clients
rigidness or receptiveness towards the counselling, or the positive or the negative
perception he/she entails for the counselling; but also the imperative measures and


process employed to turn the rigidness and the negative perception, into much favourable
and positive attitude, towards the benefits which the counselling entails for the addicts.

Ho: Clients' perceptions have an influence on preventive and treatment activities of
addictive behaviours through Psychological Counseling.
H1: it denotes the rejection of proposed hypothesis.

Research Questions

What are Clients' perceptions about prevention experiences of addictive behaviours

through Psychological Counselling?

What are Clients' perceptions about Treatment experiences of addictive behaviours

through Psychological Counselling?

How these perceptions influence the counselling process? How it is affected?

Literature Review
It will be rather wrong to say that the activity of addiction of numerous substances is the
endowment of the modern world. The history is full of substantial manifestation, which entails
the practices, which eventually compel the person to fall the victim of the adverse curse of
addiction. However, what the modern world has really endowed on to us, are the access to the
remedial measures, via the medial or psychological treatment. Such blessings, in form of the
provision of numerous remedial measures were a myth in the primitive times, which are now
excessively available to the needy ones.


However, the entire issue does not revolve around the accessibility of the remedies, but
around the willingness of the client or the addict to take a stand for him and change his fortune in
a positive way for the rest of his life. In the current era, when those evil objects (addictive
substances) are even available in the door steps, it is extremely tough for a person to abstain
himself from the indulgence, in those addictive substances. However, what more tough for the
person is to muster up the courage, the motivation and the intent to bring his life on to the right
path, and compel himself to relinquish the intake of the addictive substance any further (Derous,
2007). There lies no surprise in the fact that the number of the individual who strive to change
their destiny and the course of their lives is rather less, in comparison to those who prefer to live
in the current state and relish the momentary pleasure the indulgence stores for them.
Now, a cognitive mind is coerced to ponder over the difference in the approaches of the
previously mentioned categories of the addicts, as though what factors cause the change in
approaches to such a significant extent. Numerous past studies have proven that the difference in
approaches is primarily caused by the perception of the addicts, regarding the effect these
counselling sessions entail. If a person firmly believes that the sessions are actually helpful and
beneficial, then the positivity will eventually compel him to give up his current lifestyle and seek
for refuge in to the counselling of the respective figure (Mitchell, et. Al, 2011). However, if a
person encompasses the perception that neither the counselling has any effect on such habits, nor
is it worthy of relinquishing, and going back to the same boring and unexcited life. In the later
case, no matter how astute the counsellor or his techniques may be, there exist fair chances that
the rigidness of his mind will not let the positive inculcation rest in his mind to a significant
level. Therefore, the success of the counselling greatly depends on the perception of the client,
which means that the primary job of the counsellor is to effectively mould the perception, rather


than straightaway addressing the issue of addiction. Moreover, the research has also proven that
the perception of the clients play a significant role in altering or moulding the whole course of
the predetermined procedures, processes and techniques of the counselling (Owbray,, 2010).

This research will use mix method that comprises of the qualitative data collection
method. And it will use both the primary, as well as secondary sources. Qualitative data will be
gathered through secondary data accumulation, which will base on previous renowned and well
acknowledge researches and primary data will be gathered through the personal interviews of
both the addicts, as well as the renowned psychologists.

Expected Results
The provision of the expected results after the successful execution of the research are
believed to reveal that the perception of the clients may have a significant influence on
preventive and treatment activities of addictive behaviours through Psychological Counselling.

Possible Limitations
The most expected limitations that this research may confront are with respect to the
accessibility to the desired research material for the secondary research. Moreover, there exists a
possibility of the unavailability of the psychologists or the biasness from the addict, in giving the
required or right answers to the questions.



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