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Author, title, date & place

of publication or other
relevant details.

Student notes

Trewlett, Giles, The Ghosts

of Spain

Use of tourism as a point?

Mainly background reading

Casares, Gabriel Tortella,

The development of
modern Spain: an
economic history of the
nineteenth and twentieth

Overall, good points made

during Franco period as well as
facts to be used, overall good

Encarnacion, Omar, Spain

after Franco

Main focus on life after franco,

some reference to economy,
therefore could be useful?

Harrison Joseph, The

Spanish Economy in the
Twentieth Century

Covers both prior and post

Franco era of economy, as well
as during, therefore useful

Wright Allison, The

Spanish Economy 19591976

Due to time period, does cover

Franco era of economy as well
as one year post Franco though
very brief

Caruana Leonard and

Rockoff Hugh, A Wolfram
in Sheeps Clothing:
Economic Warfare in
Spain 1940-1944

Focusses on economy during

WW2 though mainly on
Wolfram - type of metal
Good overview of Spanish
economy during time period

Calvo-Gonzalez, Oscar,
American Military Interests
and Economic Confidence
in Spain under the Franco

Focusses mainly on military

bases placed in Spain via USA,
some reference to economy
under Franco, though overall
lack due to shared topic

Puig Nuria and Castro

Due to long time period, little

Teacher comments
and initials

Rafael, Patterns of
International Investment in

focus/reference on Francos
Spain though can be useful for
pre and post Francos spain

McDonough Peter, Barnes

Samuel, Lopez Pina
Antonio, Economic policy
and Public Opinion in

Debatable - e.g. some

reference to spanish economy
during Franco period but also
more focus on public opinion,
good reference to economic
policies also

Lukauskas, Arvid J, The

Political Economy of
Financial Restriction: The
Case of Spain

Focus on political aspects as

well as economic, though more
focus on Franco spain due to
reference to dictatorship, should
note more political focus in
some areas

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