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Unit 1: Pre-production LO1

Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards

fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production
From all the pre-production you have carried out over the past year you need to pick one
and complete the following task.
You will need to show an excellent understanding of the requirements for the proposed
production and will be able to explain fully why each element is required.
You will give detailed explanations of how these requirements will be sourced and give full
consideration to codes of practice and regulatory issues.
From the table below you need to explain why each element was important to your chosen
production and detail how you would source them.
For example

Sources of finance


Facility hire



It is important to have finances in place before production starts, as every
producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as Cameras, tripods, green
screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert production for example, a producer
may also need materials such correct costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene
and talent in order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be needed such as
cameraman, soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and runners in order
to produce a professional looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and postproduction equipment
will be needed and these cost a lot of money.
Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production
can be hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and
sound engineer.
Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets
or studio Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London, National Rail,
hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per

List of all items that need detailing

You can either create your own table or upload this one to Weebly and
complete. Either ay, a table like the one below needs to be used.
Sources of

Facility hire

It is vital to have finances in place before production starts, as every
producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as Cameras,
tripods, green screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert
production for example, a producer may also need resources such
as correct costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene and talent in
order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be needed such as
cameraman, soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and
runners in order to produce a professional looking advert.
When all is complete conveniences such as editing suits and
postproduction equipment will be needed and these cost a lot of

Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production can
be hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and sound
Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets or
studio Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London, National Rail,
hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per


Availability of equipment
Availability of personnel (size
of team; roles)

The importance of having deadlines is so that you have a target
date so you may know when your production needs to be ready by.
Also for the fact that running a production is very expensive and
without a deadline the expenses of the production would just
increase with time. Deadlines also means that there is some kind of
organisation within the production which would be very necessary
considering how much there is to do and with not much time to get
it all done to a very high standard. availability of equipment is also
very important because you will need to think when the equipment
is available and work around that time and on which days you would
want to use it. if equipment isn't around on the days that you need
it you won't be able to meet the deadline. this will be the same a s
for the personnel. if the actors ect aren't around or available on the
days of your filming you will not meet a deadline on time in which
case you would need to plan further ahead of time to make this all


Production equipment
Post-production equipment
facility houses

Lots of equipment is generally required to produce a good and
professional looking production. this includes using: lighting
equipment, microphones, smoke machines, cameras, cranes etc.
this will all cost a lot of money to make the production look the best
that it possibly can. on the lines of post production equipment this
again will cost a lot of money in order for it to look professional and
work successfully, you will need a production house, sound booths
and tapes. this all very important for the post production. all of this
equipment will make it look the best that it can.


Original materials,
Archive and library materials
Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,
Script (upload an example)

Having original material is important to a production because
without it it wouldn't perhaps be in your film. having some
that is original and yours will make it more unique and your
own. using footage that isn't yours should only be used if you
cannot get it on your own such has if your film included a
scene in outer space you would need to use footage that has
already be filmed as you could not get this on your own.
however using Archive and library materials is very expensive
therefore using your own footage actually not only makes your
film more unique it also saves money. this is also the same for
both Photo-library materials and
Sound library materials this should only be used as last case
resort if you can't get them, yourself. using the internet is a
very key thing as this where you will gather your research for
the production, to find the location you want to use an d find
the companies you want use to hire out equipment. using
audio is also a huge part of a production as it is what will fill
the gaps and will create the scene as in a love film there will
usually be romantic music playing with it.
having a script is probably the most important as without it
the actors and cast members would not know what to do at
all. it gives them something to follow and an idea of what the
character they are acting should be like.
costumes are pretty much a big part of a production as well
because without them you wouldn't know who was who. you
couldn't have a police man in normal clothes as they audience
wouldn't understand without the uniform



Recces (Upload an example)

Limitations and risks:
Distance, access, cost, weather

The importance of recces are when you are deciding what location
to use are massive help at it is a written lay out of the area you are
considering using for your filming. it helps you to decide whether
the choice of location is suitable and it has a layout of potential
hazards, lighting information, sound information, power information.
this therefore gives you time to assess your chosen location and see
if it would work well enough to house your production.
Distance is established in the recce as it gives you the chance to
copy out the address as well as where the closest facilities are the
others need to be thought through also incredibly carefully as the
location cost needs to within budget weather is important to look
into as if its going to rain will that effect your production and is the
location accessible or all the equipment needed as well as all crew
this is important as if you dont look at accessibility and you get to
the day of filming then you realise its near impossible to get all of
the equipment to that place then that effects the entire running of
the production

This an example of a location recce.

Codes of
practice and

Location permissions
Health and safety

Getting permission to film on a location is very important. if you
dont get the permission and still decide to film then the land
owners have the right to make you leave. This then hinders the
entire production as a new location needs to be found as well as
deadlines not being kept to due to this. Clearances are the emails
sent, again asking for permission. For example in a music video if
you dont have the right to use the song then there is a massive
copyright issue.
Copyright is the legal right to use artistic material. if you don't have
these rights to use certain material then you are breaching
copyright meaning you are classing something as your own when it
is not. this is a criminal offence therefore a fine will be put in
place. Copyright covers: print, publish and perform, film, record
literary and artistic or musical material. When thinking about health
and safety you need to think carefully about anything deemed

dangerous. risk assessments tend to be done in order to cover this.

They are important because if the proper health and safety
regulations are not put into place then there is a high risk of
someone hurting themselves therefore costing the production more
money. insurance is very important if you hire out equipment
and something happens to it as a producer you wouldnt want to
then pay the full price for it to be replaced insurance allows you to
only pay an excess and the rest is covered by the insurance.
The below only requires you to discuss the importance
(Choose the one that relate to your production only)
Press Complaints Commission
(PCC) Advertising Standards
Authority (ASA)
Pan European Game
Information (PEGI)
Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film
Classification (BBFC)
OFCOM regulate music videos to make them fit for viewing to stop
offensive material being broadcasted to teens. They do this
by choosing appropriate scheduling and context. This is important
as it then portrays the appropriate message to a certain age group
they also focus on the visual aspect again, monitoring what younger
viewers see.

Producers Alliance for Cinema

and Television (PACT),
National Union of Journalists
Broadcasting Entertainment
Cinematograph and Theatre
Union (BECTU)

BECTU(Broadcasting entertainment Cinematograph and theatre
union) this is the trade union for media and entertainment
(including music) trade unions are important as they protect the

workers in that union to prevent them being exploited. For example

if working in the music industry and you were asked to stay late
without pay)the union could say no to this as its the unions
responsibility to protect you from this sort of thing.

Entertainment and Leisure

Software Publishers
Association (ELSPA)
British Interactive Media
Association (BIMA)

Trade associations, similarly to a union is a body but for the bosses
of the organisation. The people who make the regulations also need
protection from exploitation trade associations also allow
communications between others in the industry, BIMA are a strong
trade union leading entertainment.

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