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Exam 3 Part 2

50 points


1. (5 pnts) Designate whether the hand in this picture experiences drag forces, lift
forces, or both

A) Drag

B) Both

C) Both

D) Drag

2. (5 pnts) Determine the minimum length of pipe required for flow to be fully
Cast iron , = 0.26 mm
V = 10 m/s
D = 10 cm
= 997 kg/m3
= 8.72 x 10-4 N-s/m2
L = 4.49


3. (2 pnts) Write, in words, the definition of the First Law of Thermodynamics

Conservation of Energy

4. (2 pnts) Which fluids are NOT Newtonian? (Circle)

a) Ketchup

b) Water
c) Paint
5. (2 pnts - Fill in the blank). From the Bernouilli equation, a decrease in flow area
causes the velocity to increase___and the pressure to decrease_.
6. (2 pnts - Fill in the blank). _Lift________forces are the sum of the net shear and
pressure forces acting perpendicular to the flow velocity.
7. (2 pnts - Fill in the blank). ____Drag_______forces are the sum of the net shear
and pressure forces acting parallel to the flow velocity.
8. (5 points) Briefly explain what causes flow separation around a cylinder in crossflow. Show illustrations as necessary.
As the flow goes around the cylinder, the velocity of the fluid increases and the
pressure decreases. As the fluid continues around the cylinder, the flow begins
to decelerate, pressure increases, and an adverse pressure gradient occurs that
causes flow separation. (Note: flow separation as defined in this chapter is not
the mere splitting of flow on the front or leading edge. It is the point where it
separates from the body as it moves PAST the object. The Re number is an
indicator of the above phenomena, but it is not the actual physical mechanism.)
9. (5 pnts) For the configuration below, determine the work input required.

n T= 0.15

n gen= 0.25

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