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1 Cognados (Cognates)
Before you watch the video, read the following words from the episode. They are
cognates, words that look the same in both Spanish and English. Match each Spanish
word on the left with its English equivalent on the right.
______ 1. concierto

A. curious

______ 2. septiembre

B. refreshment

______ 3. refresco

C. equal

______ 4. interesante

D. concert

______ 5. curioso

E. interesting

______ 6. guitarra

F. invite

______ 7. igual

G. guitar

______ 8. invitar

H. September

2 Objetos y ropa (Objects and clothing)

As you watch the video, listen carefully for the following words. Put a check mark
only next to the words that are mentioned.
______ zapatos

______ libro

______ blusa

______ bolgrafo

______ camisa

______ puerta

______ falda

______ pupitre

______ pantalones

______ reloj

______ cuaderno

______ mochila

3 A qu hora?
Complete each sentence with the correct time according to the video.
1. La seora Montera dice (says) que son las __________________________.
2. Francisco entrena (trains) a las __________________________.
3. El entrenamiento (training) termina a las __________________________.
4. La clase de historia de Jos es a las __________________________.
Aventura! 1

DVD Program Manual

Episodio 2


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