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3 10 15 aa 30 aS “40 as UNITED STATES NIKOLA, TESLA, OF NEW YORK; N. ¥., T PECK, OF ENGLEWOOD, PaTENT OFFICE. ASSIGNOB OF ONE-HALY TO OHARLES ‘NEW JERSEY. COMMUTATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELEGTRIG MACHINES. GPRCIPICATION- forming part of Letters Appliatioh Sled Apeil 9, 158 Patent 30, $82,548, dated May 15, 1890, Bech] NessaQTit: (He models Yo alt whom it may ‘Be it known thab I, Nixora Tess, trom Suilljan, Lika, border country of Austria-Hun- gary at preseubresiding in tect ‘county, and of New "Fork, hare invented certain new and uselal.Sinprovemonts in Commutators DynamorBlectric Machibes and MM which the following ia 2 spéctication, rele ence being bad to the drawings agcompanying, and forming a part. of the samo. : Tala invention relates to dynamo-clectric, snachines or motors, and fan improvement in the devices for commutating and collecting the eurrenta:. ve “ The objects of tho Tiention ste, frst avold the sparking andthe ‘gradcal away or destruction of the commntator: ments -and brushes of collectors resulting therefrain; socond, to obviate the necessity of readjustmentof the commutator or'the brushes or collectors aud other. conseqnences cof the ‘wear of he same; third, to render practicable ion of very large dynamo-cloctric iia of To carrying out my javention in ‘@ manner to accomplish these resulta T constenct faptator and the colltclors therefor in-two ‘mutually sapted to ene another, snd, 60 “ar as the essontial fealures sre concerned, alike in mechanical structure. Selecting'as wn illustration a commutator of two segments ‘adapted for. use with an armature the coils ‘or coil of which have but two free ends, con- nected respeetively to the said ‘the earing-suritico 1s’ the faco of a di off metallic qunlitint two insulating: slots, and tho ‘fuga ‘of the disk ‘shoald "be ‘smoothed off, so that theraetsl and insulating eee tr joc of ‘unagl brushes,-or w) -term thé Peeeton is-a-disk'of the nae character a8 the odiumutatoe and having'2 aerines simi- | larly forined with two insulating aid two me: tallie segments." Those two parisnre mounted and is ita and eg swearing | eijlou BOR 15 of the same diméu- | * with their fives in aor that ihe rotation of the armature causes ‘contad and in nach men: |.are thie compiutator to taro ‘whereby the ‘currents indi taken 0} ‘by the collector segmentaaud thenes com from 5. In the first place a breaking of the armatdre-coll to thecommat oceur instant, and from Hon this will be i connected at thesame ‘the natare of-the construe pre 6: ‘tho duration’ of both the short circalt will be re- esas ino 5 lou ly, Bieak und that of the duced to ¢ mistiman. reduction which: pression ‘of the spark, alncethe break oad rt cirenlé produce opposite armatare-cofl, ‘The sécond lias Aimialshing the destructive effect of & -stives this would bein meaware joned fo the duration of thespark, whilolessening the 75 duration of the short elrouit ‘obviously Ja- Greases the elficiency'of the machine, "The mechanical ad swill be better uederatobd-by-referring to te sicotapanying dg'a central Jongitadinal section of ved commu- a view of the . Fig. 3 Be modi tho game. - the armatare-shaft af 9.87- 90 namno-electric: ine-or motor. - . : ‘A! in g aloove of fusulati wmaterial around the shaft, neoured in place 5 S.sorew, 0,708 by other guitable means. re on “phe commutator proper 36 fn the form bf & 95 disk: whiebris-mado up of four ta, DD! GG", similar to thos shown Ja-Fig. S, Two of thos ‘segments, a8 D. D/, are of ‘metal and. i im eleckrieat, connection with the ends of the zoils on {hearmatare. Mhe other two seg: tc0. a 282,645 monis are of insalating ‘matorial. . The seg- ‘ments are held in place by a band, B, of in- sulating material, Tho disk is held in place by friction or by screw’, such as 9’ g/, Fig. 5 which necure thé disk firmly to the sleeve A’. ‘The collector, is made in the samie form og * Ute commutator. "It is: com nietallic éegneuts BE’ and thetwoinsnlating- segments F I’, bound t er by.a band, to Tho metallie ts D Bare of the sanie or ically tho smne width oF extent as the insalating segments or spaces corama- tator.” ‘The collector iseccured ta msleeve, by screws g 9, and the sleeve is arranged to 1g turn freely on the shaft A. The end of the sleeve B’ is closed by a plate, ag f, upon which +. Presses a pivot-pointed screw, k, adjustablein a@epring, H, which acts to maintain the ‘col: lector in close contact with th e commutator 20 and to compensate for the play of the shaft, of tlie two Any convenient means is employed to hold | are - the collector so that Jt may not tarn with the shaft. . For example, t:have sliown a slotted plate, K, which is designed to be attached to ag & stationary support, and an erm extending from oe . leotor and carrying & Clamptug- acre, L, by which the collector may be ad- . Justed' nnd set to the desired position. — ~ Lprefer in the form shown in Figs. 1 and 2 30 to ff the fnsciabing segment ofboth comma tatok and collector loosely and to providesome means—as, for example, it spril 66, Be { enred to the bonds A’ Be spoctively, and Dearing against the yegmen exerta light 35 Texture upon them and keep them in close contact to eompensate wear, . The mctal_segments of. the commutator may be moved forward by loosening the sorew o - The circuit or line wires.are led'from ‘the 40 metal segments of the collector, belng secured, thereto in any convenient manner, the plan of connections being shown as applied tos modi- Sed form of the commutator in Hig. 6. ‘The commutator and the collector in thus pregent- 45_ing two fiat and smooth bearing-surfaces pre- vent-by mechanical action. the occurrence of sparks, and this'is more effectively accom- ent here done~that is to say, by the interposition -of an insulating ‘between 50 the separating plates or segments of the com- mutator and eollector—than by any other me: chanjeal devices of which I am aware. ‘Tho insolating-segments are made of some ‘bard material capable of belog, polished and a8 geo d. The metal segments are pref- — or-brasay bat’they may bave __’ & facing or edge of durable material—sach as 60 platinom or the like—where the sparks are inble to-ocour. : Tn Fig. 8 2 somewhat modtfed form of m: invention is shown, @ form designed to i- tate the constraction and repilacing of the 6s part. In this form the conimutator and cal- Jector are made in substantially the same man- ner na previonsly déacribed, except that the, 8, space Fis eut out of each part, as at JI, eorrespond- bands BO may be oniitted. ‘The four seg- ments of eaicli part, however, are'seenred to thelr respective sleeves by cerews gg, anid 70 one edge of ench segment is cat away,"8o that squall plates ab may be slipped into the spaces thasformed, Of these plntesa care of metal, aud are in contact with the metal sogments D Di vely. Theother two, bb, areof glass 75 ‘ar marble, and they are all preferably square, asshown in Figs. 4 and5, so that they may bo, tarned to preseut uew edges should any edge become worn by use. ‘Light springs @ bear apon these plates and press those in the 80 commutator toward those in the collector, and Ansulating-strips ¢ o aresceured tothe peripl- ery of the disks to provent the blocks from” being thrown ont by coutrifagal action, ‘These plates are, of conrse, useful at those edges of 85 the segments only where sparks are linble to ocenr, and, ag they are. casily repiaced, they of great advantage. 1 preferto cont them - with platianm or silver. a To Figs. 6 avd 7 is shown the coustruction: 90 which [use when, instead of solid segments, a finidisemployed.’ Inthisease theoommutator ‘pad collector are made of two insulating-disks; 8, and in lien of the metal sogments a ing in stiape and elze to a metal segment, he xo patisare Aled sioothly nnd the cl dooior. held. by tho sorew h ‘aud eprlug EE - against the commutator 8. . As in the other cages, the commutator revolves while the col- roc Teator. remains stationary, - Ths ends of the coils are connected te-biuding. posts 4, which aro in electrical connection with metal plates 2 within the recesses'in the two parla ST. These chambers or recestes aro filled with 103 mercury, and in the collector part are tubes ‘WW, with screws-1 «, carrying springs X and plstons X, which compensate for the ex-. pansion and contraction of the mercury ander varying temperatures, but which ure sufi. cleptly strong not to yield to the pressure of the fiatd'dne is centrifugal action, nnd which setve as blading-posta, ‘In all the above cases I have described com- ‘watators adapted for a single coll,and the de- vioe is particularly adapted to such purposes. ‘The nomber of segments may be i 1 however, or more than one commutator used with .sloglearmatare, os will he well under- Although [haveshown the beating-surfacea ‘as planes at right ungles to the-sbaft or axis, it isevideot that in this particular the con- atruction may be very greatly modified with- out departore from the ‘invention. ‘Without confining myself, therefore, to the details of coustrnetion which Wave shown in Mlustration of the invention, what I claim as new is— 1, Ina dynamo-electria. machine, the com- bination, with a commutator with con: ing insulating rcaeiae adapted ns spaces, of a to bear upoc ‘the anrface of the. commutators: 902,948 3 and formed with conducting terminals or seg- ments equal in oxtent to. the insulatin; space between thecommut cala,nsaet fort, 2. The consation wll @ commutator 5 built or formed of sod ig to | menlo of sondactag and inewating mate of a collector ada; pon thasnriace ofthe ‘the commuter an ant Conducting locks or segments of a width ‘or esient eau wie thatof theinsulating-segmenta af the eom- mutator and separated by interposed blocks oF segments of ingulating ‘material, na de- 6. eombination, 5 formed aso disk swith alternate tatminals or segments of conducting and jmsalating ma terial, of collector mal imflarly. fo1 and mounted with iis face in contact with that of the commutator, as act forth. a0 The combicstion, with seommutntorkiay: with a comwutator’| set ing 8 bea slogans formed of alternate seo- ie sllesar wits nails and retateally- 60] wi ea) sym fered bearing-surfice and means for apply- the two bearing. 25 together, as net forth, ay The Si aera and . lector iag-surfaces ia pot te tne isposition of the contactand means for bold. ‘ing the collector against rotary movement, as *oieved this lib day of April, 1887, . . RIKOLA TESLA, Witiacines: @ : ‘Rowr. F. Garzon, FRANK BR Haerney. (No Model.) 2 Shootse—Sheet 1. N. TESLA. - . COMMUTATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MAOHINES.. . _ No; 882,846. ~ Patented May 15,.1888, INVENTOR , ‘aTronners.” (Ho Model.) 2 Sheets—Sheet 2. N. TESLA. GOMMUTATOR FOR DYNAMO ELEOTEIO MACHINES. - No, 382,845. : Patented May 15,.1888. WITNESSES: INVERTO! EE BGeito Abele Saab, 7S ATTORNEYS,

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