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Unrrep Sra‘rEs Parent O8rice. NIKOLA TESLA, OF NEW YORK, N..¥., ASSIGNOR. 1 THE TESLA ELECTRIO COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent Ho, 390,721, dated Octobar 9/1988, co "‘avphiotog tled apie; 80. etl Ko. $12.89, oma)“ To all whom it may concerns : Bo it khown ‘that I, Xoxoua Test de nian ject o! \peror of-A.ustria, fom Smiljap, Ike, horder country of A tistria-Hungaty, $5 residing at New-York, in the county and of New rork; have eSuvonted certain ew ahd agoful Improvements in BlectricGan Sblob he fllonog sa pectention raerctn being had'‘to the'drawing accompanying and jo forming-a-part ofthe same. * ~My present lavention relates, eblefty, to the f reurrent system invented by-me ‘nnd’ de in prio patents, notably Noa.” 981,908 and $82,280, of May 1, 1898, in which rf 1g the motors: of or general! ~. rters, ac operated bya progressivashift- ing o movement of their magnetfo poles pro- duced by the co-operative action of independ- ont maguetizing-colls throngh which pass al- 20 ternating currents in proper order and diree- tion, 1n my said system, as I have horetofore shown, Fetuployed a genoratér of alternating enrrents im which there were indépendent in. iced or generating coils correspouding tothe a5 poarglaing coils of the converter, and the re- Jations of the generator and. converters were enerally such that-the of rotation of nagnetic poles of the converter equaled ‘that of ‘the armature of the generator. . 30 «To secure the greatest pitoigney, it is neces- sary to run the machines at & high apeod, and this is true not ‘only of those generators’ and motors which are particularly adapted for use , in my. ays bat of others. ‘The ‘practica. 435 bility of running at very high epoots, how. ~~ ‘evar, pai 1y in the case of 1 era tora, is limited by mechanical condit fons, fa soeking to avoid which I have devised various . Plana for operating the system ander efficient. | 40 conditions, although ranniag the geferatornt a comparatively low rate of Speed . * My présent ‘invention consiata of anothor way of accomplishing this result, which in certain respects -presenta many ainningcs. 45 According t the invention, in lieu of driving ‘the armature of the generator ata high rate of specd, I produce 2 rotation of the magnetic poles of onc clement of the generator and drive the other at $ different speed, by which aimi- ‘So lar results nro obtained to those secured bya ranid rotation of one of tho clements, {on the ermature-shalt.. Col “ Yshall deseribe this invention by reference to the diagram drawing hereto annéxed, The wlich supplies the enrrent for operating tHE motors or transformers con- 53 Y} sists in this instance of a subdivided ring or.” anunlar core wound with four diametrically- oppositocoils, BEY. Within thorlug ismonnted ‘8 cylindrical armatare-core wound Jongitudi- nally with.two independent coils, F ¥, ‘the 60. ends of which lead, respectively, totwo pairsof” insulated contact or eol Hedtiogrioge, DD @ 6, Neeting-broshes 2.9 g bexr upon thése rings, respectively, and | convey the currents through thotwo Indepond- 65 ent line-cireuits MM’. In the main line there may be incladed one or more motors or trans- formers, or both. If motors bo used, thoy are ~ constracted in secordancs with my invention -with independent: coils or sets of coils J J’, in- yo eluded, respectively, in the clrouits M'M’. ° 'Theso energizing-cdila are woand on a ring of annular field or on pole-pleces the: and prodnog by the action of the alternating exr- rents passing throug! them a. progressive 5 abifting-of the maguetiam from pole to pole. ? ‘The cylindrical armatare HC of the motor is wound ith two right angles, which form independent closed cireulta, | .'° if transformers be employed, I conuect one 80 set of the-primary cols; as NN, wound ona ring or anyular ore, to one circuit, as M’, and + the other:primary-coils, N’ N’, to the elrenlt M. The sec coils K K’ may. then bo utilized ‘for running groups of incandescent 85 lamps P P. * With employ an excitor. the generator I ‘This conatats of two'poles, A A, of steel per- manently maguclized, oF of iron excited by a battery or other generator of continuous cur- ‘Yvents,anda cylindrical armature-core mounted on a shaft, B, aud wouud with two longitadi: nal coil,0.0, One ond of cach of these éoils 4s connected to the collecting-rings be, respect- ively, while the other ends are both connected 95 ton ring, a,” Collecting-brashes 8’ ¢ Bear on the rings ¢, respectively, and conductors 1) Liconvey the currents therefrom through the coils Band HY of the generator. I is a com- mon returo-wire to brugh a’. ‘Two independ- 100 ‘ent ¢ircaits are thus formed, one including coils Gof the exciter and I Bof the generator, 9” 2 390,721, the other coils 0 of the excltor ‘and EE of at arate-of speed equal to the sam of the tho geuerator. It results from this that the operationot the exciter producesa progressive ; movement.of the magnetic-poles of the annu- 5.lar field-vore of Uhe generator, the shifting or rotary movement of, said “poles -being syneh-. Tonos with. the rotation of therexciter-arma: tare.’ Considering the operative conditions of | tl m thos established, it will be found that to when the exoiter is driven g0.a8 to en . the Geld of the generator thé armature of the lattergif left free to tarn, would rotate at = speed practically the sate as that of the ex: citer. If under such. conditions the. coils F. ‘1g ¥ of the generator-armatore be closed upon | the res of short-circuited, no currents, #t,| least theoretically, wil ve wale ed tho riescnce of sleet ee conie te presence of s! "30 {atence of which is sdudoniablote moves les pronounced Auctustionsin the intensity of the tungoetic poles of the se generator ring Bos i the armatare-poils F. motor, the latter will Tob te tae tamaed sa Bee colle of th 23 the movemont of the generator-armature is nyschrogous with that of the exelter or of the | ds of the armaturé and magnetic poles of the. @ generator, -so that a comparatively low 70 Bread of the Fenerstor arrunture will produce igh By Teil be olaarved ‘in‘connection with this system, that on. diminishing the resistance of heck Sheenoed of he creer pecs 7 a e speed.of the motor or Py tinal Uevices in multipls arc in the Petorvrenn? ‘itor cireuits of thetranaformer thaatrength of the. carrent in the-ermatare: circuit is greatly increased. Thisis due to t¥o 80 causes: first, to the great differences in the . speeds of thé“motor and. generator, an endl to the face ‘that the epparatas fol ows oalogy of a transformer for ‘for, 2 propor. pt petdaeemiid , thestrength of ‘onrrenta fa t the Held“ or ptiziary slroalte of ho o jerator is inéressed and the. ‘enprents in the ° set ct tie armatare js reg ei a same ‘irection, ss the :* jaguetic len of ite Bi on. the cop: |. magn les Or conversely. Sere ect ofthe ath ! a Ee madotoed the ubora. de 95. in any way checked,no that theabiftin; re ‘soription that the geverator-armature may be x» ion of the poles.of the field’ becomes rola-}:ron-ic. Bo dle ofthe i othe mae ~ tively more rapid, eurreats will be indaced in | netic Rolen, oat but more rapidly, the armature-colls," This -obviously follows | cise of the ‘motor froia the pastiog‘of the lines of force acrces the armuture- conductors, The Be, 35 Epeed of rotation of the magnetic 35 tively to that of the armature th - {dly the currests doveloped in the coils oft - latter will follow one aucther, and the more rapidly the ‘motor ‘will revolve in response 40 thereto, and this coutinges uatil thearmatare- “*" genorator is stopped entirely, as by'a brake, | ‘when theanotor, if properly constracted, rans at the same speed with which the maguetic poles of the generator rotates 45 The effective strength of tho currents devel- ” oped in-the frmabare-colls of. the generator is dependent upon the strangth of: the currents energizing-the gencrutor and upon the nam-+ ber of rotations per anit of time of ie Bag: n es of the gene: ence the 8 5 ae emneamadire will dopesd iret bees upon the relative speeds of ihe generator and of ite maguetia poles. For example, if the poles arc turned two thotsand. 55 times per -unit-of time aud torned elght ‘hundred; ‘thé motor ‘will tors, twelve huodred times, or, nearly 80. slight differences of speed may be Tadlcated by by felicately-balanced motor.- 6 Let it now be assumed that power isapplied tothe generator-armature to turn it in a di- rection opposite to that in which its magnetic + péles rotate. In such case the result would. be similar to that produced by a generator the 65 armature and field-magnets of which are ro- tated in opposite directions, and by reason of these conditions the motor-armatiire will tara | operat armatore of |.d fhe armature is | willbe qual to ibe Gieralatcence ‘Ddotween' the two rates. 106 [p mens eny applicationsto electrical conversion - auf dete ‘Toution thig ‘ponsesses, ae m bath in economy, effidiency, and: e | Practical Telaim is— 1, The combluation, with ai Mternaling-oar- rent generator having independent energizing or “Geld and indepeudent induced or erma- ture coils, of am alternating - current exciter: ip having - generating: ‘coils corré- ro. spondfa og tonndeonueiod i th the enteglcig- colls of the generator, os : + 2 al at ge erator, the, conittvation of te jomoata ‘saniod. and oo. dallmaget wound eit totopndent ‘8 et wound with Judepeuden Sl connected witha sourse of alternat- :* cui 8. Thosyatem of electrical distribution con- 125 sisting. of, the combination, with au alternat. cat having independent ergii st ata ‘wound with independsct: atindaced er of ait alterasting- current exciter having induced coils gorre- +30 sponting toand connected with the energizing- coils of the generator, aud one or more electric cal converters having iadependent fndaelng or energictog cqils “connected with the 390.921 3 sponding armature coils of the generator, as| having {nduoed or generating colls correspond- Rerain eet forth. | | ing to and connected with the energizing-coils ‘4, Thecombination, witb an slternating-cuir-| of the generator, as.set forth. “rent generator having a field-nagnet wound : NIKOLA TESLA. 5 with independent energizing -coils and an| Witnesses: armature adapted to be rotated within the Rost. F. Gavzorp, field produced by ssid magnet, of an oxcitar Papxen W. Page. (No Model) N. TESLA: ~ DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINE. No. $90,721. —- Patented Oot. 9, 1888. WITNESSES: Srpojael NE Robt F Coaug brvok

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