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UNITED STATES NIKOLA PaTENT OFFICE. SLA, OF SMILJAN LIKA, AUSTRIA-HUNUARY, ASSIGNOR TO THE TESLA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF RAH- WAY, X WW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELEGTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters + Application Med Fanmary 14,193 Yo all whone tt may concern: Re it Known that J, Nixora Ves Smiljan Lika, border country of Austria-Hun- gary, have invented certain Improvements in 5 Dynamo-Ilvetric Machines, of whieh the fol- lowing is a specifieation, Tu other applications T have shown the com- mutator of a dynamo-machine with the main benshes connected in an clectrie cirenit, and 10 ono or moreauxiliary brashes serving to shunt & part or the whole of the field-coils, the regu- lation of the current being effected by shifing the respective brnshes antomatically upon the commutator iu proportion to the varying re- 15 sistavees of the civon’ Aig present invcution relates to the mechani- cal devices which T employ to effect the shift. ing of the brushes, Aly invention is elearlyshown in theaccom- 20 panying drawings, in which Figure 1 isan ele. vation of the regnlator with the frame partly in section; and Mx. 2 isn section at the line we, Fig. 1. Cis the comumlator; B and B’, the brush- 25 holders, B earrying the main brushes a a’ and B’ the auxiliary or shuut brashes 3 J. ‘Phe asis of the brush-holder Bissapported by two ivot-screws, 1). ‘Tho other brush-holder, B has a sleeve, d, ani is movable aroun the ax! 30 of the brush-holder B. In this way i brash-holders can tun very freely, the tion of the parts being reduced toa minim Over the briwsh-holders iv mounted tho sole. oid 8, whieh rests upoa a forked column, ©. 35 This column also affords a supportfor the piv. ots pp, and ix fastened upon a solid bracket or projection, 2, which extends from the base Of the machine, ‘and is prefevably east in one piece with thesame. ‘The brush-holders BB’ 49 Aro connected hy means of thelinks ¢ eand the cross-piece ¥ to the iron core J, which slides freely in the tute of thesolenoid. ‘Theiron corel has screw, s. by means of which it can be raised and adjusted iu its position rel- atively to the solenoid, su that the puil ex. erted upon ib by the solenoid is practically noiform throvzh the whole length of mo. tion which is rcynired fo effeet the regulation. In order to eficet the adjnstinent-with a greater 45 Patent Wo, 350,954, dated Cooter 19, 1886. Serial No, 189,30, (Nw moe. precision the core T is provided with a small iron serew, #. ‘The core being first brought very nearly in the required position relatively to the solenoid by means of the screw s, the small serew s’ is then adjusted until the Inag- netic attraction npon the core is the same when the core isin any position. A convenient stop, 1, serves to limit the upward movement of the iron core. ‘To check somewhat the movement of the core Ia dash-pot, K, is nsed. ‘The piston L of the dash-pot 1s provided with a valve, V, which opens by a downward pressure and al’ lows an easy downward movement of the iron core I, but closes and checks the movenient of the core when the same is pulled up unde the action of the solenoid. ‘To balance the opposing forces, the weight of the moving parts, and the puil exerted by j the solenoid upon the iron core, the weights WW imay be sed. ‘The adjustment is such that when the solenoid is traversed by the | normal current itis just strong enough {0 bal- ance the downward pull of the parts, | ., Whe electrical cireuit-connections are sub- stantinlly thesame, as indicated in my former | Applications, the solenoid being in series with the circuit when’ the translating devices are in sories and in a shunt when the devices are in multiple are. ‘Pho operation of the device is as follows: 8> When upon a decrease of the resistance of the circnit or some other reason the enrrent is iu- creased, the solenoid S gains in strength and ullsup the iron core I, thns shifting the main Brushes in the Uivestion of rotatiog ana the 85 auxiliary brushes in the opposite way. This Gimiuishes the strength of the current until the opposing forces are balanced and the solen- oid is traversed by the normal eurrent; but | if from auy canse the current in the cirenit is diminished, then the weight of the moving pants overcomes the pull of the solenoid, the iron core I descends, thus shifting the brashes the opposite way aud increasing the current to the normal strength. The dash-pot cou- neeted to the iron core I may be of ordinary: construction; but I prefer, especially in ma- chines for ave lights, to provide the piston of s0 55 60 65 7 90 95 a 2 a 30 the dash-pot with a valve, as indicated in the drawings. This valve permits a compara- tively easy downward movement of the iron core, but checks its movement when it is drawn up by the solenoid. Such an arrange: ment has the advantage that a great number of lights may be put on without diminishing the light-power of the lamps in the circuit, a8 the brushes assume at once the proper position. ‘When lights are cut ont, the dash-pot acts to retard the movement; but if the current is considerably increased the solenoid gets. ab- normally strong and the brushes are shifted in+ stantly. . : ‘The regulator being propérly adjusted, lights or other devices may be put on or ont with scarcely any perceptible difference. It is obvious that instead of the dash-pot any other retarding device may be used. Telaim as my inventioo— 1, ‘Thecombination, with the main and aux- itiary brashes, of two brusb-holders, an axis fastened to one of the brash-holders, support- ing-sorews for the same, asapportfor theother brash-holder surrounding the axis, a solenoid, a core for the same, and finks connecting the core to the respective brash-holders, substan- tially asset forth. 2. The combination, with the brushes, brush- holders, and the axis upon which the brash- holders swing, of a solenoid and core, con- neetions.from the same to the brush-holders, and an adjusting-screw to limit the movements of the coré, substantially as set forth. 3. ‘The combination, with the brush-holders 35 and their axes, of a solenoid and core, and a connection from the core to the brash-holders, and an fron screw-at the jnner end of the core to adjust the action of the magnetism on the core, snbstantially as set forth. . 49 4. The combination, with the brash the brugh-holders and thelr axes, of a solenoid and core, and conuectiéns tomove the brash-hold- ers, and a dash-pot provided with a valve, sabstantially as described, to diminish the 45 ‘of movement of the core in one direc- fon more than the other, substantially as wet’ forth. 5. ‘The combination, with the brushes, the brosh-holders aud their axes, of asolenoid and so core, and connections to move the brusb-hold. ers, and a dash-pot to diminish the speed of movement of the core substantially as set forth. - 6. ‘The combination, with the brush-holders 55 and the solenoid and core, of links connecting tothe holders, and a screw to adjust the posi- tion of the core in relation to th solenoid, anbstantially as set forth. Signed ‘by me this 12th day of January, A. 60 D. 1886. .NIKOLA TESLA. WiLtiax G. Morr. (No Model.) N. TESLA, REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 350,964. Patented Oct. 19, 1886.

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