Archer Resume Jun29

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1 R E B A C I R C L E , A M A R I L L O , T X 7 9 1 0 9

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A U D R E Y . M . A R C H E R @ G M A I L . C O M

Master of Environmental Management, Ecosystem Science and Conservation
May 15
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC (GPA 3.71 of 4.0)
Selected Coursework: Conservation GIS, landscape ecology & statistical analysis, ecological restoration, wetland
delineation, forest measurements, nonprofit management, land use policy & planning
Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science; Bachelor of Arts, Biology; Minor, Philosophy
May 12
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (GPA 3.62 of 4.0)

Honors: Rotunda Award Scholarship, SMU Distinguished Scholar, Weeks Geology Grant Recipient
Leadership: Students for a Better Society, Event Planner; Vegetarians Taking Action, Founder & President

Certificate of Geospatial Analysis, Nicholas School of the Environment
May 15
Completed 24 credit hours of coursework covering applications such as species distribution modeling; sampling
designs for inventory and monitoring; landscape analyses; LiDAR for forest measurements; GPS project planning;
and web-based mapping platforms
Software: ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 (Network & Spatial Analyst extensions), ArcPAD, CircuitScape, FUSION,
Python, R Statistical Software, MAXENT, Microsoft Access
Certificate of Inclusion and Diversity in the Environment, Nicholas School of the Environment
Dec 14
Explored issues of race and ethnicity, age and generational differences, sexual orientations, and socio-economic
and cultural differences in a 20-hour training module.

Land Conservation Analyst, Nicholas Institute of Environmental Policy Solutions, Durham, NC
June Aug 15
Contributing specialized geospatial services to N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Programs statewide mitigation
prioritization plan. Contributing to the development of a tool that calculates ecological uplift for avoided
conversion. Producing technical reports, which will be incorporated into the statewide plan.
Community Forest Planning Consultant, McIntosh SEED & The Conservation Fund
May 14 May 15
Authored a 100-page master plan for community forest. Surveyed community and facilitated interest groups.
Compiled a community profile based on results and service area analysis. Conducted an environmental
assessment of the forest and determined optimal areas for features. Innovated a trail planning methodology
that takes advantage of ecologically diverse areas. Provided recommendations for communication and funding
strategies. Presented master plan at symposium, with very positive feedback.
Contracted GIS Analyst, Triangle Land Conservancy, Durham, NC
Aug Oct 14
Created a user-friendly, parameterized GIS model that calculates service areas and produces a demographic
report for new preserves. This served as a measure of evaluating their mission to connect people with nature.
Environmental Science Associate, Urban Forestry Program, City of Austin, TX
May July 14
Geospatial Services: developed a prioritization scheme for maintaining and planting trees. Collected field data for
quantification of urban forest ecosystem service benefits (i-Tree ECO project). Management: Developed a
decision support tool for selecting contractors, using advanced excel functions. Created a monthly staff
performance measurement report system. Communication: Facilitated collaboration with local and national
nonprofits, and city Sustainability Department for new initiatives. Contributed to monthly newsletter.


Tree Keeper Volunteer: Completed 25-hr training in tree biology, planting, maintenance, protection and
integrated pest management. Provides routine volunteer services for urban tree care (e.g. planting and outreach)
Community Involvement: Duke Medicine Orchestra violinist, Triangle Acrobatics performer, and practicing

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