The Piacetzner Rebbe - Chovat Ha-Talmidim 2

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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

Overview idea, quoted in biographic notes published at the end of CHT

‫רבי שאינו מוכן לילך לגיהנום כדי להציל חסיד שלו מרדת שחת – אינו רבי כלל‬

The Rebbe’s view on the nature of Chassidut and its importance in the educational project

Source 1: From the introduction – the need to engage every part of the student in the educational process to
ensure his commitment and spiritual elevation

Source 2: From the introduction – the power of Chassidut as tool for engaging the child. Interesting
references to Seder, alcohol and independent spirituality

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 1

The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

Source 3: Chapter 12 (Unique matters concerning Chassidut etc.) – the nature of Chassidut and the danger of
religious engagement that only attracts the intellect

The Rebbe’s view on learning Torah and not wasting time

Source 4: Chapter 12 – time wasting and Chassidut

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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

Source 5: Chapter 5 (specific advice to the weak) – the need for an educational strategy

The Rebbe on giving the child a sense of being loved

Source 6: Chapter 2 (the beginning of encouraging the child) – identifying with the child’s concerns and giving
the child varied objectives

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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

The Rebbe on the dangers of egotism

Source 7: Chapter 6 (the sickness of egotism) – the sickness of the soul and the change in the attitude of
recent generations

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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

Source 8: Chapter 6 – mutual respect among the students

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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

Excerpts from the Rebbe’s summary

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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 2

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