40 Agnis

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Fourty types of Agni

1) Jthara agni - The central digestive fire located in the stomach. It governs all other
processes of digestion in the body.
2) Kloma agni - Digestion of Sweets in the Pancreas
Five Bhtgnis - Agnis in the Liver Digesting the Five Elements from Food
3) Nabhasgni - Digests the Ether Element from foods etc.
4) Vyavyagni - Digests the Air Element
5) Tejogni - Digests the Fire Element
6) pogni - Digests the Water Element
7) Prthivgni - Digests the Earth Element
8) Jatru Agni (jatrvagni) - Agni Relating to the Thymus and Thyroid glands, maintaining
immunity and metabolism.
Seven Dhtvagnis - Digestion For Each of the Tissues
9) Rasgni - Digestion for the Plasma
10) Raktgni - Digestion for the Blood
11) Mmsgni - Digestion for the Muscle
12) Medgni - Digestion for the Fat
13) Asthyagni - Digestion for the Bone
14) Majjgni - Digestion for the Nerves and Marrow
15) ukrgni / rthavgni - Digestion for the Male / Female Reproductive Tissue
16)Plu agni (lvagni) - Digestion within the Cell membrane
17) Pitharagni - Digestion within the Nucleus of Cells
Five indriygnis (agnis for the five senses)
18) abdgni - Digestion of Hearing
19) spargni - Digestion of Feeling / Touch
20) rpgni - Digestion of Vision
21) rasgni - Digestion of Taste
22) gandhgni - Digestion of Smell

Fifteen Dognis - Digestion for Each of the Doic subtypes

Five Prgnis
23) Prgni
24) Apngni
25) Vyngni
26) Udngni
27) Samngni
Five Pittgnis
28) pcakgni
29) rajakgni
30) sdhakgni
31) locakgni
32) bhrjakgni
Five Kaphgnis
33) Kledakgni
34) Avalambakgni
35) Bodhakgni
36) Tarpakgni
37) leakgni
Three Mlgnis - Digestion for the Waste products
38) Mtrgni - Digestion (Processing) of Urine
39) Purgni - Digestion (Processing) of Feces
40) Svedgni - Digestion (Processing) of Sweat

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