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SWBAT to draw and colour / write about their favourite place

Analyzing what they drew and asking them to add details

Key Points:
Ideate- to think
Favourite something you love

1. Think which place you love going to
2. Draw/write what it looks like
3. Add more details to it
To show people about their favourite place

INM: 8 minutes
Bhaiya went to a place last month.
He went to pune.
You know which state pune is ?
Gives reward to whichever group he is from.
Pune is in Maharashtra state.
So, bhaiya went to pune and he stayed there for 1 whole month.
In pune, bhaiya went to this place called Lavale where there were a lots and lots of hills.
Hills are big big mountains.

Draws hills on board and bhaiya stayed in a house. And it has 3 windows and he had hills on all side.
And he could see sunrise and sunset everyday when he sat on the terrace and it looked really beautiful
looking at the clouds and the sun.

GP: 5 minutes
Think with your partner what your favourite place is and discuss for 2 minutes why you love that place.

IP: 20minutes
Draw your favourite place and start colouring it.

Closing: 13 minutes
Picking out some drawing and making them explain what they drew/wrote

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