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Classification of HTN

Essential or primary and Secondary HTN

Normal value- <120/ <80
pre htn, 120-139/80-89
stage 1 --140-159/90-99
stage 2 <160/>100
The higher the BP the greater the risk for coronary, renal and peripheral vascular
Most common is Essential. When BP is left elevated for along period, it causes
damages to vital organs in the system by causing thickening of the arterioles and
decreased perfusion. When this happens, it may result in mycoradial infracture,
stroke, pvd or renal failure.
HTN caused by specific disease is termed secondary HTN. Systolic is a better
indicator of risk for heart disease or stroke and always elevated in older patient
than the diastolic.diastoli rises until age 55 and it slows but systolic is always on the
rise. Isoloated systolic hypertention is the most common in older pt.
Malignant is severe elevetade BP that rapidly progreses. Syptoms are Headache in
the morning bluured vision and dyspnea. Pts are in 30,40,50 wt systolic of 200 and
diastoli of more than 150. Pt in this condition can experiens renal failure, left
ventricukar failure or stroke.
Physical assessment
Life style change is the fundamental for HTN Control. Before drugs.
Emergency care for HTN Pt with urgency or crises
Sls, severe headache, extreme BP SOB, severe anxiety.
Place in semi fowler, then give oxygen, start iv Nitro press, nicardipine, observe for
numbness, tingling extremeties.dysrythmia or chest pain.

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