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Lindsay Birchall

Learning Task #1 Clinical Interview and Background Information

EDPS 660 Social, Emotional and Behavioural Assessment

CLIENT NAME: Kirsten Thomas

Date of Birth:
August 5th, 2000
Chronological Age: 14 years, 2 months
School: Calgary Academy
Grade: 9

Kirstens background information was obtained from family and school history questionnaires and an
interview with Kirstens mother and teacher.

Developmental and Medical History

Mrs. Thomas reported a healthy pregnancy. Kirsten was born full term and was a happy, alert and easy
going infant. Mrs. Thomas reported socially smoking cigarettes throughout her pregnancy. No post natal
health concerns were noted. Kirstens mother reported she met language and motor developmental
milestones within typical limits. Kirsten, who is fourteen years old, is prone to over-eating and her
mother reported she has been overweight since she was 6 years old. Kirsten often hides food in her room
and spends her allowance and babysitting money on purchasing unhealthy foods. Mrs. Thomas reported
that their family does their best to live a healthy and active lifestyle. She ensures only healthy foods are
available in the home and tries her best to assist Kirsten with portion control. When Kirsten was 6 years
old, Mrs. Thomas noticed that Kirsten would become extremely irritable and confrontational when she
was hungry. At this age Kirstens mother also noted that Kirsten was excessively impatience and
distractible, compared to her friends the same age.
Kirsten has worn prescription lenses since she was 8. Her medical history is otherwise unremarkable.
Mrs. Thomas described Kirsten as a good sleeper; she currently sleeps 12-14 hours a night. Kirstens
mother reported no history of mental health issues in the family. Kirsten has not previously had any

Family and Relationship History

Kirsten lives with her mother, father and older brother. Mrs. Thomas reported that Kirstens brother has
struggled with reading since elementary school. He has additional supports in the classroom and receives
tutoring in the evenings through Kumon. Kirstens brother has many friends and is the caption of the
volleyball and basketball teams. Mrs. Thomas works for an oil and gas company as a Surface and Land
Administrator and Mr. Thomas is employed as an engineer. The family is highly involved the church and
Kirstens mother expressed they do their best to live a godly life. Mrs. Thomas reported that sometimes
Kirstens brother receives more attention than her, despite her efforts to balance time and devotion
between the children. Mrs. Thomas is the primary disciplinarian, as Mr. Thomas often works out of town.
The family is active in the community and her brother, father and mother often hike, mountain bike and
rock climb on the weekends. Mrs. Thomas explained that Kirsten rarely joins them for such activities
because it is too physically demanding for her. Kirsten regularly visits her grandparents on weekends.
Kirstens mother reported that Kirsten has had difficulty sustaining attention to tasks since elementary
school. Although, when Kristen is engaged in preferred tasks, such as using the computer, Kirsten is able
to sustain attention for long periods of time (i.e. 3-4 hours). Mrs. Thomas disclosed that does not know
what types of activities Kirsten engages in on her computer, because she is in her room. Kirsten and her

Lindsay Birchall
Learning Task #1 Clinical Interview and Background Information
EDPS 660 Social, Emotional and Behavioural Assessment
mother often argue about her participation in family activities, her relationship with her boyfriend, and
her commitment to school. These arguments often end with Kirsten going to her room. Her mother
stated there is no point in fighting with her anymore; she is impossible to motivate and she just does what
she wants anyways. Mrs. Thomas expressed the most difficult part about raising Kirsten has been getting
her interested and motivated in tasks and activities. The family has a daily routine consisting of
scheduled time for homework and family meals. Kirstens household chores include keeping her room
clean, doing her own laundry and occasionally mowing the lawn. However, when Kirsten procrastinates,
Mrs. Thomas reported that she will often do Kirstens chores for her. Kirsten requires multiple reminders
to complete any task, which is frustrating for Mrs. Thomas; this causes tension and arguments between
Her parents reported they do not have any academic concerns for Kirsten. Mrs. Thomas expressed that
Kirsten does not like school and often pretends she is sick so she can stay home. Her mother explained
that Kirsten doesnt enjoy school because she lacks motivation, organization, time management and study
skills. Although Kirsten gets along with her teachers, Mrs. Thomas reported that Kirsten is not interested
in making friends and describes her as an introvert. Both the school and Kirstens mother identified that
Kirsten is generally respectful with adults, but, during conversations she often interrupts, talks too loud or
doesnt pay attention to what the other person is saying.
In general, Kirsten is quiet and reserved. She enjoys babysitting, which has been her part time job for the
past year. Kirsten has been teaching younger students in her school to draw and paint, which she does
during her lunch hour. Her teacher reported that Kirsten enjoys helping younger children. Mrs. Thomas
noted that Kirsten wants to become an art teacher after high school.

Social and Behavioural History

Kirstens mother expressed concern for her daughters self-esteem. In grade 3 the school contacted Mrs.
Thomas with concerns that Kristen was being bullied. Reportedly, other children called her names, made
fun of her weight, refused to play with her and often stole her lunch. Mrs. Thomas described Kirsten as
very distraught during this time. During that school year her mother reported that it was difficult to get
Kirsten to go to school, she began to avoid participating in family activities and her over-eating
significantly increased. At present, Kirsten still demonstrates anxiety when she is expected to participate
in social settings, such as youth group and family gatherings; she prefers to spend time alone or with her
boyfriend. Recently, Kirsten has been biting her nails and pulling out her hair. Mrs. Thomas expressed
that Kirsten rarely stands up for herself and avoids conflicts. Although Kirstens mother has attempted to
discuss her concerns with Kirsten, Kirsten refuses to engage in any conversations about how she feels.
Mrs. Thomas is also concerned with Kirstens relationship with her boyfriend. He is three years older
than her and reportedly consumes alcohol and smokes marijuana.
Attention, lack of focus and lack of organization skills were noted as difficulties both at home and at
school. Both the school and Kirstens mother report that she has trouble keeping track of her belongings
and she often needs instructions to be repeated. Her teacher expressed that Kirsten struggles to recall what
has been said to her, even when she is spoken to directly. During class Kirstens teacher has observed her
drawing and playing games on her phone when she is supposed to be working on assignments. Her
mother and her teacher both report that when things do not go exactly the way Kirsten wants (e.g. when
the bus us 5 minutes late), she can become highly frustrated and tense.

Educational History

Lindsay Birchall
Learning Task #1 Clinical Interview and Background Information
EDPS 660 Social, Emotional and Behavioural Assessment

Kirsten is achieving marks within grade appropriate expectations at school. However, her teacher is
concerned with the level of support Kirsten requires to achieve her current grades, and worries that the
expectations of increased self-directed learning in high school may cause Kirsten to fall behind.
Kirstens teacher reported that she often has to repeat instructions for Kirsten and direct her back to task.
Kirsten requires additional time to complete classroom work and usually has to finish assignments at
home. Her teacher expressed that Kirsten does not listen to instructions and is often daydreaming
during lessons. Kirsten often fails to hand assignments in on time and is frequently unprepared for class.
Kirstens teacher reported that when she calls upon Kirsten to participate in classroom lessons, Kirsten is
often unaware of the topic being discussed. Within group projects her classmates have expressed
frustration with Kirstens effort and time management. Recently, her teacher and her mother both
reported Kirsten has had difficulty initiating large school projects; on a recent science fair project Kirsten
received an incomplete. Her teacher confirms that Kirsten does not have many friends and she often
avoids social situations at school. Kirsten rarely attends gym class and may have to repeat her grade 9
gym credit. Kirsten is excelling in Art.
On occasion, Kirstens teachers have kept her after school to complete her assignments, as a consequence
for not finishing her school work in class. Her teacher reported she has encouraged Kirsten to make task
lists, to help her stay on track in the classroom. Kirsten is expected to sit at the front of the classroom
where she can pay better attention. Regrettably, Kirstens mother reported being unable to attend the last 2
scheduled parent/teacher interviews.

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