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Regents Chemistry Lab Write Up


Lab number:

TITLE: Find this directly on lab.

PURPOSE: Write a few brief sentences describing the objective of the
lab exercise. (HINT: This may be found right on the lab handout!)
MATERIALS: What did you use to perform this lab? (See HINT
listed above.)
PROCEDURE: Please give me a summary of how you did this
lab..Describe the steps you followed so that someone else could do
this lab based on your description!
DATA/OBSERVATIONS: Make sure your measurements ALL
include units. Describe what you may help us to understand
your results.
CALCULATIONS / GRAPHS: Calculations must include Units.
Your graph must be a scientific graph, which includes a Title, Labeled
Axes, and a Correct Scale Including Units.
QUESTIONS: (pre-lab and post-lab) Answer questions by including
part of the question in the answer. (Ex: Why did the balloon get
smaller? The balloon got smaller because)
CONCLUSION: A paragraph describing the results of the lab, the
accuracy of your results, what you learned from the experience, and
any problems that you encountered. Also include you opinion of the
lab, did you get the results you expected, and did it teach you anything?
****ALWAYS.Include 3 sources of error in your conclusion!****

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