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Home Work 1

EMship [Ship Theory]

Due Date October 13, 2014
Numerical Values up to 3 decimal places only
Units to be clearly noted if required
Your answer script should have a clearly spelt Name
You are allowed to work in groups of two
Question 1:
A sphere of radius 10 m is floating at its radial distance from bottom. What volume of fluid
would it displace? What is the Block Coefficient in this state?

Ans: Volume: 2094.395 m3 and CB: 0.523

Question 2:
Calculate the block coefficient, prismatic coefficient and area of midship section for the ship
with following dimensions:
L = 90 m,

B = 11.5 m,

T = 5.5m,

= 4434.458 t in sea water where density =1.025

t/m3. Assume CM to be 0.85.

Ans: (CB = 0.76, CP = 0.894, AM = 53.763 m2)

Question 3:
A semicircular cylinder of radius 8 m and of length 92 m is floating in sea water at its
maximum breadth. Calculate the following:
a) Volumetric displacement at a draft which equals the radius.
b) Block coefficient at this draft.
c) If draft is now 3 m what is the new volumetric displacement.
d) New block coefficient at this new draft of 3 m.
a) =9248.852 m3
b) CB=0.785
c) = 2400.924 m3
d) CB= 0.696
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Question 4:
A ship of length 65 has a triangular section throughout its length is floating with its apex
downwards and the maximum breadth being 7 m and draft being 3.5 m. Calculate the
a) The displacement in sea water in this state.
b) Block coefficient and waterplane coefficient of the vessel.
c) New displacement, block coefficient and waterplane coefficient is the draft is reduced by
1 m.
a) =816.156 tonnes
b) CB=0.50, CW=1.0
c) = 416.406 t, CB=0.5, CW=1.0
Question 5:
A parabolic half section of a ships waterplane of length 100 m has maximum half breadth of 8
m at mid length. The half breadth being zero at both ends. Find the waterplane area and water
plane coefficient.

100 m

Ans: AW= 1066.667 m2 & CW = 0.667

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