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A very good afternoon to the honourable

judges, teacher and my fellow friends . Im Mohd Safar
Arbaien bin Jahseli from SK Raja Chulan . I would like to
tell you a story about magnets .
I am a magnet . My body is very hard and
compact because I am made from alloy steel .
Do you know that magnet oop... I mean I am
very important in your life . Most of the electronic
good today contain magnet . I am in your computers ,
handphones and much more . Even the earth itself acts
as a huge magnet bar. So imagine .....
if there are no more magnet left in this world ?
What will happen?
Everything will fly.......
My body has two poles . One is called North

the other one is called South . If I meet with my friends
from the same poles , we always cant get together
and we will push each other away but if magnet from
different poles meet , we will stick to each other
strongly .
I am proud to be a magnet because I have
extremely special power . I can pull a lot of things that
are made from iron such as iron nails, steel ruler s,
screws and thumbtacks . Objects which are attracted to
magnets are called magnetic objects .
Anyway , my body will be weak and helpless
when I have to pull thing that are made from plastics,
papers, and glasses . Objects which are not attracted to
magnets are called non-magnetic objects .

I have many friends that are in different shapes

and sizes. They are Bar Magnet, Cylindrical Magnet,
Circular Magnet, U shape, Horse shoe Magnet and Ring
Even though my body is hard and very special
but I must take good care of it to ensure that I am
always functioning. If I am dropped frequently, knocked
and heated. I will be weak and lost my magnetism.
My presence is very important to human being
in this world. Things such as refrigerator, pencil box,
compass, handbag, ATM card, chess games and crane
may not function without me.
Now you know a lot about me.
I am everywhere and very important in your life.
So, do handle me with care .
Before I go to work, I would like to say........
Thank you judges, teachers and peers
For being too kind to lend me your ears,
I hope I have broaden your view and knowledge about
myself, the magnet....
Thats all from me, thank you...

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