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Rommel S.

BS CS 1101
Reaction Paper

I therefore conclude that Behavioral neurology is a subspecialty of neurology that

studies the neurological basis of behavior, memory, and cognition, the impact of neurological
damage and disease upon these functions, and the treatment thereof. This is very important
because it studies many fields and it discovers many illnesses in our brain and the Nervous
system. Like the Autism which is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by
impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive
behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. These signs often
develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a
normal pace and then regress. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent in
early childhood, typically before age three. Two fields associated with behavioral neurology
are neuropsychiatry and neuropsychology. It is that speciality of one, which deals with the study
of neurological basis of behavior, memory, and cognition, and their impact of damage and
disease and treatment.
Neuropsychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with mental disorders attributable
the nervous
of psychiatry and neurology, which had common training. However, psychiatry and neurology
subsequently split apart and are typically practiced separately. Nevertheless, neuropsychiatry has
become a growing subspecialty of psychiatry and it is also closely related to the fields
of neuropsychology and behavioral neurology, which is a subspecialty of neurology that
addresses clinical problems of cognition and/or behavior caused by brain injury or brain disease
of different etiologies. Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology and neurology that aims to
understand how the structure and function of the brain relate to specific psychological processes.
It is scientific in its approach and shares an information processing view of the mind with
cognitive psychology and cognitive science. It is one of the more eclectic of the psychological
disciplines, overlapping at times with areas such as neuroscience, philosophy (particularly
philosophy of mind), neurology, psychiatry and computer science (particularly by making use of
artificial neural networks).

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