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Read the text and answer the following questions:

When John Lennon was shot in December 1980, many people felt they had
lost a person who had deeply affected their lives with songs and beliefs.
The group he had formed, The Beatles, has been part of their lives and
had accompanied them from 1962 to 1971 when The Beatles split up.
They believed they have lost a friend.
a) Who was John Lennon?
b) How did he die and when?
c) Why was he so well-known?

B. Put the verbs in the correct form (Past simple or Past perfect)
a) After he __________ (finish) his work he ________ (go) to the cinema.
b) He ________ (work) for the same company for 40 years when he ______
c) As soon as I ________ (hear) the news I ___________ (switch) of the TV.

d) John finally _______ (give) up smoking when he ________ (know) he was ill.
e) They __________ (begin) playing again after they _______ (have) a small nap.
f) The children ________ (go) to bed after they _______ (drink) a cup of warm

g) Mrs. Smith ________ (not see) her son for years when she ______ (meet) him.
h) I ________ (not can) recognize him as he _________ (change) a lot.
i) Mary _________ (be) very happy to see her friend again because she
__________ (not see) her for ages.

C. Build up sentences with the correct word order. Use the Past Perfect.
a) at / to arrive / midday / they / Portsmouth / at
b) fight / there to be/ a / here
c) fun / he / much / to have / fishing
d) she / job / to take / the / wrong
e) the / we / not / key/ to lose

D. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Use the correct tense:


release form


John Lennon _______ his first group at school. Then he ________ Paul
McCartney. A new group _________, The Beatles. The first songs _____ ____.
They ________ famous as the media _________ on them.

E. Make the past perfect simple - 'wh' or 'yes/no' questions

1) ................... (you/go) there before we went together?
2) ................... (she/see) the film already?
3) Why .................. (he/forget) about the meeting?
4) ...................... (it/be) cold all week?
5) ....................... (I/read) the book before the class?
6) When she arrived .................. (we/eat) already?
7) Where .................... (you/be) when I saw you?
8) ........................ (they/travel) by bullet train before?
9) ........................ (John/meet) Lucy before they worked together?
10) ..........................(you/do) your homework before I saw you?

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