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Appendix 1 - Individual Learning Plan

Student name: Amy Hallieburton

Date of birth: 26/05/2005

Year level: 5
Date: 28/06/2015
Background and Assessment
Testing has indicated that Amy is gifted in the Intellectual and creative domains. She has attended this school for two years
and loves to read and play with her brother. Additional worksheets and free learning time have not been successful to
engage Amy adequately, and group work has been insufficient to assist Amy to develop friendships and social skills to the
level of her peers.
Assessment data demonstrates that Amy is delivering work and grasping concepts in English that are at a VELS level 7
standard. Similarly in Maths and Science, Amy completes work that is designed for the year 6 students, and demonstrates
high capability and understanding.
She appears to be behind her peers in social-emotional development. Observations indicate that Amy does not work well in
teams or demonstrate appropriate behavior for maintaining friendships with other people, which are VELS level 4 standards.
She also appears overly sensitive. SDQ results indicated abnormal peer problems and emotional problems, with Amys selfreport indicating A Great Deal of interference in all areas. (Image 1-2 below)

Learning improvement goals 1. Improve engagement in school





Engagement: Provide enrichment tasks that extend the

curriculum. Goal is to deepen learning in Curriculum
areas by creating complex applications of content in her
interest Area (Writing, reading and the arts).


Increased social skills: Utilise Amys academic strengths

to build social interactions with less able students, and
develop positive communication. Monitored group work
and paired activities with guidance can improve team
skills. Goal is to demonstrate Progression point 4.5 in
Interpersonal Development.

Develop social interaction skills

School and classroom strategies revised


Learning outcomes

Complex Applications of Content with a Focus on

Interest area. (Tomlinson & Imbeau, 2010, pg 150154)
These tasks fall within Differentiation within the
inclusive classroom as part of Tier 1 of the
Progressive Program Model.

Social Skills. Implement the Progressive Program

Model to develop Personal/Emotional and Social
Particular focus on listening to other students,
allowing them the opportunity to voice their opinion
and developing appreciation and acceptance for
difference in skill level and understanding, as part
of Tier 1 development (Heacox & Cash, pg 44-46)
Behavioral Expectations:
Allow other students to raise hands and
answer questions, encourage and assist
students to find the answers themselves.
Be thoughtful with other peoples feelings and
ideas, even if they are not entirely correct or
aligned with your understanding
Listen to others ideas, and allow others to

Parental expectations & support

Parents will be given a booklet to aid them in supporting this
process. The school has organized a meeting to discuss the ILP
and possible future opportunities for Amy such as the SEAL
program offered at a nearby Secondary School. The school aims
to support the parents by offering enrichment programs for Amy
with allied secondary schools.
The expectation is that parents will re-iterate and support the
lessons in class on
Team work: understand your role in the team
Accept your strengths and embrace your inner gifts
Encourage Others and help others to be their best
Be thoughtful of others feelings and accept other
peoples opinions
It is more important to be kind than correct
Parents are also informed of several gifted support groups and
networks and are encouraged to affiliate with these groups to
create opportunities for Amy.

contribute to the team effort. Encourage

struggling students, and be patient with other
Pedagogical implications:
Create opportunities for peer mentoring
through team activities and paired work. Amy
could be paired with less skilled student in
English, whom is more skilled socially and
encourage students to assist each other.
Develop creative tasks around topics that
support Gardners multiple intelligences
(Sousa, 2009, pg14-17). Allow students to
differentiate interests and group accordingly.
Amy can pick tasks based on her interest
Stream groups for some tasks according to
ability level and differentiate tasks to create
challenge for all levels
Create more friendship forming and buddy
building activities incorporating learning in an
active way. Shared Responsibility tasks
requiring team work would be most effective.
Role-playing examples that demonstrate
positive behavior, acceptance and team work.
Put team building signs up in the classroom as
a visual reminder. Role playing positive
questioning and constructive feedback would
be helpful.
Processes for collection of data
Progress will be measured through observation of Amy in areas of social interaction and development. Summaries of
progression and areas of improvement will be made. This will be combined with an assessment of her content application
task, and a re-evaluation of her SDQ. Progression will be mapped against progression points for Interpersonal Development
as per AusVELS (AusVELS, 2012, pg 5-7)
Review and Revision
End of Term 3.
Students comments: Classroom teachers comments: ILP can easily be integrated as there are other students with similar needs socially.
Parents comments: (834 words)

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