Analyzing Wwi E-Portfolio

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WW1 Analysis Introduction

Thursday, June 4, 2015

9:16 PM

We have all had an experience like the one presented in the video link below. Click and watch the video. Do you
understand what it means to analyze any better after watching the video?
More than likely, the definition given in this video sounded like
To analyze can mean slightly different things depending on what subject you are studying. For this project, we are going
to practice analyzing a single event in history from a mathematical, historical, literary, and scientific perspective. By the
end of your project, you should have a better practical understanding of what it means to analyze. So the next time you
see word "analyze" you won't have to sweat it!
Each of your teachers will ask you to complete the OneNote document page that is associated with their class. They may
give you special instructions for completing each page. Make sure you follow all of their instructions and complete each
activity on the pages you are assigned.
1. Complete each exercise in the order it is assigned!
2. Click the links to get extra help and see important information that will help you complete the exercises.
3. This project is meant to take some time. Do not wait till the last minute to begin. You will not finish if you
4. Your teachers will be able to see the time stamp on the work that you are doing for this project.
5. Have fun!
When you have finished all 4 pages, you will make a presentation using Prezi or PowerPoint highlighting your work on
each exercise. Your presentation must consist of at least 15 slides: An introductory slide, 12 slides displaying your
completed exercises (one for each exercise), a conclusion, and a reference slide. Your references should be completed in
APA format. Once your presentation is complete, upload it to your self-created Weebly blog site. Your English teacher
will have your peers view your final projects and send you feedback to your blog site.

Instructions Page 1

A Mathematical Analysis

Click the Introduction to Mathematical Analysis video link to begin

Events in history are not frequently viewed through the lenses of mathematics. Modern day mathematicians are
beginning to explore how standard mathematical procedures for analyzing cause and effect relationships can be
applied to history. In the following TED Talks video, Jean Baptiste Michel offers an interesting explanation for the
cause of mass casualties in WW1. After watching the video, complete the exercises below to see how Jean
Baptiste Michel uses Algebra 1 to analyze history!
Note: Pay special attention to the section from 1:47 to 3:18 in the video.

Jean Baptiste Michel on the Mathematics of History

Exercise 1
Create a table that represents the data Jean Baptiste Michel shares at minute 1:50. First, open the
video in a separate window. Second, scroll to minute 1:50 and pause the video. Third, define X,
the independent variable labeled at the bottom of the graph. Then, define Y, the dependent
variable labeled to the left of the graph. Fill in the table below.

Watch out! The tick marks on the Y access do not increase at a constant rate. From 1 to 10 each tick
mark is worth 1. From 10 to 100 each tick mark is worth 10.

Hint: You may need to watch the video again to understand what the dependent variable represents.

Exercise 2
Click to watch the video about how to make a scatter plot on the TI-NSPIRE Calculator.
Using the TI-NSPIRE Student Software create a scatter plot using the data you collected in Exercise 1. Once the scatter plot is complete, use the snipping
tool to take a screenshot of your work. Paste the screen shot in the space below.

Instructions Page 2

Exercise 3
Determine whether or not the data you graphed is linear, quadratic, or exponential. Is it linear? Explain. Is it quadratic? Explain. Is it exponential? Explain.
Fill in the chart below.
Type of

Yes/No Explanation of whether or not the data from Exercise 2 represents the type of function. In other words how did you test to
see whether or not each function was correct?


Extra Resource

Exercise 4
Once you have determined the parent function of the data represented in Exercise 1, watch the video below to learn how to perform the appropriate
regression using the TI-NSPIRE calculator.

Click to watch the How to Perform a Regression video

Using the scatterplot you created in Exercise 2, perform the appropriate regression on your TI-NSPIRE student software. Once complete, use the
snipping tool to copy a screen shot of your work and paste it in the space below.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks in the following sentence to describe the relationship between the two variables from your scatterplot.
There is a(n) ______________________(linear, quadratic, or exponential) relationship between the ___________________________(dependent variable) and the
__________________________ (independent variable).
Answer the following questions:
1. What can you conclude about the relationship between the number of people initially sent into battle and the total number of casualties in a war?
2. How does the number of soldiers initially sent into battle effect the total number of casualties in World War 1?
3. If half the number of soldiers were sent into battle at the beginning of WWI, how many soldiers would have lost their lives? (Hint: you created a function that best fits the
data in your graph. That function is used to make predictions.)

Instructions Page 3

A Historical Analysis
Thursday, June 4, 2015

9:18 PM

Click here to watch the CBS video about the "War to End All Wars."

Exercise 1
List in chronological order, the events mentioned in the CBS video that led to World War 1.

Exercise 2

Using the information from Exercise 1, create a PowerPoint slide with a timeline depicting the events in history that led to World War 1.
How to create a timeline:
1. Go to and download the free PowerPoint software.
2. Install the software to your computer.
3. Open up PowerPoint and click on the Office Timeline tab in the toolbar to begin. Make sure to view the Office Timeline presentation at
Once you have finished your timeline, take a screen shot and paste it in the space below.
From <>

Exercise 3
Read "All is Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque. After reading the book, answer write a 4 page paper in APA format to answer
the following questions:
1. What role did nationalism play in World War 1?
2. What role did imperialism play in World War 1?

For further instructions and requirements for your paper click here.

Instructions Page 4

A Literary Analysis
Thursday, June 4, 2015

9:18 PM

Taken from

6/5/2015 4:28 PM - Screen Clipping

The word analyze has a number of different meanings. One meaning, according to is "to
separate (a material or abstract entity) into constituent parts or elements; determine the elements or
essential features of (opposed to synthesize)."

Exercise 1
Use the TP-CASTT method of reading poetry to break the poem, The Peacemaker, by Joyce Kilmer into
its important parts. Fill in the table below:


Define the literal meaning of the title

Paraphrase the entire poem

Find the connotations of the words

Decide what attitude the poet has toward the subject of the poem

Instructions Page 5


Decide what attitude the poet has toward the subject of the poem

Note the shifts that the poem makes

Examine the title again

Write the theme of the poem

Exercise 2 offers an alternative definition of the word analysis that can also be applied to this piece of literature. Cl ick the following link and read definition # 2.
After applying the TP-CASTT method to your reading of The Peacemaker, answer the following question. Make sure your answer is in paragraph form. R emember, a paragraph has a topic sentence, commentary, supporting
detail, commentary, supporting detail, and a conclusion sentence.
1. What are the key elements that contribute to the essence of the poem?

2. How does the author depict nationalism through imagery and diction?

Exercise 3

Joyce Kilmer used poetry to describe his convictions about the value of human life in times of war. Write a poem of equal len gth describing your own convictions about the value of human life in times of war.
Be sure to model the structure of your poem after Kilmer's work.

Instructions Page 6

A Scientific Analysis
Saturday, July 4, 2015

8:21 AM

Watch the video from the link Think about the role science played
in World War 1.

Exercise 1
Create a 4-6 minute video answering the following questions:

Which scientists are credited with inventing technology used in World War 1?
What inventions had an impact on the outcome of the war?
What inventions had an impact on the environment?
What impact did the inventions have on the environment?
How did science impact the number and kind of casualties in World War 1?
What ethical dilemmas emerge as you watch the video?

Upload your video to YouTube as unlisted and paste the link below.

Instructions Page 7

Note: The video is 45 minutes long. Do not wait to

the last minute to begin this assignment.

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