Heavily Redacted On Neonazi Infiltration of Police

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UNCLASSIFTED/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, * : U) White Supremacist ieee ieeetioas Infiltration of Law Enforcement 17 October 2006 (U) Mancling Notie:Reciplens are reminded tht FBI Intelligence Assessments contain senlive terrorism and counterterrorism information mean for use primary ‘atin the law enforcement community. Such ‘sessment are not tobe released ether in writen or ‘oral frm tothe medi, the general public or other personel who do not have a valid eed.o-kaw without from an authorized FBX ofa, fa LUNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE. UNCLASSIFIEDI/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (UIN.BS) White Supremacis Iftration of Law Baforcement (U Scope Note (GILES) This inelligenes assessment provides an overview of white supremacist Infiltration oflaw enforcement and drives its information from FBI investigations and sey sae This aseesame —— \UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, 2 LUNCLASSIFIEDI/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (8) Key Judgments ‘+ (LILES) Although white supremacist groups sintegic efforts historically engaged i (WILES) The primary threat from infiltration or ecruitment arises fom the areas of intelligence collection and exploitation, which can lead to imestigtive breaches and can jeopardize the safety of law enforcement sources and personnel + (WILES) White supremacist presence among law enforcement personnel is 'cancem due to the access they may possess fo restrited eres vulnerable to mbotage and to elected officio. ould se s potential are for violence + (UES) The intligence acquired through the success infiteation of law enforcement by one white supremacist group can benefit other groups due 10 ‘he multiple allegiances white supremacists typically hole ‘UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 3 0 ecneisam Raat cn UNCLASSIFIEDI/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (© tatrodua onsequences of Compromise Intelligence (UILES) This assessment examines white supremacist inflation of law enforcement from perspecives of both statis inflation by organized groupe and seliniiated intitration by law enforcement personnel sympathetic to white supremacist causes. ‘The primary reat from infzation or recruitment aries from the arts of intligence collection and exploitation, which can lead to investigative breaches and can jeopardize the safety of aw enforcement sources or personne." (GILES) White supremacist presence among law enforcement personnels also of concem due the acess they may posses o restricted areas vulerabeto sabotage nd 0 clected officials or protected person, whom they could ee as potential argets Srvioeng e hen (UILES) The apparent sporadic reporting on white supremacist nftration of aw. ‘iteeemen od 6 Soosinn we surensisflenion oes — (U) Strategie lofiltration and Recruitment Campaigns (UILES) White supremacist leaders and groups have historically shown an intrest in infiltrating law enforcement communities or reruting law enforcement personel LUNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE. 4 LUNCLASSIFIED/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE “Most information about systematic atempts by white UNCLASSIFIED ups t inftrate law enforcement involve fy (Winn ce UNCLASSIFIEDI/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, 5 LUNCLASSIFIED/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Im ation tits historical interest, white supremacist eadership has also engaged in recent rhetoristhat encourages fliowers olla aw enforcement comin, (0) White Supremacist Symp (UILES) The Ku Klux Kl (KKK) i ‘notable among white supremacist groups for historically having found suppor in ‘many communities, which often translated ino ties to local law enforcement ‘Although the Pist Amendment’ freedom ‘of assocition provision protect an Individual’ eight join white supremacist groups for purposes of lw activity, the goverment can limit he employment epportnitis of gr ‘members who hold sensitive publi sector bs, inluding jobs within aw ‘enforcement, nen ther memberships would interfere wih their duties." Recent ‘examples of nw enforcement personnel whose activities in support of white "upremacis bali have come under sratiny include: LUNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, 6 ‘UNCLASSIFIEDI/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Endnotes {GS Fan orn OACLASSIED, (GES nfo UNCLASSIFIED “(UAS) El inferton UNCLASSIFIED ‘UES sae eat UNCLASSIIED), {UNS 8 se eran UNCLASSIFIED. “(Gwenn UNCASTED) "UMS oe amen NLA) {ts ate Barmsen UNCLASSIED), “(pws sus niki 19 Fy 308 Sui on Aten tte Gro” UNCLASSED) "0 ang S68 ORL ASSFED) 20) Afar“ aie Pion Oa Somer ing Whe Suprema Gg. 2 238 ONCLASIFED} Few nao NCLASSPIEDY UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, 9

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