7-1 Collaborative Group Project Lesson Plan

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Collaborative Group Project

Professional Development Lesson Plan

Teachers will be able to

identify the five ISTE
standards for teachers.

Teachers will design a

multimedia learning
experience incorporating
ISTE standards 2 and 3.

Prior Knowledge
We know that teachers will enter this professional
development with different levels of background
knowledge. For this reason, we will begin by allowing
teachers to discuss within their groups their prior
knowledge of ISTE standards and ways in which they are
already applying these standards within their own
classrooms. We will ask teachers with more extensive
knowledge to share out with the whole group.

Connection to Goal
Our primary goal is for teachers to learn how existing media and technology can be integrated
into the ISTE standards. First, teachers will identify the five ISTE standards and determine
ways in which they are already incorporating the standards into their classrooms. We will hone
in on Standards 2 and 3 because, in the limited scope and time of a professional development
experience, they will give teachers the clearest perspective of how to apply ISTE standards in
the classroom. By working together to design a multimedia learning experience in this
professional development, teachers will be able to apply ISTE standards 2 and 3: Design and
develop digital age learning experiences and assessments and Model digital age work and

Additionally, throughout the session, the professional development leaders will model the use
of technology and use metacognitive explanations to help educators better understand how to
incorporate the resources and techniques into their own classrooms.
Prerequisite Knowledge & Skills

ISTE stands for International Society for Technology in Education

There are ISTE standards for students, teachers, administrators, computer science

educators, and coaches.

The ISTE standards are significant because they are the framework for incorporating
technology into the classroom.
Standards for teachers: facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, design
and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments", "model digital age
work and learning, promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility, and
engage in professional growth and leadership.

Throughout the professional development experience, we will assess teachers understanding
by asking questions, allowing small groups and individuals to share out whole- group, and
circulating during work time to examine products for evidence of understanding of the ISTE
Standards 2 and 3. At the end, teachers will complete a final reflection with the following
1. What did you learn about the ISTE standards?
2. In what ways were you already incorporating the ISTE standards into your classroom?
3. What is one new way that you will incorporate the ISTE standards into your classroom
after this professional development?
4. What is one thing that could be improved in this professional development?
5. Are there any additional resources you need in order to be successful with what you
learned today?
Key Points
1. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed standards
for technology in education for teachers, students, and other groups.
2. The ISTE standards for teachers include inspiring student learning, designing digital
age learning experiences, modeling digital age learning, promoting digital citizenship,
and engaging in professional growth.
3. Designing digital age learning experiences means that a teacher should use technology
to develop digital learning experiences that personalize student activities and allow
students to become active participants in their learning.
4. Modeling digital age work and learning means that teachers should use technology to
collaborate and communicate with stakeholders and use a variety of digital tools and
systems to support learning.
All professional development materials, including work packet, will be available throughout
the session to participants electronically on the DocHub Chrome application.

Opening (15 minutes)

Pre-work/ Do Now: Teachers will pull up the PD Guide on their laptops. They will begin by
taking the Tech Savvy Quiz individually. They will then use the Poll Everywhere feature to
text letters A, B, or C to a given code in order to indicate their proficiency with incorporating
technology into their classrooms (as given by the results of the Tech Savvy Quiz.)
SAY: We will begin by introducing our objectives for todays professional development

Our first objective: Teachers will be able to identify the five ISTE standards for
Our second objective: Teachers will design a multimedia learning experience
incorporating ISTE standards 2 and 3.

SAY: Richard Mayer, one of the leading researchers in multimedia learning, says, People
learn better from words and pictures than from words alone. Research tells us that the use of
both words and pictures lets the brain process more information in working memory.
Additionally, not all students learn at the same pace. Research tells us that when learners are
able to control the pace of the presentation they learn more. Multimedia presentations are more
effective when the learner has the ability to interact with the presentation, by slowing it down
or by starting and stopping it.
SAY: The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed standards
for technology in education for teachers, students, and other groups. Just as we have
curriculum standards for content areas, the ISTE standards provide us guidelines for the use of
technology in our classrooms in this digital age.
SAY: The five ISTE standards are as follows.

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Model digital age work and learning
Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
Engage in professional growth and leadership.

SAY: What do these standards mean to you? What are some ways in which you already use

these standards in your classrooms?

Teachers discuss in small groups for 5 minutes. Teachers will be in small groups of 3-5 by
content areas and approximate grade levels.
DO: Ask for volunteers to share out what groups discussed. For approximately 5 minutes, take
volunteers to share.

Introduction of New Material, Part 1 (15 minutes)

SAY: Today, we are going to focus specifically on ISTE Standards for Teachers 2 and 3. We
are honing in on these two standards because we want to give you an opportunity to practice
them in this session and leave with a work product that will help you apply the ISTE standards
in your own classroom.
First, we are going to take a closer look at Standard 2: Design and develop digital age learning
experiences and assessments.
This standard means that a teacher should use technology to develop digital learning
experiences that personalize student activities and allow students to become active participants
in their learning.
We are going to begin by looking at an example of how you might apply this standard to
developing your own learning experiences, as well as some resources for this standard.
When we consider the indicators of Standard 2, we see that 2a involves collaboration around
media, 2b involves communication with technology and consideration of audience, 2c involves
incorporating diverse learning styles, and 2d involves establishing teams around problembased learning. We will see all four of these indicators in the following video.
Teachers will view the video Collaborative Digital Presentations Enrich Projects at
SAY: Now that youve had an opportunity to see Standard 2 in action and examine some
connections to resources, turn to page 4 in your packet. With your group, take 5 minutes to
answer the three questions about the model activity.
Teachers discuss in small groups for 5 minutes and record their answers in their packets.
DO: Ask for volunteers to share out what groups discussed. For approximately 2 minutes, take
volunteers to share.

Guided Practice, Part 1 (25 minutes)

SAY: Using the Standard 2 Model and your resources page, work with your table group to
develop a lesson that would incorporate digital age learning experiences and assessments.
Identify a Common Core State Standard that you will be teaching in the coming month and list
in your packet the specific resources that you could use to teach and assess that objective.
Workshop leaders will circulate to answer questions about the standard and resources and
review work products as appropriate to determine teacher understanding and level of comfort
with the material.
DO: At the end of 15 minutes, call on each group to share their content area, objective, and
one digital resource that they plan to use to develop their learning experience. Call on groups
for approximately 10 minutes.
Standard 2: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments

Table Talk- How to apply Standard 2 to a content standard you might be teaching soon; come
up with an example of how you would incorporate media

Our group is a group of predominantly middle school social studies teachers. One teacher was
talking about how she taught 6th grade world history and geography. She just finished a lesson
on the caste systems and completed an activity where all students took turns completing
different tasks that were associated with their status on the Ancient Indian caste system (e.g.
the Brahmins ate candy and talked with their friends, the Untouchables helped clean student
white boards and could not glance at other students). She said this activity really helped her
students to understand the content.

Now, she is looking to incorporate technology in her classroom and develop an enrichment
activity for her students.

The content standard that we are working with is: 6.26 Outline the social structure of the caste
system and explain its effect on everyday life in Indian society. Another secondary social

studies teacher recommended using Voice Thread to have students use the information they
learned to create their own interview or presentation. She previously used this for a project on
important inventors during the Industrial Revolution. The teacher had her students take famous
inventors like Edison and create a presentation with a voiceover recorded by groups of
students. Many of the students created Power Points with visuals, wrote scripts for a video
interview, and then performed the interview on their Voice Threads.

As the teacher and the group talked further about how to modify the project to fit this standard,
we decided that students should be assigned to a certain caste level. From there, the students
will write their own interviews from the perspective of their assigned level in the caste
system. The group thought the students would really enjoy this type of activity. Using a
rigorous rubric, the students would be required to complete a video interview or podcast
including elements that show they have incorporated their knowledge of their caste system,
show their relation to other caste systems, and requires students to write and edit a final,
revised draft of their script.

The teacher will create two examples: a good example and a bad example. Then, the teacher
will review these in class with students, utilizing the rubric. That way, students will know how
to achieve a stellar grade and what a poor example looks like. As the students start their
project, they should create an outline. Then, they should draft what questions they will ask.
From there, they can create a rough draft of their script. A great feature of Voice Thread is that
you can quickly leave feedback by adding comments into the presentation right when they
occur. Then, the student can go back and revise according to teacher suggestions. For an
example of how to share feedback effectively while completing a digital storytelling project,
click here. This video shows a teacher providing feedback to a student so that he can optimize
his audiences engagement with the video game he is creating.

One teacher even suggested that students read the scripts of other groups, watch their videos,
and critique other student videos before students are required to turn in final drafts! We all
thought this was a great suggestion, especially as differentiation for ELL students!

One teacher said that he would like to offer a few different projects so students have a choice.

He said that his districts teacher rating rubric places a lot of emphasis on giving students
different choices during the instructional day. Therefore, we decided to think about a few other
activities. We think it is important for all students to engage with digital storytelling, but
students might accomplish this in different ways. For more information on digital storytelling
and how to implement this strategy effectively, click here.

Students could use Jing.com to create a modern day portrait of what a person of their caste
level might look like in our society and record a podcast as someone of that caste. In another
activity, students could make a movie portraying their story or work in pairs and hold
conversations as characters from their assigned level in the caste system using iMovie.

Another great option for students who prefer to write could be creating a picture book using
Jellybean Writer. This application allows users to create customizable books where they can
include text, pictures, and outside links to additional information. Students could write a story
from the perspective of a person from their assigned caste and include pictures in their book.
This would still engage students in digital storytelling but through a different medium. A great
feature of Jellybean Writer is that you can print the books. The teacher can review the book and
offer timely feedback. Then, the student can go back and revise according to teacher

For more exemplars that show how to incorporate digital storytelling into your classroom,
explore this website.

Where to do more research or download the applications mentioned:


http://www.freetech4teachers.com (great website for finding new tech resources)

Introduction of New Material, Part 2 (15 minutes)
SAY: Now that we have had an opportunity to practice using Standard 2, we are going to apply
what we just learned as we take a deeper look at Standard 3: Model digital age work and
This standard means that a teacher should use technology to develop digital learning
experiences that personalize student activities and allow students to become active participants
in their learning.
Just as we did with Standard 2, we are going to begin by looking at an example of how you
might apply this standard, and we are going to emphasize the tools available to help you model
digital age work and learning within your own classroom.
This is a great example of a teacher "walking the walk" when it comes to leading by example.
She created a website where students are able to keep up to date with relevant information,
watch teaching videos, share information, and utilize online information for their schoolwork
We can start by examining this website (http://mrsbonhambunch.weebly.com/) for the
characteristics of Standard 3. The first characteristic of Standard 3 is, Demonstrate fluency in
technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
Lets look at the Videos tab. We can tell that this teacher is applying her knowledge of
technology systems in her use of the Educreations software to allow students to create
educational videos and the fact that she then uploaded those videos to her website to share with
other students and to allow students 24/7 access.
The second characteristic of Standard 3 is, Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and
community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and
innovation. This is evidenced in our exemplar by the fact that the teacher shared multiple

surveys on her website. Here, the teacher is using Google Docs to create her surveys. One
benefit of Google Docs is that it can also be integrated with Forms to analyze your survey
responses. Additional survey resources with which you might collaborate with students, peers,
and parents, are Survey Monkey and Survey Planet.
The third characteristic of Standard 3 is, Communicate relevant information and ideas
effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats. If
we look at the Contact Me tab, we see that this teacher uses the built- in tools of Weebly, her
website host, to create a simple contact form. Additionally, the teacher uses technology to
communicate the current events of her classroom via the Homework and Student Work
The fourth characteristic of Standard 3 is, Model and facilitate effective use of current and
emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support
research and learning. If we look at the Science and Social Studies tabs, we see numerous
online resources that engage students with research related to their current learning.
SAY: Now, with your group, take 5 minutes to respond to the first 3 questions on page 5 of
your packets. Please consider specifically how the example and resources we just looked at are
related to Standard 3 and how they can positively impact student achievement.
Teachers discuss in small groups for 5 minutes and record their answers in their packets.
DO: Ask for volunteers to share out what groups discussed. For approximately 2 minutes, take
volunteers to share.
Independent Practice (15 minutes)
SAY: Using your laptop, the ISTE Standard 3 Model, and the resources page, further develop
the lesson that you discussed with your table. Remember that this lesson should address a
specific CCSS objective. You should use this time to design at least one digital age learning or
assessment tool for this objective, which you will show your table and share out with our
Workshop leaders will circulate to answer questions about the standards and resources and
review work products as appropriate to determine teacher understanding and level of comfort
with the material.
Closing (20 minutes)

SAY: Now that youve had some time to work independently and use your resources to
develop a learning or assessment tool, you are going to take 5 minutes to share with your
content- area group. While others are sharing, please use the bottom half of page 5 to record
ideas that you like from your table group.
Teachers will discuss in small groups for 5 minutes. This allows teachers to potentially get
ideas specific to their own content areas. Leaders will circulate and answer questions.
DO: Ask for volunteers to share out exemplary resources and ways that their groups made
connections to standards and todays learning objectives. For approximately 10 minutes, take
volunteers to share.
SAY: Now, please turn to page 6 of your packet. We ask that you take approximately five
minutes to complete your final reflection. Please return your reflections to workshop leaders
and keep your packets, as they contain lists of all resources discussed today.
Teachers complete final reflections:
1. What did you learn about the ISTE standards?
2. In what ways were you already incorporating the ISTE standards into your classroom?
3. What is one new way that you will incorporate the ISTE standards into your classroom
after this professional development?
4. What is one thing that could be improved in this professional development?
Are there any additional resources you need in order to be successful with what you learned

Bielefeldt, T. (2014, August 7). Know the ISTE Standards for Students, Standard 2:
Communication and Collaboration. Retrieved July 3, 2015.
Bonham, L. (n.d.). Mrs. Bonham's Bunch. Retrieved July 2, 2015.
Collaborative Digital Presentations Enrich Projects (Tech2Learn Series). (n.d.). Retrieved July 3,
2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzCQH58Bwpo
ISTE Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved July 1, 2015.
Mayer, R. (2005). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press. Chapter3. Retrived June 19, 2015, from
QUIZ: Tech Savvy Teaching: How Do You Rank? (n.d.). Retrieved July 2, 2015.
Understanding Multimedia Learning: Integrating multimedia in the K-12 classroom. (n.d.).
Retrieved June 19, 2015, from https://www.brainpop.com/new_common_images/

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