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(2) Who was the famous and renowned Qawwal (singer) of Prophet's (saw) time?

The companions of prophet Muhammed (saw) offered the first "CHADAR" on whose
"MAZAAR" (auliya tomb)?(4) Name the FIRST Sahabi Rasool (saw) to celebrate the
Eid-Milad-un-Nabee (saw)?
(5) Name the Sahabees (RA) who used to say Ya Rasool-Allah (saw) madad or ya Ali
(RA) madad? (6) On 12-Rabi-ul-Awwal, Companions of the prophet Muhammed
(saw), used to host which color flag?
ab Nabi (S.W.A)ke inteqal ke bad Umar Bin Kattab didnt reach to the prophet mazar
for help but asked Ibn Abbas to pray for rain, but he didn't ask Ibn Abbas with the
intention that He (Ibn Abbas) can grant rain, but just to make dua, or pray to
Allah(SWT) on his behalf. Since Ibn Abbas is much closer to Allah then Umar.

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