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ISD Project
Hardware and Application Software in a Classroom Environment
Angela Holtz, Derrick Tevebaugh, Michael Zimmerman,
Mark Livengood, Marquida Morton
Liberty University
EDUC 633


The integration of technology into the classroom has been at the forefront of educators
that seek to modernize school curriculums. However, the path to creating a technology
enhanced classroom has often lead well meaning instructional designers into expensive
projects that do little to enhance the learning experience. The addition of technology
must use a holistic approach to integration with careful consideration of the hardware,
software, and faculty needs in order to balance the costs with the benefits. The study that
is being proposed is an effort to gather data on ninth grade students to understand the
reasons behind low-test scores in the areas of science, mathematics, English, and social
studies. Teachers will take part in the study as subject matter experts and will conduct
the majority of student observation and data collection. The goal of this study is to
increase the pool of data available to instructional designers in order to facilitate
curriculum development that integrates technology as a value added resource to the
classroom. By gaining a greater understanding of the interaction of teachers and students
in a collaborative setting with classroom technology, schools can make more informed
decisions on what direction to take in order to modernize their curriculums.
Keywords: technology, holistic approach, instructional design


Need Identification
Students at Tom B. Douglass High School are scoring below average on state
examinations. Research has indicated that the primary cause of universally low-test scores may
be linked to low verbal IQ and limited understanding of academic vocabulary (Nisbett, Aronson,
Blair, Dickens, Flynn, Halpern, & Turkheimer, 2012; Cunningham, & Stanovich, 1998). The
Instructional Design (ID) team has concluded that the most effective way to determine whether
or not academic vocabulary is to blame is to interview teachers in the core content areas, which
include science, mathematics, English, and social studies. The lead teacher for each content area
was instructed to compile a list of responses from each member of their department for the each
member of their department for the following questions:
1. What percentage of ninth grade students in your classroom successfully passed their
end of course exam?
2. Did students score better on rote computations or questions that required a deep
understanding of academic vocabulary?
3. Did students who scored higher in reading in writing also score higher in the
remaining core content areas?
4. What vocabulary terms are used consistently on tests for your content area?
5. Do students in your content area demonstrate a working understanding of the
vocabulary terms listed in question three?
Upon completion of the survey questions by the lead teacher of each department, the ID
team will interview the lead teacher to collect and analyze the data.
In accordance with the Delphi prioritization process, the ID team identified Michael
Zimmerman to be the lead facilitator. Michael Zimmerman is not associated with a specific


content area but is familiar with the demographics of the student body and the curriculum
expectations for each core content area. A panel of experts were identified and included: Angela
Holt, Mark Livengood, Marquita Morton, and Derrick Tevebaugh. It was determined by the
panel of experts that students failed to understand how the word analyze is used in in each of
the four core content areas.
Goal Statement
Students at Tom B. Douglass high school will work in a cooperative manner and
collaborate to create an e-portfolio using Microsoft 365 applications, a Ti-Nspire Calculator, the
Snipping Tool, and Weebly to demonstrate their ability to analyze World War I from a historical,
literary, mathematical, and scientific perspective.
Task Analysis

Goal Statement:
Students at Tom B. Douglass high school will create an e-portfolio using
Microsoft 365 applications, a TI-Nspire Calculator, the Snipping Tool, and
Weebly to demonstrate their ability to analyze World War 1 from a historical,
literary, mathematical, and scientiRic perspective.

Goal Step 1:
Create a lesson utilizing
blooms taxonomy

Decide the level of blooms

to utilize

Goal Step 2:
Create lesson utilizing the
TI-NSPIRE calculator and

Goal Step 3:
Integrate lessons across

Goal Step 4:
Teachers should upload
the content to the host
website and/or blog

Goal Step 5:
Students should be able to
analyze the lesson based on
the events in the lesson

Decide the state standard

to emphasize and the

Involve other disciples by

meeting with other

Insure video is
avalable to the public

Students from 3 seperate

classrooms should
accomplish this task from
the same high school

Create the lesson to

integrate with other

Figure 1: Task Analysis Flow Chart

Create a lesson with TI-

NSPIRE calculator based
on Rindings

Publish the video

Students should use One

Note to create and
distribute the Rindings of
the lesson


Context and Learner Analysis

To complement the knowledgebase of the panel of experts, the research team observed
classroom sessions for two semesters and examined academic records across the curriculum, in
addition to the teacher survey. In conducting the Learner and Context Analysis, academic
records carried considerable weight as they directly indicated levels of understanding, and could
be indicative of future academic achievement (Andr, 2005).
Learning Context
The classroom is set up with 20 desks arranged in five blocks of four desks each, facing a
SMART Technologies interactive white board, creating a cooperative learning environment
based on small groups. Using small, collaborative groups encourages members to peer assist
each other and work together (Slavin, 2011). Student desks can be easily turned to face the
SMART board so that students have a clear view of it however, being in close proximity the
students are encouraged to collaborate when working on group problems. The students use a few
pieces of technology specifically for the purpose of learning mathematics. This technology
includes a school issued laptop, a Ti-Nspire graphing calculator, Microsoft OneNote application,
and a SMART board. The graphing calculators work in conjunction with the SMART board in
the classroom to facilitate data collection and to enable work-sharing activities. The SMART
board is a large, interactive, touch-screen activated display that accommodates student
interaction, and can also provide additional interactive educational functionalities. These
additional functions consist of link-up activities that allow students to make learning connections
with content and solve problems in ways they may not have originally thought (Rice & Wilde,
2014). The learners will initially be in the math classroom, where they will analyze an event


from a mathematical perspective, and in turn, share their work via their Microsoft Online
accounts and displayed on the SMART board.
Physical factors that can contribute to the success of students include the close proximity
of the desks, which allows students to easily discuss problems and collaborate in order to
formulate solutions (Slavin, 2011). Hand-held devices such as a laptop and graphing calculator
will stimulate kinesthetic learning through the use of physical motion and activity (Goral &
Wiest, 2009). Group dynamics are monitored so that all students are given the opportunity to
contribute, with all group members reviewing the information contributed. Teacher facilitation
in the small group environment will encourage constructive behavior creating meaningful and
thoughtful discussions that will count towards a students final grade (Webb, 1995). Teachers
will also use content that is relevant to real world situations to better prepare the students for
future careers that will require higher order thinking skills.
The classroom environment will be made compatible with the instructional requirements
in order to give students ample time to complete their tasks. Parameters for interaction, such as,
guidelines for respectful social interaction will be established ahead of time. Collaborative
learning is encouraged through the use of natural student workgroups from the arrangement of
the desks; such collaboration increases comprehension, thinking skills, interaction, and learner
support (Slavin, 2011). The implementation of laptops and Ti-Nspire student software in
conjunction with Microsoft OneNote will reduce paperwork and long periods of writing. The
teacher will be able to identify each student's contribution using the OneNote applications "view
authors" function. Students will receive feedback from the teacher directly through the OneNote
document via the cloud service. Technology requirements will be met with school issued devices
and cloud based services, reducing compatibility and accessibility issues. The school will also


provide all environmental resources needed by the student to support their learning needs. The
cooperative learning environment that is created will promote positive social behaviors that
continue to develop into adulthood (Slavin, 2011).
Learner Characteristics Data

Group size: 20 learners.

Age: 14-15.

Education: eighth grade.

Ethnicity: African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander.

Academic information: mixture of below-level, on-level, and above-level


Technology familiarization: daily internet access, cell phone, YouTube and other
video posting sites, Instagram and other blogging sites.

Special Entry

Learners have some experience with using computers, whiteboards, interactive

boards, graphing calculators, and applications.

Learners have experience with writing about their problem solving skills and
providing a rationale for their logic.


The learner must be able to (1) write, graph, deconstruct, and use linear and
exponential functions to represent relationships between quantities; (2) graph and
identify exponential factors and intercepts of exponential functions from standard
form and from data tables; and (3) distinguish whether a linear or exponential


function closely fits a set of data graphically (from a scatter plot) and
algebraically (calculation of the correlation coefficient, r).
Prior knowledge

Most learners are familiar with the terms: independent, dependent, variable,
parent function, axis, equation, graph, and ordered pairs.

Many learners do not understand what a curve of best fit indicates given data in a
scatter plot.

Although many learners have general knowledge of exponential functions, few

have had an opportunity to apply what they know to a problem they find


Some learners may be motivated because it is applicable for personal use.

Advanced learners may believe that they will not learn anything new.

Learning style.

Some learners may be hesitant about working with word problems.

The majority of learners have learning preferences that combine auditory, visual,
and kinesthetic learning styles.

The majority of learners prefer working in collaboration groups to share ideas and
discuss the problem solving process.

Some learners prefer using specific platforms.

Learner characteristics were obtained through class discussions, academic records,

interviews, and learning style inventory surveys.


Learner Analysis
Most students have experience using Ti-Nspire graphing calculators to create linear or
quadratic scatter plots from discrete data. Students adequately perform lower level thinking tasks
located in the understanding tier of Bloom's Taxonomy. Once students are asked to perform
higher order tasks they struggle to make necessary connections between analytic and geometric
Many students demonstrate average to above average nonverbal IQs, but their verbal IQs
are significantly lower. The large number of English Language Learners in the community could
explain, at least in part, the discrepancy between both IQ measurements. Students entering 9th
grade are tested to determine reading levels. Sixty to Seventy percent of students tested
demonstrate below grade level proficiency (Spector, Jakubowski, Bu, Dickey, Bayazit, Curaoglu,
Kim, & Cakir, 2008). Not only do students read below grade level, but they also show little
mastery of academic vocabulary. The state has created literacy initiatives to try to improve
academic vocabulary as a response to inadequate improvements in standardized testing scores
(Texas Literacy Initiative, 2015).
Instructional Objectives
A real world data analysis will be performed through utilizing a Ti-Nspire Calculator and
historical data from analyzing information from World War I. Given the data results; the learner
will evaluate then predict possible outcomes. Reflective learning from data based in various
courses will provide the learner with a critical analysis for a well-rounded learning experience
(Sargent, 2014, p. 624). Students will be learning across curriculum while following the blooms
taxonomy analysis level to demonstrate the breakdown of linear systems from the Ti-Nspire
Calculator. While working in groups, students will solve word problems based on the curriculum



from math, literature and social science to form an e-portfolio based on the findings. The
objectives below follow the goals and outcomes of the project.
Each student in the district is assigned one terabyte of cloud space with Microsoft Online.
Their accounts are set up at the beginning of the year giving both the teacher and the students the
ability to share documents in the cloud. Students are familiar with the OneNote application and
maintain an online interactive notebook for each class using the application. These skills leave
the students comfortable and capable of integrating Ti-Nspire technology into their learning
Objective 1 (15-25 minutes)

Given the state standards and mandated curriculum, the learner will represent data
with graphical, tabular, and analytical representations.

Objective 2 (10-15 minutes)

After representing the data in a table, the learner will create a scatter plot to
represent discrete real world data in graphical form.

Objective 3 (10-15 minutes)

After creating a scatter plot, the learner will perform an exponential regression to
create the curve of best fit.

Objective 4 (10-15 minutes)

The learner will analyze real world data to make predictions and identify cause
and effect relationships between variables.

Objective 5 (40-75 minutes)

The learner will create an e-portfolio to demonstrate how to analyze World War I
from a mathematical, literary, and historical perspective.



Instructional Strategy
A multi-disciplinary teaching approach will be used so that students can demonstrate
their ability to analyze World War I from a historical, literary, mathematical, and scientific
perspectives (Alberta Education, 2007, p. 1). Students be given data from which they will create
graphical, tabular, and analytical representations, create a scatter plot to represent discrete real
world data in graphical form, perform an exponential regression to create the curve of best fit,
and create an e-portfolio to demonstrate how to analyze World War I from a mathematical,
literary, and historical perspective. These skills will provide students with the tools and language
to participate with and better understand their world at a variety of levels (Darling-Hammond,
2008, p. 1). Students will activate prior knowledge of graphing calculators, solving linear
systems, and posting to Internet sites (Bransford, Brown & Cocking, 2000, p. 53).
Working in teams, students will use content and information from several sources,
including video; TED Talks Video by Jean Baptiste Michelle, The War to End All Wars, the
poem, The Peacemaker by Joyce Kilmer, and the book, All is Quiet on the Western Front by
Erich Maria Remarque to complete a cross-curricular mathematical and historical analysis as a
form of inquiry-based teaching (Hattie, 2009, p. 208). As part of the assignment preparation,
students will use historical data as learning cues, using example problems, for practice. Students
will be provided with feedback related to their performance on the practice problems, be
presented with a summary, and given an opportunity to review the lesson instructions with the
instructor prior to completing the assignment.
Additionally, proper use of graphing calculators to complete the cross-curricular
mathematical and historical analysis enables students to share mathematical data while working
towards common learning outcomes. Such shared learning exercises promote high levels of



learner engagement and an innovative, cohesive instructional strategy (OMahony, Baer, &
Quyenn, 2010). In other words, collaborative learning is increased as students work together to
solve complex problems across the curriculum. Teacher observations show that cooperation
among learners is favorable to student understanding of concepts (Gantz, 2008).
A pre-assessment will be administered in order to understand the students grasp of the
learning objectives presented. Pre-assessment scores will determine if remedial instruction is
needed to ensure students are at the knowledge level needed to successfully accomplish the
assessment portion of the learning activity (Perie, Marion, & Gong, 2007).
Students will access the co-ordinates simulation application for the SMART Board and
complete the game with a score of 80 percent to continue onto the main lesson. The game
consists of locating points in a two-dimensional plane using coordinates. Teachers will assist the
student with accessing and completing the game as necessary in order to successfully complete
the co-ordinate game simulation.
Results from the pre-test will be used to determine a students mastery of prerequisite
skills and help in determining whether advanced or enrichment activities are necessary (Dunn &
Mulvenon, 2009). These skills include creating scatterplots, graphing linear and exponential
equations, and writing the equation of a function based on a table or plotted points. The lesson
proposed builds on these three main skills.
Assessment activities will be used to check for student understanding and application of
the major concepts (Dunn & Mulvenon, 2009). It is necessary for the students to understand and
use reasoning in algebraic contexts (Nunes, Bryant, & Watson, 2009). The logical and reasoning



skills that students will learn from this lesson will build on students analytical and mathematical
thinking as well as problem solving skills (Anderson, 2009; Bischoff, 1999; Tsai, 2003).
Students will demonstrate how well they can write an exponential function that best fits a data
set and interpret the results. Assessments will be used as checkpoints to determine how well the
students comprehend vocabulary terms, their statistical analysis skills, and their real-world
application of the main objectives.
The assessment activities for this mathematics module are integrated into the lesson
through five exercises strategically chunked to limit cognitive overload. Each exercise will help
the student break the data presented by Jean Baptiste Michel in his TED Talks video (2012) into
parts so that it can be analyzed and used to predict future trends. By the end of the activities and
assessment process students will have demonstrated their ability to analyze real world data, use
the data to make predictions, and describe the cause and effect relationships between to
variables. The final assessment for this module will be the e-portfolio created by each ninth
grader. In the e-portfolio students will demonstrate their ability to analyze World War I from a
historical, literary, and mathematical perspective.
Assessment 1

Students will create a table and fill in the x and y values that correspond to the
data from the TED Talks Video by Jean Baptiste Michelle. Exercise one will be
used from the Mathematical Analysis OneNote document to complete this



Assessment 2

Students will provide a screenshot of the scatter plot created with Ti-Nspire
student software. Exercise two will be used from the Mathematical Analysis
OneNote document to complete this assessment.

Assessment 3

Students will provide a screen shot of the exponential regression performed on the
Ti-Nspire student software. Exercise three will be used from the Mathematical
Analysis OneNote document to complete this assessment.

Assessment 4

The students will write a sentence describing the cause and effect relationships
and answer three real world questions to make predictions from the data.
Exercise four will be used from the Mathematical Analysis OneNote document to
complete this assessment.

Assessment 5

The student will compile the work performed in each OneNote document exercise
into an e-portfolio demonstrating their understanding of how to analyze in all four
content areas. Exercise five will be used from the Mathematical Analysis
OneNote document to complete this assessment.
Media Selection

This workshop will utilize Camtasia Studio 8 for the media software as well as the TiNspire series calculator that are detailed below. Learners will be able to watch recordings of
Camtasia Studio 8 to create a portfolio with the Ti-Nspire calculator in order to analyze the data
from mathematics as well as other courses in Science, English, and Social Studies (Khan, 2013).



The learner will solve problems based on the data from the courses to then upload to Google
Docs. Teachers at Tom B. Douglass High School will be provided with laptops to use Microsoft
Office programs to collaborate thoughts as well as compile the files from the students (Friesen &
Lock, 2010, p. 11). Collaborative solutions will then be uploaded to Google Docs via an Internet
connection on the SMART Board (Apple, 2015, p. 1).
Media Requirements
Hardware requirements for students include a computer with at least a 2.33GHz or faster
x86-compatible processor, or Intel Atom 1.6GHz or faster processor for netbooks and 512MB of
RAM (1GB of RAM recommended for netbooks), with 128MB of graphics memory and a builtin wireless adapter (802.11 b/g). The operating system will be Microsoft Windows 7 or later
with Internet Explorer 9.0 or later (the latest browser versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome, or Opera may also be utilized).
Students will access the media created with Camtasia Studio by using the latest version of
Adobes Flash player. The Adobe Flash player is normally included with all computers but if it
is missing the player can be downloaded for free from Adobes website. Additionally, the
SMART Notebook Math software must be installed in order for teachers and students to use the
teaching and learning capabilities of the integrated applications. The Ti-Nspire CX Navigator
System, which includes the full-color Ti-Nspire CX or Ti-Nspire CX CAS handhelds and TiNspire CX Navigator Wireless Network Adapters are required for students to access questions,
join in collaborative activities, transfer documents, complete polls, capture screen images, utilize
Live Presenter, and allow for real-time portfolio and automatic grading of homework. Network
requirements include a 10/100Base-T Ethernet connection for SMART Board LAN and Internet
access and an IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi access point for wireless access.



Teachers will create the instructional videos to be used as demonstrations for student use.
To create instructional videos, teachers will use Camtasia Studio and possess the skills needed to
create detailed outlines for lessons and scripts. Teachers must also have good writing and
research skills, and be content experts in order to create media for student consumption.
Additionally, teachers must posses the skills needed to edit lesson media content in order to keep
it current with learning objectives that may change due to study requirements. Critical thinking,
time management, good judgment, decision-making, complex problem solving, and persuasion
skills are also important teacher skills for the study.
Teachers must be proficient in the use of both SMART Boards and The Ti-Nspire CX
Navigator System. In order to create instructional videos, teachers will need the ability to create
detailed outlines for lessons and scripts, and have proficiency with screen casting software
(Camtasia Studio). Teachers will also need to know how to upload or copy videos to a streaming
service (YouTube or Vimeo) or local server.
Students will need to be proficient in the use of the Ti-Nspire CX or Ti-Nspire CX CAS
handheld calculator, as well as proficiency in the use of the Microsoft Windows operating
system and Internet browsers. Student calculator and computer skills will be developed through
practice exercises used throughout the study curriculum.
Usability, Sustainability, and Accessibility
In general, Window-based computers are very common and familiar to users in an
academic setting, in part because of their widespread use in government-funded school systems
in the United States (Strong, 2006). Windows based computers also provide the users with:

Consistency in layout (e.g. design, color, etc.).


Readable font sizes.

Screen desktop can utilize a simple background; contrast can be adjusted for


individuals with limited vision.

Consistency in terminology (e.g. menus, commands).

Functional features, button, scroll bars, and navigational bars are integrated into a
graphical user interface as opposed to text commands.

Images include descriptive alternative text (e.g., ALT tags in web).

Hyperlinks have descriptive pop-up tags when mouse pointer hovers over link.

Video and audio clips have text equivalent or closed-captions (Szapkiw &
Szapkiw, 2010).

However, the same user familiarity cannot be said for all of the technologies utilized in
the study. Teachers and students will use the Ti-Nspire CX CAS for all mathematical
calculations. The Ti-Nspire is a complex handheld computer that may require an extended
period of instruction in order to master all of its numerous functions. Although much improved
over previous Ti scientific graphing calculators, the complexity of this device must be considered
when observing student and teacher use when gathering data. The Adobe Flash Player used to
play videos on the computer can be set to update automatically requires little intervention from
the user to keep it functioning. Camtasia Studio screen casting software used by teachers is
intuitive and meets many of the usability requirements outlined by Szapkiw & Szapkiw (2010).
The Ti-Nspire graphing calculator technology integrates multimedia content into math
and science curriculums, improving student performance and empowering educators to
maximize the impact of their lessons across the curriculum (Texas Instruments, 2015).



Additionally, the calculator operates on a rechargeable battery, which can last up to two weeks
on a single charge; the battery itself can last for up to three years of charge/discharge cycles
(Texas Instruments, 2015).
The Windows operating system and Flash Player provide accessibility functions such as
built in text readers and compatibility with third-party readers, though they are not compatible
with the CX handhelds, but are compatible with the PC-based Navigator System (School Savers,
2011). While pairing a the CX Navigator System with a SMART Board adds expanded
capabilities to the Ti-Nspire graphing calculator, a review of vendor literature does not indicate
that this provides expanded accessibility capabilities (Texas Instruments, 2015). The SMART
Boards do, however, offer flexibility to personalize learning to a variety of individual needs
[that] comply with universal design for learning (UDL) standards [that] are accessible and
provide multiple ways for students to connect with lessons, helping teachers more easily engage
every student in learning (SMART Boards, 2015). No further information is available about
accessibility at the SMART Boards website.
Extensive research on the Ti-Nspire calculator and apps was conducted, but no literature
on accessibility was found, other than a single entry indicating the technology was not friendly to
common accessibility apps, like the Job Access With Speech (JAWS) screen reader. Though a
university in Illinois began a study nearly three years ago about the SMART Technologies
interactive white boards and accessibility (SMART Boards, 2015; SMARTer Board Project,
2013), a subsequent search of online database resources turns up no results of their study.
Generally, the Ti-Nspire is seen as the accommodation for accessibility (Livengood, 2015) and at
least one third-party app, MathType 6.9, is compatible with both the Ti-Nspire and JAWS


(MathType 6.9 Works With, 2015). This compatibility, however, cannot be considered a
mediator between the two and cannot be considered as a mediator between the three disparate
technologies (Design Science, 2015).




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Appendix A
The lesson images below are representative of the ISD lesson hosted on















Appendix B
The following chart is a depiction Goals, Learning Activitys, and Assessments that are within
the ISD project.


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