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Yulia Ladutko

CIS 110 Homework 1

CRN: 86225

1) a) Four phases of digital revolution:

1. Data processing (1960s) input-output cycle. Data goes into a computer, is
processed and then it is output. Computers are huge, complex, and expensive devices,
existing in limited numbers and primarily housed in big corporations and government
2. Personal computing (1970s) small standalone computers powered by local
3. Network computing (1990s) enabled when the Internet was opened to public
use. A group of computers linked together to share data and resources.
4. Cloud computing (2010-) provides access to information, applications,
communications, and storage over the Internet. Convergence plays a large role in the
expansion of cloud computing.
Personal computer
iPhone 4
Nexus 5
Surface RT

Not personal computer

Nintendo 3DS
First Kindle

c) Most common passwords:

1. password
2. 1234567
d) Secure passwords
1. Ju1zkn0wz_Ja\/a
2. BAVE`w$4q$urRFZ
3. 1had_cerea1for1unch62v>
2) QR codes
Phone Im using: iPhone 4
App Im using: Scan
What I see: Zeus my precious cockatoo YouTube video
Zeus flopping his head around and making noises as a response (aww, so cute!)

One of my favorite YouTube videos:

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