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Project Hope to‘Abolish the Death Penalty $ On Wings of Hope ope VoL.19 ISSUE 2 6 é APR.-JUN. 2075 no MISPLACED CONCERN ABOUT POTENTIAL PTSD FOR EXECUTION STAFF There are many arguments why it is evil for the State to kill people. | would agree with most of them, however not with the one concerned with the possible psychological fall out for the staff members who choose to be part of the murder team. That does not mean that | don’t have concerns, I do. However my concern is for the ones who remain unaffected. Let me share some personal memories. Let us begin with a warden who three weeks before the execution date of my dear friend Brian Baldwin tells me that he can’t wait for the ‘execution day to come. And on the actual day, when | wait in the prison for the team to come and take me to the execution chamber, | am first taken to the said warden’ office to be told that I can still get out of being the witness. Really? Brian would be waiting for me in vain! And then, just before the torture in the electric chair begins Brian is asked for his last words. I can tell that they are for me because he turns his head and looks at me; and yet after the murder Ihave to ask the Warden what Brian said. “Tell Esther | am alright.” No sign of PTSD for that ‘Warden, and so that is where we need to direct out concern. ‘And how about the staff, 2 of them, who drive me to the death chamber laughing, joking and playing loud music in the van, when respect would demand silence at this somber moment. Yes, | am concerned for them as well. ‘Would you not agree that it would also be appropriate to be concerned for the deputy warden who during the last week’s visit joins Brian and me to get some papers signed? We sit there talking and | suggest that this must be difficult for him, but the reassuring respons not at all because he leaves work at work, and after all, he is just following the law. That was the defense at the Nuremberg trials of the war criminals after the Second World War. I point this out to him. No potential for PTSD either or so it would appear. Friends, if you are concerned about the potential PTSD consequences for the voluntary execution staff, may | respectfully suggest that those concerns are misplaced. Those who suffer from PTSD are at least in touch with their humanity. We should be forever scarred when we are part of murder. It is the others for who killing is just part of their job, sanctioned by law who need our pity and concern. They need it because they forfeited their humanity. Esther PROJECT HOPE TO ABOLISH ‘THE DEATH PENALTY (phadp) 501 (C) (3) non- profit, MISSION STATEMENT: ‘Working together with friends, supporters and other advocates to educate the public and bring about the abolition of Capital Punishment in Alabama, NATIONAL OFFICE: P.O, Box 1362 Lanet, AL 36863 Phone: 334 499 0003 Email: beesther’ ‘Webs: wwrw.phadp ory Email group;phadp-mail-subserbe, also on Face Book: Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty in Alabama BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ronald Smith Jr, Chairman Anthony Tyson. Vice Chairman Bart Johnson See, /Treas. ‘Marcus Williams, Coordinator. Jefferey Lee, Asst. Coordinator ‘Anthony Boyd, Set At Arms Info Dir. Randy Lewis EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ronald Smith Jr, Pres. (CEO Anthony Tyson J. Vice Pres Esther Brown, Executive Director DEVELOPMENT: Brandon Fountain PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Jef Risber STUDENT REP: Petra Jackson BOARD OF ADVISORS Atty. Bryan Stevenson, Antoinette Bosco, ‘Aut. Christine Lichtenfels, Callie Greer Robin DeMonia, Dale Wisely, Ph.D. Robert M Wilson, Judy Collins, Claudia Whitman, Ed Hart, ‘Ann Williams, Ursula Malchau, Gary Drinkard, Louis Richard, Bill Pelke, Diane MeNaron, Shelley Douglass, Sam L. Sullins, Rev. Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow ‘THIS NEWSLETTER WAS WRITTEN, ‘TYPED AND FORMATTED ON DEATH ROW AT HOLMAN PRISON - On Wings of Hope From the Editor Greetings and Salutations, Summer is upon us and So is the heat and humidity. Here at Holman the Board has undergone a changing of the guard. If this were Buckingham Palace there would be fanfare and pageantry but we're simple folk so we sat around and discussed our options, took a few votes, and then called our outmate and made her aware of the changes. Not as easy as that but you get the gist. There are some new names on the Board and a couple old timers like myself. By the way for those of you who don't know me, I am Ronald B. Smith jr. and I have been voted Chairman of the Board of Directors for Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty. I have been here at Holman since October 7, 1995 and I worked my way from a group to the Sub- Board and then after being voted to the Board I held several positions including Assistant Coordinator, Coordinator, Vice Chairman and Editor of "A Christian Perspective". I have been involved with the editing, typing and formatting of the newsletters since about 1997. T have as of late been trying to write to everyone on our Advisory Board to introduce myself and to thank each of them for their support. The one thing I bring to the table other than the requisite death sentence is a long (over 20 years) and I believe productive relationship with our Executive Director. We were friends even before she was our Executive Director. I truly see her as our outmate. And as you can imagine I have been greatly missing my friend during her recovery and will feel greatly relieved when she is back home, To do this without her would be unimaginable. I promise you that I will do the best I can the best I know how. I had the best mentors one can imagine and I will not let them down. If you are on the Advisory Board and haven't heard from me yet, you will. And thank you sincerely Judy, Sylvia and Brandon for stepping up while Esther has been convalescing. Your help was more than appreciated I can assure you. You truly helped to keep Hope alive. It is a new day but there is still work to do. and with your continued support we will get rid of the death penalty in Alabama. I truly believe we will. Just keeping it positively real with you. Alabama News 2015 2nd quarter * No Executions in Alabama to date * Anthony Ray Hinton exonerated after spending 30 years on death row. The Board wishes Ray all the best and thanks him for sharing his story i.e. The Marshall Project Interview, * pavid Davis dies of cancer after a hard fought battle. The Board offers it's sincerest condolences to his family and loved ones. He will be greatly missed but we know he is in a better place * william Ziegler is a free man after agreeing to a plea. Mr. Ziegler still professes his innocence and can now do so from the comfort of his home. * Akorn, a manufacturer of Midozolam, issued a statement strongly objecting to the use of midozolam in executions. They are restricting its distribution to keep it out of the hands of State Docs * SCOTUS heard arguments on the constitutionality of the use of midozolam in executions. * the world reflected on the signficance of Bloody sunday in Selma 50 years ago. * outreach to affiliate organization nationwide, while ongoing, has already proven successful. * The American Pharmacists Association sets ethical standards for its 62,000 members. They declared that the practice of providing lethal injection drugs is contrary to the role of pharmacists as health care providers. * The National Latino Evangelical Coalitition voted unanimously to urge their 3000 members to help put an end to capital punishment. * A petition to repeal the death penalty was sent to Episcopalian clergy. Our thanks to Assistant Bishop Santosh Murray for making this possible. * The Starvin for Justice Fast and Vigil at the US Supreme Court held by the Abolition Action Committee will be June 29th thru duly 2nd. * Justice and Mercy (JAM) held anti-death penalty vigil on Good Friday in Birmingham. * Alabama Attorneys are pushing for a Conviction Integrity Unit to investigate innocence claims similar to TX, NC, and NY. Page 4. --On Wings of Hope * Esther met with Swiss Supporter and Lifespark member Claudia ‘Tramer. * Compounding pharmacist trade group IACP released a statement against use of compounding drugs in executions. * The New York Times did an article on jury override. * George Martin is out on bond awaiting his new trial. * Nebraska's legislature repeals death penalty. * John Hardy died on 6-15-15. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. He will be greatly missed though we know he is in a better place. * We want to thank everyone who has stepped up to fill in the gaps while Esther has been convalescing. Thanks especially to Judy, Brandon and sylvia. FEEDS EEE OI IEE IS II III III I Guerrilla Warfare Guerrilla Warfare-irregular warfare. A war fought by members of an independent unit. Is there a such a thing as a regular war? Sorry about that it just popped into my head. The question I had in mind to ask is this... Is the death penalty regular? Both good questions though, huh? Is it normal (regular) for a society to want to kill it's own to prove that killing is wrong? Well, I know a couple of United States Supreme Court Justices who have made it plain that they think it is logical and regular. However, one of them you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. I don't know if you recall the two brothers released from North Carolina's death row some months back (I certainly hope you do) who were found to be innocent. Well when they were first arrested, one of the justices (grain of salt guy) made the state- ment that, “it was because of people like them this country has or needs the death penalty." When they were found to be innocent, he said not a word! Now with the Glossip V. Oklahoma case having gone before the U.S. Supreme Court, grain of salt guy decides to follow his normal routine of ‘grab foot, insert into mouth." He is so blunt in the past to have stated that, even if a man comes before that court and he is innocent, they only deal with Constitutional, as long as they deem he/she had a fair trial and none of their constitutional rights were violated, innocence be damned. In the Glossip case, they were up there to decide whether or not the drug Midozolam, which has been used in numerous botched executions has been/is violating the cruel and unusual amendment in the Constitution. Instead of focusing on that, he and a couple more of his cohorts PHADP- -Page 5 decide to launch attacks on death penalty abolitionist groups. They evidently feel death penalty abolitionists don't have the right under the Constitution to speak up, speak out and challenge things they don't agree with! Go figure! The great protectors of the Constitution (for all), want to limit it when it suits them (for some). They made statements that, they would have better drugs to execute (kill, murder) with, if drug manufacturers weren't under constant attack from abolitionist groups. They said, "what it amounts to is guerrilla warfare." Well, maybe it is! Here is the thing though, Mr. Grain of salt, foot in mouth, constitutional protector... under the Constitution that is a right that we have and it is legal. You need to focus! Besides it is not like anyone is being physically attacked. I mean, aside from the men and women being strapped down and tortured in your death houses...under the Constitution, No, abolitionist aren't doing that. We are just asking those companies to take a moral stand against their supplies, which were made to save and preserve life, being used in the murder of U.S. citizens. People do still have morals and under the Constitution they are allowed to! I wonder what those justices would have told our Civil Rights leaders, when they were boycotting the buses and eateries? "Just be quiet and accept? what about when the police were beating them with huge sticks, turning hoses on them, or letting those police dogs loose on them? "Hold still, it's just a little water, or they're just cute little puppies"? Personal feelings aside, follow the Constitution...people being tortured to death, is cruel and unusual punishment! Best wishes and Prayers to all, Anthony Boyd 2-578/N-9 FEES IIE IAI II IIIS II IIIA Alabama Chooses Death Is the State of Alabama violating Human Rights by falsely convicting and forcing the ball and chain of capital punishment around the necks of innocent and wrongfully convicted U.S. citizen: You decide while the U.S. Supreme Court juggles which method of poisons they will allow to be used to kill her next citizens. Alabama condemned Anthony Ray Hinton to a death pit where over 200 U.S. citizens were executed by their death squads from 1927 till 2013. From 1983 till now, 55 men were murdered by the state of Alabama. 54 men and 1 woman, since Mr. Hinton was forcibly removed from his mother's house in 1985. Alabama bit down like a vicious King snake and held onto Mr. Hinton for 30 long hard years till him and his lawyers somehow got the truth out and set Anthony Ray Hinton free from Alabama's poisonous death bite. He was set free on 4/3/15, with no apology from the Governor or any of it's elected officials. Alabama refuses to unscrew it's poker face and admit that capital punish- ment is a flawed discriminating legal system that floods over all fair boundaries, based on your race and indigent status. Page 6: -On Wings of Hope If you are poor, you are considered defenseless and those are the ones the State of Alabama sends his death troopers at. Two weeks after Anthony Ray Hinton was set free, William Ziegler was set free from the same pythonic hold of Alabama's murky capital legal system. after spending 17 years in the jaws of death, he was able to swim out to freedom's shore and live to tell the story of how Alabama attempted to murder him with diabolical poisons and the men he knew who Alabama's death squad fried their flesh inside out with a demonic beast called, the "Yellow Mama" (electric chair). after presenting evidence of innocence, Mr. Hinton is the 152nd person exonerated in the U.S. from death row since 1983. It's one way in but 2 ways out, Alabama chooses death. By: Internal Exiler 33 ZEEE CII UIE ISIE IIASA At a loss for words. Why is that? Thoughts in my head, but no vocabulary to explain them. Confusion abounds in abundance but no words to explain why that is. Usually I'm very outspoken on the topics of the day. At this time there are no words. Today I get to see the sun rise, a friend doesn't. today I am able to move around and continue this fight, a friend can't. This week we lost a death row brother to natural causes. Excuse me if T'm not harking on why the practice of killing by the government is not at the forefront of my mind. The fact is, I had something else prepared but it just didn't seem to fitting when another reason was on my mind, As I write I am reminded that this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment. Made to sit, eat, sleep, urinate and defecate in a 5'x8' box. In the winter you nearly freeze, luckily this is the South and it doesn't get extremely cold for more than a few days at a time. In the summer, you nearly suffocate from the heat. Unluckily this is the South and it gets extremely hot more days than I am able to count. This amounts to torture, for most and years of it. As I sit here wondering if I am to be next, not to be injected with some unknown cocktail made in somebodies garage, but to succumb to natural causes. I will be 40 years old soon. I should not have these thoughts for another 25 years or so. Yet, here I am, my mind jumping from have I told my family I love them, have I done enough to help in this fight to end capital punish- ment, am I doing enough to keep my health straight and have I changed enough so that society can feel safe in saying that capital punishment is not needed. There are redeemable qualities in people to warrant 2nd chances. I close with this, thank you to our supporters and believers in OPPOSE and Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty. I will be back in full force soon I promise. Thank You, Marcus Williams ---Page 7 Are there more innocent men on death row? Has Alabama executed an innocent man? Have all innocents been discovered? No, Has Alabama executed an innocent man? Yes. my answers are as they are because of the Jimmy Dill case and the Freddie Wright case. I had the occasion of meeting Jimmy Dill in 2007 when I arrived here as an Innocent Man on death row. Jimmy never spoke about his case to me and I didn't care for asking him about it either. However, I became interested in knowing the details of his case after his execution in 2009. Fairly new on death row, I didn't under stand the process of the things that were going on with the appeals process and executions. After Jimmy was executed I read his 11th Circuit opinion which disclosed the true facts about jimmy Dill's case. Jimmy's lawyers had discovered and presented to the court the medical records of the victim which revealed that the victim's death wasn't brought on by the gunshot wound but rather his death was the result of medical neglect by the victim's wife. More concerning this brief will be disclosed in an upcoming project. Freddie Wright was éxecuted way before my time in 2000. T just recently stumbled up on Freddie's case a few weeks ago. The evidence in his case showed that before he was ever implicated in the crime another suspect was in police custody, arraigned, indicted and on his way to trial when a couple of guys Freddie knew and were friends with him, confessed to the crime and implicated him in the crime. Now Freddie was a gun owner and his gun was seized from his home. The State's ballistic expert testified at Freddie Wright's trial that the gun seized from Freddie's home could not be excluded from being the murder weapon. Now the problem with that is:"concerning the initial suspect who was incarcerated before the false arrest of Freddie Wright that suspect was captured with a weapon in his possession in which the State's ballistic expert, (the same one that testified at Freddie's trial) examined that weapon and conclusively determined that it was indeed the murder weapon that killed the victim". Later, after Freddie Wright's conviction and death sentence, Freddie Wright's co-defendants recanted their trial testimony and admitted that Freddie indeed wasn't involved in the crime. That they had lied, More concerning this case will be disclosed in an upcoming project. Randy Lewis T.V.0.A.1.M. 2-741/0-27 Project Hope to Abolish the Death Ponahy P.O. Bax 1362, Lanett, AL 36863 ‘Tet 394 499 0003 ‘ + wwnchado.omm " $40thouostols and $100congregaton, or whatever ‘amount ‘Checks shouldbe ‘ond cant affordable. made out fo ~PHADP™ rr Project Hope Lanett, AL 26863 i (334) 499-0003 * é wore phad.or9 EXECUTE JusTice, the ves NOT PEOPLE! seats mepaipong JEU IIIa III IOI IIIT SAI II IIIT, What with all the people going free off death row you would think the State of Alabama would take a look at the death penalty as a whole, But with people going free I think it will get worse because the State doesn't like it when they are wrong. Just think all the time that innocent people sit on death row, murderers walked around free. But we always know it is not about if you did it, you have to show that you did not do it. I know that sounds stupid but that is the way the justice system works. Innocent people do time all the time. Jessie Phillips G-9 A Christian Perspective Produced Bj VOL.19 ISSUE 2 APR.-JUN. 2015 ‘Seranlzational Information ‘A Ciitian Perspectives Greetings Family, ‘Published by Project Hope LL yvrabeeen 2015 has been a year of change and blessings. eee First, I greet you in a new position as the Vice- Siarnee Chairman of PHADP. I'm honored to serve in this (@.5861D6, Hoiman 3700, position and to continue to fight the fight the ‘Amore, AL 36503 fight of Hope. 2015 has been a beautiful year at its best. Four men have been released from death row. Two of which are free men, and with a two out on bond awaiting the State of Alabama ‘atboay Ty100 to do right by them as well. This is all great ‘Assistant Bator news, but even with that great news there is a ‘Nicholas Acklin & Crig Newton little disturbing news in my opinion. The State Contibuting writers of Alabama put four men from death row on the ground and rejoined them with their families. But, I have yet to read, or hear any response ‘Execative Commitee from our Governor. To me this is very disturbing. ‘eRe How can four men that were condemned to die under PresdenCEO your authority be freed and one completely Ronald Sah Ir. Vie exonerated after 30 years. And you say nothing ee as the Governor. But this same office a few years Baseeve Decor ago said publicly that there are no innocent men on Alabama's death row. Governor Riley and Former ‘For more information Attorney General Bill Pryor were convinced of bout Project Hope to this myth. and all four of these men were on death ‘Abolish the Deaf Penalty, row at the time. Governor Riley had overseen more Pane ro me ar executions than any Governor in this State's tase A sears history. And Bill Pryor, now known as the Honorable ? Bill Pryor sits on the 11th Circuit Appeals Court. Al articles in his again, this is all disturbing to me... but I newsletter may be continue to look forward to the hope that was reprinted witout created by the release of these men. And, guess Loerie what? There are more to come, But, will my brother Lerten in Christ remain silent. Pilate was also faced aprided by permission with this. But as all followers of the Bible know, of Project Hope to we are to learn from the errors of those who came ‘lh he Dea before us. Tena I remain Cermtencettees Vice Chairman, Anthony Tyson N-17/2-641 Freedom For Real The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. That is the general idea of freedom. But is freedom really freedom for real? I sit here imprisoned at Holman prison for going on fifteen years. I have experienced the highs and lows of death row. The lows were extremely low. There isn't anything worse than forming a relationship with another guy, where you consider them a brother, only to have the State set them an execution date and murder them, That feeling is like having your heart ripped out and your whole body becomes numb. It is like being caught in a place of deep despair, because you know the exact days, hours and seconds your brother has to live. So you try and enjoy each day you are given with them. Most of the time the guy with the date ends up keeping you encouraged and upbeat. It is a grace God gives in those moments of despair that provide strength to face anything, even death. 2015 rushed upon us with the State setting date after date. Even having more guys on deck for dates. So the atmosphere here was filled with fear. So God provided us a word to fear not but have faith in Him. So the month of April came around. anthony Ray Hinton's capital murder case had been dragging on since 1985. The State had tried everything they could to kill this man and his spirit. They stole his freedom for 30 years, but Ray Ray as I called him never once allowed them to steal his joy or dreams of freedom. So on the second Friday of April, God provided Ray with something he had been telling us all’ of these years, the chance to go home. That day happened to be Good Friday, which is the day most Christians celebrate the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross. William Ziegler arrived at Holman in 2002 with the claim of being innocent, yet his cry went unheard until 2010, when a District Court recognized the abundance of errors used in his case to convict him, Yet the State still claimed they had their man. Once his case was overturned, the State continued to attack him at every turn in his quest for freedom. They took him back to Mobile County Jail and put him in even more isolation. April 22nd, two weeks after Anthony Hinton was freed from deathrow, the State ran out of options. So they offered a deal to Ziggy, as I called him for most of the time he was here, a deal he couldn't pass up. The deal included an opportunity to sign his name to accessory after the fact and go home the same day. Having the experience of seeing so many of his brothers get murdered by the State, Ziggy couldn't take the chance of coming back here. So God provided him the freedom he sought all of these years. George Martin arrived on death row the same year I came here, in the year 2000. Martin, as I called him, maintained he would walk free of this place. Friday, May 1st, Martin was on the visiting yard enjoying a visit with his family when the opportunity of freedom came knocking. He shook my hand on his way to the County Jail, wishing me good graces and luck, telling Page 2 me he was going for a bond hearing. So right now, Martin sits home with his family with a taste of freedom in his soul, yet the state chose to put an ankle monitor on him to track 411 of his movements. Yet he is free. Freedom comes wrapped up in many packages, but it is on you to unwrap it. I had a relationship with all of these guys. We grew quite close. This was the first time I had an opportunity to witness freedon by seeing it not once, not twice, but three times. God has been showing us the imposSible that fe can make Possible and He isn't finished yet. The State of Alabama is trying to modify their execution protocol in the hopes of finding a more humane way to murder a man, but that doesn't exist. Now the atmosphere here has been charged with hope and faith. Those are the ingredients for God to fill this place with more miracles. Always remember, whom the Son sets free is free indeed! So freedom Christ provides is freedom for real. Jeffery Lee The Caring Christian G1 JESSE SII ISSUE III IAAI God has the last say First to the families whose loved ones have been freed, I wish you all the best. Ain't God good? The State tried and tried to end their lives but couldn't cause God has the last say. But the State's around the world continue to make an azz of themselves and a mockery of the so called just laws that they present to the nation as the way and the only way! Right or wrong, but quick to say the system works. Yeah it works...a system built on lies and controversies. The lies are to put you on death row, innocent or guilty. The contoversies are to cover up where they messed up, like in Ray Hinton’s case or William Ziegler's case or most recently George Martin's case. How much more can I say? Well, all I can say (while being sarcastic) the system works...yeah right. Thankfully God has the last say. Take care and God bless, The Realist Page 3 The Race How many of us, give God the glory? The author of life's best selling, number one story, the ink’ of His voice, the smooth stroke of His thought, the net of His hands, into which we fall, during battles faught, only to be put back on our feet, to teach what we've been taught. But who has the time, the one thing too precious to waste. So the ghost-writer takes over, over-writing what's already in place. How many of us give God the glory, but can't look Him in the face? Because we surrendered to a world, to walk at a faster pace, forgetting to crawl first, too focused on the race? By: The Oracle FEES IIA IIA III TID II A ARI Weathering the Storm How did it come to this? I am a man amongst men...In an environment where many, who z am in the midst of, choose to remain ignorant. Here I am in the depths of solitude where I remain silent. Wrapped in another man's sin, where I have to redirect my rage and violence, which have developed since the beginning of this situation. However, I refuse to allow my situation to become my reality. Voices of Innocence cry out daily. And daily voices of Innocence are ignored and replaced with politics by politicians. Politicians push to see those innocent voices die...daily. ‘The weight of this situation many can not bear. It is a burden on families, so those families let go and forget their loved one. The weight of this situation many can not bear. It is a burden for the experiencing individual to see the hurt and pain of his loved ones, so their feelings he spares. Men have died of natural causes. Men have committed suicide. Men have been executed. Men have died as a result of medical neglect. Life behind these walls of darkness, concrete and steel The company of silence is plentiful. That is why I walk with and talk to God. The Voice of an Innocent Man Page 4 Does False Witness Cost a Life? The Bible says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness." In Luke 3:14 it says, "Neither accuse any falsely" and Peter wrote in ist Peter 3:16, "They may be ashamed that falsely accuse." Back then in the days when the Bible was written they would stone a person to death for bearing false witness, but now we just arrest them and throw them in jail. But, what do we do when th judges and the District Attorneys bear false witness and falsely accuse an innocent person? The answer is that we do nothing and the judges and the District Attorneys get away and still falsely accuse the innocent. So, I ask you does a false witness cost a life? The answer is it does cost a life. It cost 30 years of Mr. Ray Hinton's life. 30 years of his life! mr. Ray Hinton sat on Alabama's death row for 30 years of his life, that he can never get back, all because he was falsely accused. Here at Project Hope, we bring the facts to help educate you about the death penalty and ask you to help us in the fight but also we are asking you to help us in the fight to stop false imprisonment of people like Mr. Ray Hinton. By: An Angel in the Shadows JESSE SISA III IIIA TIAA I. Go_Home Normally I'd start this by complaining about the heat, but I've got two quotes that I want to share. The first one I've heard every time Anthony Ray Hinton has been on T.V. The second one every time William Ziegler was on. So here are the quotes: "Go Home Ray!" and "Go Home Zig!" While I can't know what these two men personally endured during their ordeals, I can certainly get behind that sentiment and those words. Go Home. There is a chance that by the time you read this another exoneree will be added to the list. That is called momentum. And it is not just a little. Thats real momentum, getting bigger and picking up speed. Yes, it is hard to tell exactly how big or how fast, but the hope is that its unstoppable. To the point where the voices that blame organizations like ours for making lethal injections difficult are silenced and replaced by the ones that congratulate abolitionists for accomplishing our goals. Where they realize that State killing is still killing, and there is no righteous- ness or justification. It is murder in its worst form when the executed are innocent, with aggravating factors like evidence tampering or withholding, witness intimidation, jury tampering and prosecutorial misconduct. But even if the condemned is guilty it is still just a revenge killing. The State can't or won't acknowledge the faults, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. It just means that we have to convince each other to open our eyes to the truth and turn away from the lies that these so called conservatives keep coming Page 5 up with. They don't want you to think about the racism that is not just a part of, but the foundation of capital punishment in Alabama, They don't want to expose the five County Courthouses that act as death sentence mills, producing the most capital convictions using the most underhanded tactics with no repercussions when they get caught. They want to hide the flaws, hoping that we won't see them washing the blood from their hands as they call us killers. If you ask me it is way passed time to end this but since we can't go back in time to give Ray his-30 years back, can we not at least make changes now so that this type of thing doesn't continue to happen? To ensure that every person is treated as innocent unless proven otherwise. and even then, still treated like a person. Oh, and how bout this heat, huh? Bart Johnson 2-778/8-18 reer cereetrrererrress Jeff Rieber, President Emeritus ‘As Executive Director, sometimes also called the Outmate, I speak to the Board once a week. However | work most closely with the Chairman, speaking to him on a daily basis. For the last 8 years Jeff was the Chairman. He became Chairman after the execution of Darrell B. Grayson, his best friend. It was a difficult time for both of us who were mourning the senseless death of Darrell, but phadp had to continue, we both knew that. my privilege to thank Jeff for his dedicated service for so many years. The organization was fortunate to have him for many reasons. Not only did he care for all the members but he brought intelligence and leadership skills to the table which helped all of us to heal. Being Chairman is not always a bed of roses and much is asked of him. Jeff always rose to the challenge. And now when his new location in the prison made it impossible for him to attend meetings, he once more, like so often, put phadp first and tendered his resignation. We thank him for all his achievements as Chairman and will continue to count on his advice, support and friendship. Thank you Jeff! Against this backdrop Esther Page 6

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