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8 weekend LIFE



JUNE 7, 2015

less. Sometimes you may be led to

believe that there is a fourth attribute
to investment : tax benefit. No; tax
benefit is not the fourth attribute of
investment. Tax benefit, or its
absence, simply changes the return
from an investment.



Step 5: Make sure that the

attributes of the investment
that you choose match your
reason to invest and your
Cross check on the third step. This is
very important. Matching the attributes of your investment with your
reason to invest and your timeframe
is very important. Most of us make a
mistake here and repent later. Do not
be carried away by emotions or
greed. Do not be distracted by the
pep talk that someone gives or by his
or her looks. Sticking to your coldheaded decisions is the best policy.
Investment like physics or chemistry has certain inviolable laws. The
most important of this is the relation

going to be condemned to live with

that investment for a long time; and
divorce can be traumatic.
So make sure that you are emotionally comfortable with the investment.
There is no point on spoiling your
sleep over it, or having to down a few
pegs to stop worrying about it.
Investment is not your whole life; so
do not spend your whole life worrying about it. If that one is not for you,
just forget about it; go for something
you are more comfortable with.

Step 7: Go to an investment
There are investment salesmen and
investment consultants. The salesman
works for the company that sells investment products; the consultant is your
man helping you to find the right
investment. Realise the difference. Go
to an investment consultant. Investment is a serious matter; because you
are investing your hard earned money.
Saving involves sacrifice. Therefore do
not go the paanwalla or the discount

Step 1: Decide why you want

to invest.

How long you want to keep the

money invested will depend upon
your reason to invest. You want to
invest now because you feel you will
need some amount when your son is
seventeen years old, so that he can
take admission in ISB, Hyderabad. Or
you feel you will need some amount
when your daughter decides to get

Find someone you can trust and someone who will not mind having you
bothering him again and again, writes TENSING RODRIGUES.
married. Or simply, you want to create a source of income for your old
You can then count the number of
years (more or less) left for that event.
Investing for a rainy day is a totally
different matter. You cannot count
the number of years left for the rainy
day. But if your reason to invest is to
grow your money, you have got to set
a realistic timeframe for doing that. A
mango tree cannot grow overnight;
not even a banana tree. Choose the
tree, and set a realistic timeframe.

ture. It will also depend on how much

you want to save from your current
income without using it for your current expenditure. Of course, how
much you want to save will depend
upon your reason to invest, and how
strongly you are motivated by it; and
the timeframe that you have set for
yourself. Income and expenditure are
both within your control to a large

Step 3: Decide how much

you want to invest.

Different investments have different

attributes or characteristics. These
can be grouped under three headings
: return, risk and liquidity. Return
means what your investment earns

This will depend on how much you

can spare from your current income
after meeting your current expendi-

Step 4: Choose the investment to suit your reason to

invest and your timeframe.

for you; if Rs. 100 becomes Rs. 105 in

one year, then the return from this
investment is 5 % per annum. Risk
refers to the chance that you lose a
part or whole of the money you
invest, or the chance that you do not
get the return you expect to get; if you
expect Rs. 100 to become Rs. 105 in
one year, then the risk refers to the
possibility that it becomes Rs. 102 or
Rs. 93.
Liquidity is the ease with which you
can get your money back, with or
without the increase; if you need to
invest under the condition that you
cannot get your money back before 3
years, or if you have to lose some
amount by way of penalty for taking
your money out prematurely, then
the liquidity of that investment is



exercises help cancer survivors


urviving cancer and

making it through
cancer treatment are
major achievements. If you
have walked the rough road
of cancer treatment, you are
probably thinking what can
you do to control it? Yes, you
do have more control over
the cancer than you think.
Of course, there are nonmodifiable risk factors like
age and genetic predisposition, but what you can do is
maximize your long-term
Theres abundant evidence
that exercise and eating
right can help prevent people from getting cancer.
Exercise combined with
yoga therapies seems to
protect against various
types of cancers, such as
breast cancer in several
ways. First, it helps control
weight. An American Cancer
Society (ACS) study found
that women whod gained 9
to 14 kilos since age 18 were
40% more likely to develop
breast cancer than those
who hadnt gained more
than 3 kilos. The reason is
that the Oestrogen, which
can stimulate cell overgrowth and breast cancer.

Exercise combined with yoga therapies

seems to protect against various types
of cancers, such as breast cancer in
several ways.
Before menopause, most of
the women oestrogen is
produced by her ovaries;
after menopause, when
ovaries stop producing the
hormone, most of the
oestrogen comes from fat
tissue. The more fat in a
womans body the more
Exercise alters oestrogen
metabolism. Among women
who exercise, the ratio of
good oestrogens to bad
oestrogens improves by
roughly 25%. This in turn
lowers the risk of womans
breast cancer. Exercise com-

bined with yoga practices

not only prevents the risk of
cancer, but it can also keep
cancer from recurring, said
Dr Nirmal Raut, Consultant
Oncologist, Jupiter Hospital
Dr Raut, added, Eating
right, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight and
being vigilant about screening can help you prevent the
recurrence. Clinical trial
shows that exercise is not
just the boon for breast cancer sufferers, but Colorectal
Cancer survivors who exercised lived longer than
those who didnt.



Clearly, what any cancer

survivor or those wanting to
prevent can do is that walking briskly for 1 to 2 hours a
week and indulge in for 150
minutes of moderate intensity exercise on weekly
basis, which breaks down to
30 minutes and 5 days a
week. Exercises should
include, stretching, in order
to maintain mobility, brisk
walking, jogging and swimming. This kind of exercises
burns calories and helps
you lose weight. This can
also build cardiovascular fitness, which lowers the risk
of heart attack, stroke and
diabetes. Among the different types of exercises
involved, recent research
shows that adopting yoga
practices after cancer treatment can help breast cancer
patients cope with their
experience. The transition
from active therapy back to
everyday life can be stressful. Teaching patients mindbody techniques like yoga
as a coping skill makes the
transition less difficult,
explains Dr Raut.
He added, An inactive
lifestyle increases the risk of
breast cancer in women.
Surely, some of the goals for
healthy living should be
around weight control and
exercise. Exercise enhances
an increased level of fitness,
greater muscle strength,
leaner body mass and less
weight gain. It can also
make a cancer survivor fitter, stronger and thinner.
Cancer takes a toll on the
patients state of mind,
resulting in stress, depression and feeling sick or
fatigued from Cancer or its
treatment. One of the great
needs after a diagnosis of
cancer is to talk about what
one is going through and
investing time in healing
therapies like deep breathing and relaxation exercises.
Combining mind and body
practices, clearly have
tremendous potential to
help patients manage the
psychosocial and physical
difficulties associated with
the treatment and life after
cancer, beyond the benefits
of simple stretching,
informs Dr Raut.

WRITE TO: Ketan Tanna, Feature Editor, Free Press Journal, Free Press House, First Floor, 215,
Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 21. Telephone: 022-22874566. E-mail:
features@ Reg. No. MCS/048/2015-17; RNI No. 46955/88.

w w w. f r e e p r e s s j o u r n a l . i n

between return and risk higher the

return, higher the risk. There is no
bargaining, there is no magic. This is
as certain as the mango falling to the
ground. If anyone promises you anything that violates this relationship,
then, that is a reason good enough to
turn a deaf ear to him.

Step 6: Make sure that the

attributes of the investment
that you choose match your
The attributes of the investment that
you choose need to match your temperament. It is not enough to match
the attributes of the investment to your
reason to invest and your timeframe.
Investment is like a marriage. You are

store; go to a specialist.
At the bumper sale you do get
trousers cheap; but you cannot be
sure when they will let you down.
Take your measure, consider your
taste and then buy. Find someone
you can trust and whose knowledge
you trust, someone you can go back
to, someone who will not mind having you bothering him again and
again. But that will involve some cost
time and money: time to make a
good choice, and money to pay her;
when you are sick, you do not go to a
quack, just because he is next door or
because he charges less. But remember, going to a consultant, does not
mean you do not have to do your
home work. Or else you will not
understand what she talks.

Kids Corner

The Scorpion and the Frog


A frog was about to cross a stream when a scorpion came up to him and
asked him if he would carry him on his back.
Do you take me for a fool? said the frog. I know you will sting me.
I promise I shant, said the scorpion.
The frog agreed and the scorpion got onto its back.
Just as they were about to reach the other side, the scorpion
couldnt resist his natural urge to sting.
Thats not fair! You promised you wouldnt sting me!
said the frog, his voice becoming feeble as the poison sank
into his body.
I couldnt help it. Its just force of habit! replied the
scorpion helplessly.

Moral of the Story: Its difficult to change ones nature.



A butler rushed into his

exclaimed, Sir, theres a
ghost in the corridor. What
shall I do with him?
Without looking up from
his work the master said,
Tell him I cant see him.




Pantone, a US-based
company, which influences
colour trends in the fashion
industr y, has declared
Marsala as the Color of the
Year 2015. According to
Pantone, the earthy red-brown
hue goes well with many skin
tones. The colour is inspired
by an Italian wine of the same
name that is produced in the
region surrounding the city of
Marsala in Sicily.

4. Oneness
6. Edgar
____ (3)
8. Daggers

Trend Track

1. Peculiar traits (6)
2. Hero of Great
Expectations (3)
3. Mother deer (3)
5. Find the answer to
7. Beast of burden (3)



One of the
here is
different from
the rest.
Which one?
No. 3 (Rest
are boys).

Step 2: Decide for how long

you want to keep the money


Across: 4. Unison 6. Poe 8. Knives

Down: 1. Quirks 2. Pip 3. Doe
5. Solve 7. Ass

Yes, even before you do anything further, decide why you want to invest.
That you have some spare money is
not a reason good enough to invest.
Surely you need spare money to
invest; but that cannot be a reason to
invest. You can just spend it and
enjoy; or give it away; or do nothing
with it. To invest you need a reason.
Your reason to invest, if you have
one, will fall in one of the three categories. Or you may have more than
one reason to invest; then they may
fall in more than one category. The
three categories are:
one, because you have some money
now, which you feel you are likely to
need to spend later;
two, because you feel you need to
keep something aside for the rainy
three, because you want to make
your money grow, so that you have
more of it in future.

32 / 2015 Amrita Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan; e-mail:

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