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THE LEAD VAK TEST: READ AND IMAGINE Fellow cach instruction in your mind and give youre « madi: imposible 1 =diffieue KP eeay SEE 2 kangaroo (SEE your fone door SEE yous toothbrush SKEa friend’ face SEE a plate of food SEE a TV stow WATCH the TV scene change __ HEAR a tang HEAR aia HEAR a fie alarm HEAR friends voice TIBAR your own voice HEAR bials singing — HEAR the biedsong change tea call of alarm HEEL eciced FEEL yourself sximming FEEL grass under your fret FEEL a cat on yous lap FEEL hor — FEEL your fingers ona piana keyboard FEEL your fingers playing a few noes Wea youve done theese + Auddup your soe fo exch sav: SEE — HEAR FEEL Doct the igh score conespond with wht yo think our pte lee sytem ie Hn did you Fe then une to changing te scene lighdy nue lt ane each second + Think ofsays to enhance thespstens you dori Find wx. , |

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