Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan 1

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Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Erica White
Grand Canyon University: EDU-225
June 23, 2015
John Schmauder

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

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Section One: Mission and Vision Statement

Mission statement is that every child that enters the classroom will respect each other
and try their best in every way that they can. All the children in the classroom will feel
supported, and appreciated with all that they do. It does not matter their level or ability, they will
know they are loved and achieving.
Vision statement is that no matter how much they achieve, whether it be big or small we
will celebrate. When the children need to be reward they will be rewarded. The children that try
their best each and every day no matter what, even if they get every problem wrong they will be
rewarded. When teaching children making the classroom a very fun and exciting place to learn
that is the best way to teach. There will be NO disrespect or bullying in the classroom.

Section Two: Communications Plan

The ability to communicate with groups in the educational community is a good way to
show the children how to communicate with other people around the world or even local people.
The way that technology will be used in a classroom setting would be to should the students how
to do different programs on the computer. Such as, mircosoft word, microsoft excel, and other

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

educational programs and games. When it comes to communicating with parents and students emailing seems to be the best way to go. The assignment can get to the students faster, and talking
with the parents also this is a faster way. The way that internet safety will be addressed in the
classroom would be to should the class real videos of internet safety. An ideal candidate would
also have experience teaching about the internet or related safety issues, and be willing to invest
in teaching this topic. ( Moreno, M. 2013). Also have a police officer talk to the students about
the importance about it, since most children listen to police officers. There will be a wavier that
the students and parents will have to sign before using the internet.

Section Three: Integrating Instructional Technology

Technology has become the norm in the classroom and an essential part of the basic
curriculum. In todays world we have iphones, smartphones, tablets, ect that are used in and
outside the classrooms. The pros about technology in the classroom is that in some cases children
might need to use them to communicate, also the student pay attention more to the technology
rather than if they had a chalkboard or a whiteboard. The cons would be if technology failed
everything would be gone and the students wouldnt know what to do since this is the type of
world they life in. One way that technology is used is when doing math. We use simple and
more advanced graphing calculators; we use computer programs and smart boards to explain
mathematical concepts. ( Fital-Akelbek, S. 2012). The difference is between wired and wireless
in the classroom, is that there really no difference. A wired classroom in an older building that
you have to run lines and cables this is not always safe way to go. With wireless the school have
it now due to the flexibility and that it is easy to use. In todays schools it is mainly all wireless,

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

this makes it easier for the students and teachers access the web. With having wireless in schools
the students are able to move freely about the school and be connected to the school network
and the Internet allows for learning to take place anywhere, anytime. (Walery, D. 2004).

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

The pros and cons that might be in using technology to differentiate instruction is
that since it is the 21st century there are a lot of different chances to the technology world.
Technology is used all the time now more than ever in the classrooms. It makes it easier for the
teachers to teach in the classroom since this is how the children are learning today. The teachers
can use power point and different programs to help teach a lesson. It is believed that when
technology is used appropriately in classroom instruction, it has a very positive impact on
student achievement or success. (Eyyam, R. 2014). The impact on students achievement when
technology is used to differentiate instruction, because with technology use in classrooms in
todays world is believed to have a positive impact on students success and their attitudes
towards lessons. In this study we investigated students attitudes towards technology use in class
and whether the use of technology improved their academic achievement. (Eyyam, R. 2014).

Section Five: Technology to Support Assessment

Technology is an everyday aspect of our lives. The two types of assessment are formative
assessment and summative assessment. With the formative assessment it is used during the
process of the learning a specific concept. The summative assessment is used at the conclusion

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

of teaching a skill. The pros and cons of using technology to assess learning is with the pros the
students will pay attention more, also with using the computer there is no paper involved when
exploring the internet or using programs. New technologies influence ways of interacting with
and presenting oneself to others, and the practices through which work is accomplished
(Orlikowski 2000; Zuboff 1988). (Vaast, E. 2013).
The cons is that the computer system could fail or the internet may not work to teach a
lesson. Rural districts have unique challenges relative to their adoption of technology in
classrooms; budgets and funding play a central role. (Sundeen, T. 2013). Even though
approximately 20% of the children in the United States are educated in rural school districts
(Strange, Johnson, Showalter, & Klein, 2012), diseconomies of scale exist resulting from higher
rural district fixed costs based on lower student enrollment. (Sundeen, T. 2013). Technology can
help students with access learning, with all the different devices that they have created today to
help with teaching. Therefore, the children learn better because they are into the cool devices that
we have today. The importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards
is to have the children know the internet first and reteaching them about it. The publication
describes what students should know about and do with technology in six areas of basic
operations and concepts; social, ethical and human issues; technology productivity tools;
technology communication tools; technology research tools; and technology problem-solving
and decision-making tools. (Dyrli, O.E. 1998). Having the children learn the importance about
the internet is a great thing to have. With the technology taking over today everyone needs to
know the importance of the internet and technology.

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Reflection Conclusion
With technology on the rise today it is a great thing but it is also a bad thing. Since
technology is more in the classrooms the children are learning this way through technology,
since the teachers are using it more offend. Also the teachers use the technology to talk to the
parents and get the students their assignments that they need and missed. Technology is a great
tool to use when teaching children because they pay attention more to what is being taught to
them. After doing this plan, technology is a big part of our lives weather we see it or not and it
has did the world some good things.

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Walery, D. (2004). School Networks: Going Wireless. Media & Methods, 41(1), 26.
Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 4231-42. doi:10.2224/sbp.2014.42.0.S31
Moreno, M. A., Egan, K. G., Bare, K., Young, H. N., & Cox, E. D. (2013). Internet safety
education for youth: stakeholder perspectives. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1-6. doi:10.1186/14712458-13-543
Fital-Akelbek, S., & Akelbek, M. (2012). Smart Use of Technology in Mathematics.
International Journal Of Technology, Knowledge & Society, 8(4), 65-72.
Sundeen, T. H., & Sundeen, D. M. (2013). Instructional Technology for Rural Schools: Access
and Acquisition. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 32(2), 8-14.

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Dyrli, O. E. (1998). ISTE releases student technology standards. Curriculum Administrator,
34(2), 17.
Vaast, E., Davidson, E. J., & Mattson, T. (2013). TALKING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY: THE
37(4), 1069-A2.

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