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VOL 08 ISSUE 02 / APRIL 11, 2014


Yasemin Yilmaz is the artist-inresidence at the Stal Studio where

she links ten Omani students with
ten German students via social

dropped by at the Stal Gallery before the

opening of Yasemin Yilmazs exhibition,
Globalisation, Connections, Time, and
found the artist relaxing on the patio just
outside the Stal Studio where she is engaged
as the current Artist-in-Residence.

Contemplating Time in a Globalised World

The discovery that Time has taken on a new
meaning in our globalised world is a focal point
in the work of this avant-garde installation artist
who was born in Germany, spent her early childhood with her grandmother in Turkey, studied
in the USA, and presently lives in Hanover, Berlin and Barcelona. Yasemin Yilmaz is part of an
emerging generation of savvy young artists who
see the entire world as their natural domain.
Time is something we cannot hold on to, or
stop. It runs through our ngers like sand and
seems to speed up with every year that passes.
Yasemin asks questions like How long is now?
- and makes statements like Each second has
only one life. Because of the rapid pace of life today and the increasing demands that are placed
upon us, Yasemin believes that we need signposts, moments when we are forced to stop and
reect, to catch hold of who we are.
Yasemin asked twelve artists on six continents
to reect on the ordinary passage of time in their
lives for one full day and to document this ex-


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