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RAFT Rubric


Novice (1)

Basic (3)

Advanced (5)

Accuracy (T) is the

synthesized correctly
and supported by
text / research.
Perspective (R/A)
Did the writer adapt
the writing to reflect
the role and
audience chosen /
assigned? Did the
voice sound like the
role chosen?
Focus (F) Did the
write follow his / her
chosen / assigned
format? Did he / she
provide examples
and details?
Mechanics Did the
write proof their
work? Were there

The information
provided is not
supported by the
text / research.

Some information is
correct and is
supported by the
text/ research.

The information is
correct and is
supported by the
text / research.

Writer did not reflect

on the role and
audience chosen and
voice sounded as
students voice

Overall, the writers

voice reflected role
and audience
chosen, but was
inconsistent through

Writers voice was

reflective of role and
audience chosen and
voice was consistent
throughout writing.

Format was not

followed. No
examples or details
were provided.

Either format was

followed, or
examples and details
provided, but not
Three or less
mechanical errors
were found.

Both, format was

consistently followed
and quality examples
and details were

More than 3
mechanical errors
were found.

No mechanical errors
were found.

any punctuation,
spelling, or grammar

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