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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c or d
Read the text carefully to answer questions 1 to 2
My favourite toy is a shiny red car and it is not a remote
control car.
My brother broke the back of the red car but it is still
my favourite toy. I play with it down stairs and when
I push the car it runs fast. And I like it because it is shiny

preparations to flee their homes in case of a catastrophe.

7. The text mainly tells us about..
a. vulnerable village
b. natural phenomenon
c. volcanos alert status
d. mount Merapis activity
8. Which of the following statements is true according
to the text?
a. The activity of mount Merapi was ignored
b. People living in vulnerable villages had lost their
c. Volcanologists had stopped monitoring mount
d.The volcanologists kept monitoring mount
Merapis activity
Text for number 9 to 11

1. Why does the writer like Flash? Because its

a. rainy
c. shiny
b. toy
d. play
2 From the text above we can conclude that Flash
doesnt need to run
a. battery
c. oil
b. gasoline
d. electric
3. Anti : Which one do you prefer, the white or the blue
a. I prefer the blue than white
b. I like the white to blue
c. I prefer the blue to white
d. I would rather the blue to white
4. She _____ read the story with a good pronunciation
a. Can
d. could
b. Cant
e. couldnt
5. Father
: I am very thirsty, ..please?
Son : Sure, Dad, here you are
a. may I have a bit
b. can you take me a glass of water
c. do you want to drink
d. can I have a plate of soto
6. Mrs. Tyas
Mrs. Eni
Mrs. Tyas

: Your washing mashing is new, isnt it?

: Yes, I bought it yesterday at Kalisari
Department Store, what do you think
of it?
: ., I like it

a. It is very cheap
b. It is too big
c. it doesnt work properly
d. it is quite good
Text for number 7 o 8
Solo, Central Java (ANTARA News / 15 March
2005) - Mount Merapi in Central Java has shown a sign
of increased activity in the past few days, forcing the
local authorities to raise its alert status to Awas Merapi
(Beware of Merapi).
The volcanos alert status had been raised since
Wednesday after the Yogyakarta-based volcanology
Board recorded a number of tremors inside the volcano,
said Yulianto, head of the Merapi Observatory Post at
Semiran village, Boyolali district, Central Java, on
Team of volcanologists continued monitoring the
activity of the 2,911 meter high volcano. People living in
vulnerable villages on the volcanos slope were making

Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen

who lived in the Kingdom of Belinyu. They dont have
any child. Until one night, the queen had a dream of a
turtle. It said that the queen would have a baby, and she
had to give a Komala necklace to her baby. The queen
woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her
hand. She told her dream to the king, and he was very
Shortly, the queens dream became reality. She
delivered a beautiful baby girl The king named her
Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a
bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too
One day, Komala heard her parents talking about
the turtle in her mothers dream. She thought that the
turtle was an interesting animal, so she wanted it as her
pet. She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to
look for the animal.
Accompanied with the kings guard, Komala
searched for the turtle. Finally, she found it in a beach.
She shouted to it. Penyu Busuk, wait for me, several
times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it
into the sea. She tried to catch it. She finally drowned
and disappeared. All of the guards could not save her.
Now, people call the beach, Penyusuk.
9. What does the story tell us?
a. A bad attitude girl.
b. The legend of Penyu Busuk.
c. A kingdom in Belinyu
d. The legend of Penyusuk beach.
10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. Komala looked for the turtle.
b. Komala drowned into the sea.
c. The celebration of Komalas birthday.
d. The turtle disappeared.
11. Komala had a bad attitude because . . . .
a. she was a princess
b. she was a beautiful girl
c. her father was the king
d. her parents spoiled her very much
Text for number 12 to 14
How to play Lompat Tali (Rope Jumping)
Rope Jumping is a children's game of physical
perseverance. It requires a piece of rope about 7 feet
long. Any kind of rope of light material can be used to
play this game. A very simple piece of rope can be made
from groups of rubber bands notched together one after
another. How to play rope jumping.
The player holds the two ends of the rope with two
hands on each side of the body, each at the height of the

shoulders. Then, he or she moves the rope around

clockwise and rhythmically. Just when the rope touches
and passes the floor, the player jumps up, either with one
leg or two legs simultaneously.
It requires good timing of the player between the act of
jumping and the movement of the rope. The pace of the
rope movement can be controlled, depending on the skill
and stamina of the player. This movement is repeated
over and over u until the player trips over the rope, or
when he or she gets tired.

d. homework
18. What is the purpose of the text about?
a. to give information about teachers job
b. to amuse the reader about teachers job
c. to retell a story about teachers job
d. to describe a fiction about teachers job.
The following text is for number 19 and 20

12. What is needed to play the rope jumping game?

a. rubber
b. rope
c. floor
d. leg

Please come to a party

To celebrate the seventh birthday Of
Daughter of Mr. John Caracole
Saturday, 14th March 2009
6.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m.
Skylandia Park, Tahoe City, California

13. When is the game over?

a. the player is over the rope
b. the player is tired
c. the player is crying
d. the rope trips over the player
14. . Any kind of rope of light material can be used to
play this game. Which of the following has the
opposite meaning with the underlined word.
a. dark
b. weak
c. heavy
d. fat
Text for number 15 to 18
Teachers teach children to read, write, do math,
and much more. They use games, videos, computers, and
other tools to teach children different subjects. Teachers
show students skills. They also explain information.
Teachers plan their lessons before they teach, which can
take a lot of time.
Teachers try to make their lessons easy to
understand. They teach things in different ways so that
different students can learn in the way that is easiest for
them. Teachers might use a chalkboard, a projector, or a
computer. They make posters or worksheets before class
starts. Teachers plan the schedule for the day. Most
teachers have to teach what the principal tells them.
Teachers also assign homework and class projects.
They often have students work together to do projects.
When students are not doing as well as they should,
teachers help them.
After class, teachers grade papers and projects.
They also create tests. They write students' report cards.
And they meet with parents to try to help their children
do better in school. Teachers sometimes go to workshops
to learn how to teach better. Some teachers also help
with sports or other after-school activities.
15. What is the text about?
a. How teachers plan their lesson plans
b. How teachers use computer
c. What teachers are
d. What teachers jobs are
16. The following thing is not used by teachers when
they teach in the classroom.
a. computer
b. chalkboard
c. projector.
d. camera
17. .When students are not doing as well as they
should, teachers help them. (prg 3 line3)
The underlined word refers to
a. teachers
b. students
c. class projects

R.S.V.P to Ronald or Georgina


19. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the

text ?...
a. the party will be held in a park
b. the birthday party will be held in the evening
c. Eliza Merlyn Caracole was born in 2000
d. the invitees should inform Ronald about their
20. What is the purpose of the text ?..
a. to inform people
b. to ask for confirmation
c. to invite people
d. to remind somebody
Read the following text to answer question number 21


21. We usually find this notice in

a the cafetaria
b the library
c the school garden
d the classroom
The following text is for number 22 and 23
Dear Tiara,
Congratulation on your achievement in
mathematics !
Youre really the best.
Keep up the good work !



From the text, we can conclude that

a. Tiara gets the highest score in mathematics
b. Tiara likes mathematics very much
c. Tiara congratulates Rianti for her best effort
d. Rianti is the cleverest student in mathematics
Why did Rianti send Tiara the greeting card ?....
a. to invite
b. to suggest
c. to ask for
d. to congratulate

Read the text carefully for questions number 24 and 25

Bram . I just got a bad news. As you know Nitas
father is hospitalized. He passed away last night.
Please forward this message to our friends.

24. Who just passed away?

a. Jacks father.
b. Brams friend.
c. Nitas father.
d. Writers father
25. He passed away last night. We can conclude that
Nitas father was.
a. Healthy
b. Fine
c. dead
d. died

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