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Chapter 9 Section 1

 Explain the relationship between energy and


 Compare kinetic and potential energy

 Describe the different forms of energy

 Energy is the ability to do work

 When one object does work on another,

energy is transferred from the 1st object to
the 2nd object

 Work is a transfer of energy

 Both are expressed in joules (J)

 The energy of motion

 All moving objects have kinetic energy; used to do


 Equation: KE = mv²/2

 M=mass in kg; v=velocity in m/s

 Speed has a greater effect on kinetic energy than

mass does
 Math Focus problems p. 241 in text

 Kinetic energy units are expressed in joules


 Do practice problems 1-4

 The energy an object has because of its position

 Work is done to change shape (ex: a stretched


 Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE):

 the amount of energy an object has depends
on its weight & height
GPE = weight x height
N • m = J
 Math focus on p. 242 in text

 GPE is expressed in joules (J)

 Do practice problems #1-3

 Thetotal energy of motion and position of an

 Bothpotential and kinetic energy are kinds

of mechanical energy

 Mechanicalenergy can be all PE, all KE, or

some of each

 Equation: ME = PE + KE
 Thermal Energy: all of the kinetic energy
due to random motion of the particles that
make up an object
 Temperature (hot – high TE, cold – low TE)

 Chemical Energy: the energy of a compound

that changes as its atoms are rearranged
A form of PE because it depends on position and
arrangement of atoms in a compound
 Electricalenergy: the energy of moving
electrons (negatively charged particles of
 Ex:
amplifier wires transfer energy to produce

 Sound Energy: energy caused by an objects

 Ex: guitar strings
 Light Energy: is produced by the vibrations
of electrically charged particles; light
vibrations cause energy to be transmitted
(like sound); don’t need to be carried
through matter

 NuclearEnergy: comes from changes in the

nucleus of an atom; when 2 nuclei come
together or split apart energy is produced
 Ex: fusion (sun); fission (uranium)
 Compare energy and work. What does one
have to do with the other?

 What is the difference between kinetic and

potential energy? Can you describe an object
that has both?

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