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1st snow fall. Today is November 26th.

It snowed all day

today. The snow is beautiful. The snow finally stopped. My
sister and I are excited. My mom doesnt like the snow.
My mom has to shovel the driveway. My sister and I get to
play. I put on my hat and mitten. My mom put on my
scarf. My mom zippers my jacket. My sister put on her hat
and mitten. My mom put on her scarf. My mom zippers
her jacket. My sister and I go outside. We begin to make a
snowman. My mom starts to shovel the snow. My sister
and I make snow angel. My sister and I throw snow ball.
Its started to snow again. We go inside for hot chocolate

- Driveway: a short private road leading to a house

- Mitten: a glove with 2 sections, one for the thumb
and the other for all 4 fingers.
1. Mittens(s nhiu: 2 ci gng tay)
- Shovel: (Ci xng)
1. (n)a tool resembling a spade with a broad blade
and upturned sides, use for moving coal, snow,
2. (v) move ST with a shovel

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