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as2015 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px Cement Plants . Sale High-Quality Cement Plats, Provide, instalation, Debugging Ask Civil Engineers PK Everything Related to Civ Engineering races | nonsesro | a raining | denon | Nsesicalenes pose torr. | oretest | w AT Preparation rresesators | tuorastsors | pate ito | soos | Sota Civil Engineering Proje tes | citensheeig TepUriwstes | one res Water Supply Design Water Supply Design DESIGN OF WATER SUPPLY SCHEME MAIN PURPOSE ‘The purpoee of his projects to design the “Water Oitbution Scheme” fr a socely which includes the Diameter of pipes, Lengthe of Pipes, Pressure in ppes, Turbine Motor, Sorage Tank and Strainer length, EXPLANATION: We are provided wih a map of 2 sacs, In which Pipes are to be lis by using EPANET sofware t's @ modren society containing fats, appartmenss, pots, scoot and parks along with the Weatment and dsposal sts, stuated near the bank of Jehlum canal, Knowing the Importance of te water inthe ie, and is wide use inthe human societies, dng the preparation of this report have collected. the data tram the clas notes provided, design data, and trom the inlemet algo dlscussed some confsng points with my cass fetow in order to get the puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy ant = e605 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px beter idea about the design procecire. ‘This report gives a detaled description about how to establish a water dtibution system for a community | am Thank fo Allah Almighty for sjving me the wisdom and knowledge to complete the water supply scheme assigned by the teacher. [have successfully card out the design of water supply system ofthe residential housing socey, | am confident that my cesgn wil successfully un throughout the design period of the ‘water supply system. [have taken al precautionary measures to make sure that hers no major prablem in my system ana tw smoothly run ‘throughout ts useful fe Cpt is atached wit his report showing all the necessary data requed for deslgning process. lhe pressures are greater than 1ém. The Project designed shows that i's an economical project as al the ciameters of the pipes are 80mm only & few pipes are of 200mm dlameter hich ar toeated near the Overhead reservar, So this economical project of Water Oistibuion Scheme s success completed an al he resus are aiached atthe end of he report, Water \Wiater sa chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen ands vial fr allknown fms of ie. REQUIREMENTS OF DRINKABLE WATER It's almost impossible tof a source of water hat wll meet basic requirements for a public water supply without requting some form of treatment. In general, the requrements fora puble water supply may be considered as follows: 4. Thatit al contain no dsease-producing crganisms 5, Thatit be good.tating, ee rom odors and preferably coo 4, That tbe non-corrosive, 5, That tbe free rom objectionable gases, such as hydrogen sulle, and objectionable staining minerals, such a8 ion ana manganese 5. That tbe plentiful and ow in cost, WATER CONSUMPTION Its the amount of water consumed by a community in one day. Water consumption is expressed as LiteesiCapilaDay ie lped Per Capita Water Consumption Ins that amount of water in Litersiday which a person uses daly on average. Is average value 150-600 Ipes Average Daily Consumption It is the average amount of water used by @ person! Community in one day cided by the amber of people serve, ‘Average Daly consumption (pe) = total water used in ane yearl(985 or 388 x mid year population) ‘Avg. Dally consumpton = Aug. daly Consumption x population. Maximum Daily consumption Its the maximum water consumption during any one day in the year. itis about 150 to 180 % of the avg. daily consumption. Maxim Day consumpon=1.5xAvg Daly Peak Hourly Consumption Its the peak consumption during anyone hour ofthe years excluding the fre demand, The peak hourly consumption can be between 1600 400 percent ofthe average hourly consumption during a peak day. Is around 150% ofthe maximum daly consumption. Peak Hourly demand = 1.§ x Max. Dally Demand = 2.25..Aug. Dally Demand. “The ferent ratios that are widely used by used by Water and Sartation Autronty Lahore are ‘Average Daily Consumption Maximum Dally Consumption 4 15 ‘Average Dally Consumption Peak Houry Consumption puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy ant e605 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px Maximum Dally Consumption: Peak Hour Consumption 1 18 Factors Affecting Water Consumption “The various factors affecting the water consumoton ae given below + climate + Standard of tng + Extent of sewerage + Commercial or industal activity + Metering or cost of water + Quality of water + Avalabilty of private sources + Distution system pressure + Size of ety + Efficiency of the system + Type of supply (eantnuous or intermittent) + Level of service (Stand Post, Yard Connection, Full Pumbing) PIPES AND THEIR TYPES Pipes are mainly diferentated onthe base of ther material of constuction. Diferent type of waler supply pipes are avallable in the markt While selecting a particular type of spe, folowing points must be considered. + Caryn Capacty + Durabitty + Purchasing Cost + Maintenance Cost + Type of water to be conveyed (Cortosive / Normal) Flowing are some major lypes of pipes commanly used in water supply system + Cast ton Pipes + Stool Pipes + Asbostos Coment Pipes + PVC Pipes + Galvanized ron Pips ‘Allthe above descrbed pipes have thelr own mets and dements. A bref Review ofthe plpes fs gven below Cast Iron Pipes =, Cast ton pie when used in water mains ¢selectod on the basis of maximum working pressures an laying conditions. Pipe is available fr working pressures as high as 350 Psi. The pipe is subject to coosion trom water: however the nal rale of cortasion i not as great as Pat of steel. Alera few years of exposure, the corrosion rate Ite diferent tom tat of tee + Average service Ife is about 100 years “No longer manufacture, deteriorates in some sal, reduction n capacity ce to tubercultion + Large Distbuton Systems, And old Systems + Most widely used for ly water supply + Comosion may reduce the capacity by 70%, puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy ant e605 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px “Must be ined ith cement or btumen Ductile Pipes i + Sina to cast ron pipe excep wth increased ety + Ductile on is produced by adding a contd amount of Mg ins melten ron of tow Sulphue ans Phosphorus content. Asbestos Cement Pipe ‘Asbestos cement pipe wat widely intaied in water cstioution system in ety ages, They are availabe generally in 100mm-S00mm diameter. was used for a ong tme as non corosive and economical altemative fo cast ron. When it was found that a fatal Lng @'sease often resulted from breathing airborne asbestos fers, severe restictons wore mandated fr working wih asbestos. Athough asbestos coment Pipe rarely is installed today, thousands of mils oftremain in water systems throughout the county + Average fis about 30years + Immune to action of sali, acs, sl corrosion + Less cost of laying and jonting + Less pumping cost due to less fection + Bl, no longer manufactured + twas used for along time as non corosive and economical alternative to castiron Steel Pipes Steel is used for water mains because of ts high tensile strength, itis paricularly advantageous where the = distribution system may be subjected to impact pressures rom ralroad tacks, highways ,industial machinery fang such orn areas where the danger of earthquake i great. + The primary disadvantage of using steal pipes is high instalation costs, + Average leis about 25-50 years + Contains tess carbon than Cast rn pipos + Frequently used in turk mains + ifcut to make connection, nence seldom used for wale distribution + Much stronger, cheaper and lighter than Cast + Cant witnstand vacuum and hence collapse + More susceptle to coresion, nigh maintenance cost. Reinforced Concrete Pipes Reinforced concrete pipes are not normally used inthe distribution system. However it Is used on tong conduits and aqueduets, because its used primal for ransfeting large quanttes of water + Average fe is about 75 mm + tis goneraly only avalale in sizes of 400mm and above. + Manufacture ator near ste and not subjected to corrosion. Plastic Pipes (PVC) Prete ple parlor wei in aeas where severe comelon problems are posi Pay Char ple a uj te earosen er lds up tom csion byproduct ae advartgea a areas sje to earhquake shocks or whee fe We leading, sing or movement of fe ear i aicipated, puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy ant e605 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px + Lifetime is about 25 years + lnexpensive, easy to install, small pumping cost + Gasoline from soll ean pass it pipe. Not avaliable in larger size “Only aallble up to 350mm camer and mainly used for domestic purposes + Weak to sustain oad and ping Galvanized iron Pipes + Produced by dipping Cas on pipe in maton Zine + Mainly use fo plumbing, + High dab, weld consistency and superior ish + Great reitance o carrion + Responsive to rigorous fabrication + lncroased bene asity with Diameter of Pips: Design Period Its te pumber of years in future for which he proposed facity would meet the demand of the community. Selecton ofan appropriate design esod for a partcua faciy / component of waler supply system is very important and dependent upon following factors + Length or fe of stuctre + Ease of extension + Fist cost + Rate af interest (design periods shorer) + Economy of scale + Lead time eoping in view these points the design patos of ou water supply system's + For reservoir, te design periods 25-50 years (nour design It or 20year) + Fortube wel design period 5-years (easy to insta. + For stubution system design period is 2-year (fc orepace) ‘Adequate design period in water sunply systems provides because + Too frequent extension in water supply system snot possible + Reasonable economics of eae ae acioved WATER DISTRIBUTION DESIGN DATA No of Plats = 281 No of Appartments = 3 No of Fat Design petod = 20 years POPULATION FORECAST Present (2008) Personsiplot 7 ipcvilenginzersp comAvater-suply-desind Design (2028) sit e605 Water Supply Design - Ci Engineers Px Porsons/apartmont 400 600 Personsifat 200 400 LAYOUT OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SCHEME INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING & RESEARCH, POPULATION FORECASTING Present Population Po= 1) 281%7+400*3+200x3 = 3767 Present Population Po= 2) 281#10+600%3+40083 = 5810 ‘Areva Growth Rate = 2.1% (Foe Pakistan, 2008 report) Design Population Pa Pe Pox tt2noo7 Pa s767%(342/1007 = 5598 Per capita water consumption = $44 Iped pucilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy on e605 ‘Average Design flow = 5810 344 Node No Plas No 1 6 2 6 a 6 4 16 5 2 6 5 7 8 5 6 ° 2 0 om " 1 e868 wt “ow 6 2 6 Water Supply Design - Ci Engineers Px = 1998040 Liiéay = 23.13 LivSee NODAL DISTRIBUTION Civilengineerspy aT Sesle: lem= 10m Pop ‘90 80 160 +50 120 30 +90 120 200 10 0 10 120 120 ‘70 INSTITUTEOFENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING BRESEARCH Fi 02 o7 06 07 oe ° ° SERRE CR =)- ee =x NODAL DEMAND © Appartments Total Populaion Avg Demand Avg Demand Peak demand cop Ne Pap (Day) (usec) (US) oe ° 460 ‘5040 064 144 0 ° 240 82560 096 2.18 20 0 ° 440 wsie0 178 39075 m0 0 ° 390 veatgo 155 34875 200 ° 400 137600159, 35778 3 04D zovedo 249 54075 oo ° 430 44720 ose 4a7 0 0 ° 160 5040 054 146 o 0 ° 120 s200 048 108 oe ° 200 ‘8800 08 18 0 0 ° 10 440 0.04 009 oe ° 80 27820 oa ove Cr er 6000 1 225 o 0 ° 120 1200 048 108 oo ° 120 41280 048 108 oe ° 10 8480 088 153 puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy m e605 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px vw 0 mw o oo o ° 10 34400 oe 09 we 4 4 0 0 08 30 400 137600189, 3977s OD ° 450 51600 08 435 2m 2 0 0 a0 154900179, 4.0275 2 2 @ 0 0 ° 20 80 008 018 2 8 6 0 0 08 %0 40 ‘4easo 187 aysr6 Pe ee er er er) ° 200 72240 a4 199 2% 7 70D 151260 175 9075 Minimum Residual Pressure And Roughness Coefficient Munimum residual pressure should be 4m and tne roughness coefcent used = C= 120 DESIGN OF TANK DIAMETER 3.1 Wsee = 69160 Ivhr = 89.16 me Duration for storage = @ te Volume of Water for storage = Qxt= 83.188 = 665.28 m3 and Avea = LxW.....5S0 Volume = AD Usually = atto 101 Le!D = 3m in our ease ‘rea = Volume D = 068,28 = 221.762 Equivalent Diameter = 1.128 x = 16:70 = 17m Discharge TUBEWELL DESIGN Depth of water + draw down of water able sosses in pumping chamber tosses in pipe from tube welltoO.H.R + aference in lovation between TV & OH,R + Height of OH.R ‘So H = 90°+30°r40'shie2ome2om "Now to make units consistent We have to convert al aimensions in meters, But fst we have to fin Head Loss in the pipe. (4tlve2yI2.96) Hore f= 0.0046 and length = 87.3m, velooty is usualy rom SWsec so convert tin meter we got 1.524msec = 4°0,0045°87.9(1.524'2)(2"9.81°8) Now we dont have te value of d. We wil got rom Hore Q= Max low = Aug x 1.5 = 25.1Merlsec = 0.0231mig2c x 1.5 =0.09465m"R0¢ 0.03485me0c = nx 1.524misee From here we get d= 170mm now the ameters avalable inthe marke are inthe following eequence {80 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm, 209 mm, 250mm, 200mm, 400 mn, 600m, 1900 mm 200mm and thus the velocity will also change to v= 1.103misoc Now the Head loss comes out tobe 0.498m ‘So the Total had becomes now 9,114 + 9.114 +3048 + 0.498 + 20+20= v ‘So we ound our came 617m puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy ant e605 Water Supply Design - Civil Engineers Px CivilEngineersplt TUBEWELL PUMP/MOTOR B.H.P DESIGN BHP * BRAKE HORSE POWER sama*Q"H/ 650 * nu (efeleney) (62.4"1.2075°201.245)(550°0.5) Effcincy of a motors about 0% and for dosel motors its 50% BHP=47A7 anp DESIGN OF STRAINER/WALLSCREEN sav 2 = Max tow = 0.03465 \V= 0002 0.05 mse. us take v= O.04misee 0.03465 = 4, Lx0.04mvsee Diameter of stair i usually 10° ‘80, tho Length of Staner comes out tobe 3m puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy ont e605 Water Supply Design - Ci Engineers Px RESULTS FROM EPA.NET Click ere to id the Results in a Sie generated by Epa Net COMMENTS +The Dasign of Water Dietrouton Scheme has been completed successtly and some ofthe valies nave been taken om theterature While ‘otver have been taken fom WASA (Water and Sanitation Author), + The Maximum ctameter pipes have been provided atthe Tank as there wil be more pressure. + The design is economical also asthe diameters of the pipes ae ose which are minimum in the market (80mm), |The condton of Pressure greater then 1dm fe also eatsfed ae all he pressures are greater then ‘Am. +The HazenVliam method o nding head loss hasbeen used ‘8 thoughts on “WATER SUPPLY DESIGN” ‘Awesome work Sit Helped me alot! 2 Chil Engineers PK urwetcome edt & on January 24,2014 91053 sewerage systom design ? puciilenginserspk comivatersuply-desigy sont e605 Water Supply Design - Ci Engineers Px =| on January 24,2014 a 1058 a ville uploaded wth time bro need excel sheet forts calculation 2] ‘Chil Engineers PK on May 14, 2014 a 0042 536 For Members Only pare et fl lent opening please help me members nly ipcvilenginzersp comAvater-suply-desind want

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